I never thought I’d be an activist. Like Never. Maybe this whole election mess is all my fault.
I’ve never been shy about sharing my opinions on anything, don’t get me wrong, including politics. But I was by no means an activist. And, I’m a little ashamed to admit, I subscribed to some mainstream beliefs that activism was for extreme liberals, trying to change things that were basically “okay.” I didn’t, NOT support activism, I just was a passive bystander, grateful that someone else was out there doing the work. I’d support here, and there. I’d post about election stuff when it got too blatant to stand silently, but I didn’t take it THAT seriously.
I NEVER in a million years thought he would become the President of the United States, and so… I, like many liberals I know, stood by, not taking the whole thing too seriously. We voted. We even encouraged people to vote and posted pics of our “I voted” sticker. We might of told people who we voted for (Hillary obviously). We felt we’d done our part. And to our defense this might have flown in every other election of our life time.
But then we watched, with our jaws on the floor, as the unthinkable happened.