Tag: Diets Suck

Dieting, weight loss and all things in between.

Loosing Weight Doesn’t Need to Be a Struggle

Loosing weight doesn’t need to be a struggle, if you keep it simple you can get steady results. How I’ve lost five lbs and a pant size in under 4 weeks, with way less effort then ever before. If you

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New Year, New Habits: How to Set Achievable Goals to Insure Success

women working out

The start of a new year is the perfect time to create new habits and set achievable goals to insure long term success.  I’m a firm believer that to do anything, you need to have a clear, compelling end goal

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41 Is NOT The New 21

41 is not the new 21

5 reason’s why I’d rather be 41 than 21! Today I turned 41. Kinda hard to believe actually. I’m not exactly sure where the time has gone. Sometimes I feel like I woke up one day and my twenties and

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How I lost 20 lbs in 8 Weeks!

How I used the #HBRMethod to loose 20 lbs in 8 weeks! I’ve struggled with my weight all my life. I remember being eleven years old working out in my room to videos of Jane Fonda.  She’d be wearing this

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Choose Beautiful.

I don’t remember ever hearing the words “you’re beautiful” when I was growing up. I remember criticism about my weight, or my chubby cheeks, or my mother telling me to never cut my hair because it was my “saving grace.”

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Sadie Lincoln: Barre3 Courage.

Sadie’s inspiring story and interview below is featured in my book Hustle Believe Receive What does it mean to truly believe? For some it’s a process that happens over time, and is cultivated with effort, for others it seems to

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Marathon Life. Week 11.

Today I had the best run to date.  My personal best… 9 miles, run at a 13.3 pace, 4.5 miles up a hill and 4.5 down. And for the first time I had no stopping, and  no walking.  Just non-stop

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Weight is ONLY a Number. Really.

Ever wanted to take a sledgehammer to your bathroom scale? I know I have! It’s always seemed like the most ridiculous measurement of “fitness” or “beauty” in my opinion.  I’ve never fit the mold when it comes to weight. Not

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