Adventures in Manifesting: My Story

adventures in manifesting

I’m so excited and honored to be part of the international best selling series Adventures in Manifesting! This series has had contributing authors like Bob Doyle who contributed to The Secret movie, it’s a huge honor!

When Sarah Prout asked me to be apart of the series and their new book Love and OnenessI jumped at the opportunity.  But I was totally surprised and delighted to learn this week that my contributing chapter about my story is the final chapter in the book, this is the most ideal placement for a co-authored book.

I just wanted to remind everyone to never give up on your dreams. This opportunity literately came to me, (the very meaning of The Law of Attraction), and is further proof that we really do manifest our future.  Hustle.Believe.Receive. people!!! It works!

The book is now available on Amazon

Thank you for your love and support it means the world to me and the kids.




Sarah Centrella is the author of the book Hustle Believe Receive which teaches you how to apply the #HBRMethod to change your life and live your dream.

Follow on social media: Instagram | Twitter | Snapchat | Pinterest | YouTube |Periscope @sarahcentrella

Reader Law of Attraction Success Story

*This is a reader success story on manifesting your desires written by Mollie Player, I thought it might inspire you!

“When I first started applying the law of attraction to my life in January, one of the first affirmations I said had to do with work. And guess what? It worked. (Read that story here)‘ But I wanted more. Previously I had asked the universe for “steady work,” but now, I was going for an upgrade. This was my revised work-related affirmation, said in late February:
“I make X dollars per week.” Better, huh?

Now, I didn’t sit down and do the math to try to figure out a reasonable financial goal. I just came up with a number that sounded great while still being in the realm of possibility (i.e. faith), and went with it.

And whaddya know: This one worked, too. The same thing happened.

I have reached my weekly earnings goal every week since.

I finally did do the math just the other day, and this is what I came up with: On average, my income more than doubled to meet the new quota and–here’s the funny thing–I came within $50 of that new
goal–the one I set arbitrarily, not based on anything more than instinct.

Lesson? Time to upgrade again.

Blessings & love,
Mollie Player

Mollie is the author of the Law of Attraction blog “Stories and Truth”
mollie player

~Posted by: Sarah Centrella for Thoughts.Stories.Life.
*This is an interactive blog please leave your comments and thoughts, I will respond 🙂

Happy 4th!

Izzy last 4th of July

I’m antsy.

Like the way you get while standing in line waiting for your turn on the roller coaster at Six Flags.  Like you know the ride you’re about to get on is going to be terrifying, but in an awesome way.  You know it’s gonna go fast, and you’ll feel out of control, but you’ve been preparing yourself; you know what to expect. You’ve talked it up in your mind, convinced yourself you got this.  Now it’s just time for the damn line to start moving so you can get on, strap your ass in, and commence the ride of your life.

That’s how I feel.

Like I’m standing in line for the roller coaster of my life.  In the rain.  By myself. But at least the ride is open and it’s accepting riders, I just need to be patient and wait my turn.  I want my turn.  I want the ride to start.  I’m ready. I promise. I’m sick of waiting!

This year, me home alone…depressing! Firewroks anyone?

This is the calm before the storm.  I feel it in my being.  I know it, and trust my instincts, and am doing all I can to be ready.  I know I’m going to look back a year or two from now and dream of quiet days like today when I just lay in the (rare as hell) sun all day and burn my pale skin.  I know I will.  But I don’t care. I want it now!  A fast life has always suited me, and kept me focused and I’m ready. The quiet calm is killing me!

Bring it.

I just know that this time next year I’ll spend the 4th of July like a normal person should, surrounded by friends, fun, water, sun and fireworks.  And not alone on my porch writing my blog, like a total fucking loser.  I have FAITH!!! Let’s get this damn show on the road!

Happy 4th everyone!

View from my chair in the back yard, hard not to be grateful for that!




Sarah Centrella is the author of the book Hustle Believe Receive which teaches you how to apply the #HBRMethod to change your life and live your dream.

Follow on social media: Instagram | Twitter | Snapchat | Pinterest | YouTube |Periscope @sarahcentrella

Paris in December? I Think I MUST!

I have a dream. Well let’s face it I have like a billion dreams, but one that’s my favorite. To go to Italy and Paris.  I’ve had that dream since before I understood the concept of travel or that a passport was required. I’ve always wanted to stand under the Eiffel Tower, and drink espresso while writing in a cafe. Drinking wine and eating cheese in some overpriced French bistro. Exploring the markets, museums, and meeting the locals.

eiffel tower paris
Eiffel Tower… make a wish
This is my dream.
This year I won’t have my kids for the week of Christmas (their father and I alternate every year), so I’m thinking this might be the perfect way to spend a kid-less Christmas… in Paris. 
December in Paris? I think I MUST.  Time to believe in a little magic.
I like this dream


Sarah Centrella is the author of the book Hustle Believe Receive which teaches you how to apply the #HBRMethod to change your life and live your dream.

Follow on social media: Instagram | Twitter | Snapchat | Pinterest | YouTube |Periscope @sarahcentrella

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Top 10 Parenting Tips

parenting advice

So I know they say “those that cant do, teach” and that might be totally true when it comes to me and dating, but not at all when it comes to parenting.  These are the rules I live by, and I like to think my kids are pretty good kids. I believe strongly that our kids are a direct reflection of us, and being complimented on how they behave is the biggest prize I could win as a parent.

Here’s a few lessons I’ve learned about parenting, and some tips that I’ve proven work with my own kids.  So I hope these help anyone with young children because it’s hard as fuck to be a parent and I know I’m always looking for all the help and tips I can find to make it just a little easier. I get that most of this is common sense, but still sometimes it’s good to be reminded…

  1. Kids live up to your expectations of them 100% of the time. So raise the bar. Even infants can understand what your saying when you talk to them and can tell the difference between right and wrong just based on your tone of voice. Expect that your kids should and will obey you, and they will. This is really the #HBRMethod at work. What you expect, becomes your result. 
  2. Kids respond better to praise than to punishment.  If your encouraging the behavior that you want them to exhibit and praise them every time they follow your instructions you will see them doing it more and more often. This works with babies even, but especially toddlers respond to this almost instantly. Make a big deal out of every time they obey and you’ll create a brand new dynamic in your family overnight.
  3. Consistency is KING.  If your not consistent as a parent you can just throw in the towel and plan on following your kids around like a chicken with your head cut off.  You have got to follow through on EVERY threat to discipline. If you don’t your credibility is gone and the discipline is useless. Same goes for positive reinforcement, be consistent.
  4. Tough love WORKS.  If you’ve never tried the tough love method (letting your kid cry it’s self to sleep, put it’s self to sleep, rather then you rocking or sleeping with your kid) to parenting because you thought it was too harsh, get over it! It works. Period. The results are quick and lasting, and trust me it doesn’t mean you don’t love your kid.  Your kid will not hate you (though they may say so at the time) and it doesn’t mean your a bad parent.  It means your a parent who wants the best for their kid even when the kid doesn’t agree. It means YOUR the adult and they are your responsibility and that your insuring they get the sleep, food, discipline they need. The first three days might be total murder if your trying to get your child to go to sleep on it’s own or sleep through the night on it’s own (or get used to discipline ect) but if your consistent, and follow the rules, each night will get progressively better.  And before you know it both of you will be living in a new and peaceful world. Rules: put them to bed with your normal routine (song, story, prayer) tell them they are going to sleep in their room alone now, turn on soothing music, then leave the room leaving the door open a few inches. No matter what happens or how long it takes, stick to the plan. If they get up, put them back without a word. Don’t talk to them at all, just put them back to bed. Let it run the course, eventually they will give in and fall asleep and you will be on your way to an easy to use routine that you can use even when you travel.
  5. Words matter.  All the little things we say to our kids make an impression bigger than we can even imagine. Our words are telling them who them are, what their capable of, and what we think of them.  All those things turn into who they actually become, and is the first reel that plays on loop in their head telling them who they are.  Make sure it’s a good one. Example: telling your child they are naughty, sends the message that they are a bad person and that doing good actions wont change that sentence. Instead tell them the behavior is naughty and unexceptionable and that you know they can do better because they are a good boy/girl. This teaches them that they can control their actions and change negative behavior. Your words can either build confidence and faith in your child or tear them down. So watch closely what you say to them.
  6. Schedules will save your ass! I’m not a terribly disciplined person, I’m often scatter-brained and ADD, so following a schedule seemed like something I just couldn’t execute on. But I quickly learned when my twins were born that it was the only way to keep me from going totally insane. Oddly enough the schedule is not only for your own sanity it’s something your kids crave and NEED. It gives them peace and structure. It makes them feel safe, especially if their environment changes at all. Knowing what is going to happen next makes them feel empowered and allows them to trust you even more. Putting routines in place around meal times, the hour before bedtime (like bath, then a quiet movie or story) then bed lets them know what to expect and helps them enjoy each stage rather then constantly fighting you on everything. It will only take a few days to put in place, but stick to it even when it’s hard and before you know it, you will all be getting along so much better!
  7. Turn the TV OFF! TV noise in the background of your house adds the sense of angst and ciaos.  Do this little experiment if you don’t believe me… on a noisy annoying day when everyone in the house is melting down including you, turn all the TV’s off an put on spa or piano music (I love Jim Brickman), at a mid-volume and just sit back and watch what starts to happen with you and your kids… it’s MAGIC.  Keep the music on at all times in your house accept for times when you are deliberately sitting down to watch TV together.  You’ll notice everyone calms down and remains calm.  Also do this in the car… magic, I’m telling you, it’s saved my life I’m quite sure!
  8. Get on their level.  This is so important, especially when your instructing or reprimanding your child, get down so you are at eye level with them.  Hold their hands or arms and have them look at you when you talk, be calm but deliberate. This helps them feel less defensive because your not barking orders towering above them, your speaking right to them. In the same vain take their hand (especially toddlers) every time they want to show you something, or if you don’t understand what they want or if your showing them something, keep that contact as much as possible with your child.
  9. Talk to them like a person.  I remember when my son Kanen was born I put him in the Baby Bjorn and did all my house hold cores with him, explaining everything I was doing as if he was twenty and I was helping him unpack his first apartment. It may have looked crazy but I’ve always believed in the power of holding full conversations with my kids as if they were my friend, showing them everything and talking about everything. All three of my kids have been able to hold adult-sounding conversations using big words properly at the age of two. I just think it’s so important to not underestimate what our kids are capable of.
  10. Give your kids a task to do.  No matter what your doing involve your kids.  If you’re cooking dinner give them a task, get them cooking in the kitchen with you. If you’re cleaning pick something they can do, show them how, and expect that they can do it (if they are old enough to walk they are old enough to clean something!). Regardless of what it is, if you get them involved they will feel like they are helping, and kids love that. It’s another chance for praise and talking 🙂
  11. BONUS!!!    Use the “Naughty Spot”.  If you haven’t established a good discipline method that works for you, then you should try this. I learned it from the Super Nanny and it’s works awesome with all three of my kids. Like everything else you have to follow the rules exactly and EVERY TIME, but if you do results will be huge and fast.

Rules to using the Naughty Spot.

  • Pick a corner in your house that’s not totally isolated but also not where everyone else is. Use a place-mat or small chair and put it in the corner.
  • Give your kid a warning when they first disobey or do something naughty, when you do get on their level, explain what they did wrong and what you expect from them, calm but firm. Let them know if they do it again they will sit in the knotty spot.
  • If they do it again take them by the hand and tell them they had a warning now it’s time to sit in the naughty spot.
  • Sit them on the chair or mat and walk away.
  • If they get up put them back without a word, calm but forceful.
  • Do that as long as it takes for them to actually sit there for the same number of minutes as their age. Note: this could take 30 minutes of a kid kicking and screaming by the time they actually sit for 3 minutes. But trust me that will only be the first few times you apply this method. After that they will get the point.
  • The key is to stay calm and to NOT talk to them no matter what.
  • When their time is up, get on their level, explain why they were sent to the knotty spot (the specific thing they disobeyed on) then make them say sorry for it and give you a hug.
  • Rinse and repeat, as they say. Same thing every time. Consistency is king baby!

Lastly remember to have fun with your kids!! Laugh, play as often as you can. Time goes so quickly it will be gone before you know it, just try to breathe and enjoy them!

All three of my kids have always loved to help, especially in the kitchen. They’ve known how to put away the dishes since they were about three.



My babies, Izzy Kanen and Mira


Sarah Centrella is the author of the book Hustle Believe Receive which teaches you how to apply the #HBRMethod to change your life and live your dream.

Follow on social media: Instagram | Twitter | Snapchat | Pinterest | YouTube |Periscope @sarahcentrella

Walk Away…

 My ex-husband is getting married next weekend, to the women he had the affair with.  She will be my babies step-mom. It’s been almost four years since the day I found out, and they’ve been together ever since, so I’m not sure why this news fazes me at all, but it does.

Perhaps because I spent the last few months writing our story for my book, not just the bad, but all the good too. The good which I’ve tried for four years to forget existed. But it was there, for years on end, and so was our love. We were together for sixteen years, since we were both sixteen. Half of our lives. We are such different people now that it’s hard to remember who we used to be, but in looking through our old albums and remembering our story, I realized that someplace deep down I never really thought it was gone forever. Don’t get me wrong I have no desire at all to be with him anymore, none!  I consider their affair to be the biggest blessing in disguise of my life, but still I guess I was surprised to find myself, remembering like it was yesterday, the good times.

It’s hard to process that our wedding, in the end meant so little.  We’d both looked forward to it for eight years, we were so happy.  How does love do that? Just change when your not paying attention? How do you find yourself in a different life, than you’d set out to live? How do you wake up alone when you thought you’d had that covered, till forever?

The one thing I’ve noticed with these emotions the past few days, and some other major events that have occurred the past week, is that I don’t seem to be the one that anyone fights for.  I looked back over my relationships since our split, and realized that I’ve been the one fighting when no one was fighting for me.  Maybe that’s because our marriage ended in an instant, and perhaps it made me fight harder for other relationships, even when they didn’t deserve it.

The obvious difficult truth is that I’m the common denominator and that’s a bitter pill to swallow.  But without truth there is no growth.  And the past few years I’ve spent my time diligently, aggressively and with intent; growing.  I’ve looked inward and changed not only my outward life but who I am as a person.  Changes that I believe have made me a better woman, more forgiving, kind and understanding.  I’m proud of who I’m daily becoming, and doing so with intent.  So whatever the reason that I find people leaving my life, I know now that I’m not going to keep fighting for anyone who wouldn’t do the same for me.  It’s wasted energy.  I know now that I’m giving it my best effort and if that is not enough then those are not people well suited to be part of my life.

I will chose instead to put that energy into me, into becoming a woman that I could and do love.  Into my children, teaching them how to become people that others would want and need to have in their life.  I’ll fight for myself, and my kids… maybe it’s cynical, but it’s the reality.  Happiness is fleeting if we allow it to be, joy will pass us by.  I don’t want that. I want what’s good and healthy for me, and if people walk away, no matter who they are, I’m going to let them.  Because in the end, who wants people in your life who don’t really want to be there?

Sometimes reality bites.



Sarah Centrella is the author of the book Hustle Believe Receive which teaches you how to apply the #HBRMethod to change your life and live your dream.

Follow on social media: Instagram | Twitter | Snapchat | Pinterest | YouTube |Periscope @sarahcentrella

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Random Awesomness…

seattle rain
Pitch dark at 3:00 PM smh …

Oh holy hell, I’m about to make the most random post of all time. But let’s face it living in Seattle away from all my friends in a place that is dark all day long and NEVER FUCKING STOPS RAINING, has made me go slightly crazy! It’s seriously messing with me. I’m so damn bored. So I thought I’d share my ridiculousness with you, mainly to entertain myself because my kids are gone for a week and I have no friends… so here goes.

Checked the mail today, which I probably do bi-monthly, unless Izzy remembers, cuz for some reason she’s obsessed with it and thinks cool stuff actually comes in the mail (my children are so deprived) …anyway… Checked the mail and to my surprise two very cool things actually did come in the mail today. Poor Izzy missed them (which made me instantly depressed for her).

Cool thing #1. 

An envelope stuffed with hand written letters from all the kids at Kanen’s old elementary school Barnes in Beaverton Oregon. It’s the sweetest thing I’ve ever seen in my life and the poor kid wasn’t here when it came.  (Maybe I’ll resend it in the mail and have them check it next week…hmmm). I opened it, and immediately start tearing up. It’s so sweet and so sad and makes me miss our friends back home.

soooo sweet….


Cool thing #2.  

The most hilarious birthday card from my uncle which made me laugh/cry at the same time. Which is great to know I still have both emotions so readily available to me whenever I might need them (why the fuck am I NOT an actress? It’s a legitimate question…) But it is kinda randomly awesome that at my birthday dinner on Saturday night my friends were all trying to convince me to pass-out drunk and get a tattoo (I’m not making this up, I actually have friends whom I adore, who believe this is a sound plan for MY birthday night out!). Needless to say it didn’t work. I’m much too stubborn!

If you’re my Facebook friend….then you already know, nuf said!

Oh then something kinda sad and great also happened when I was driving home from work today (prior to checking the mail… sorry I’m all out of my ADD med’s and it’s making me a little …. ADD). My ex-husband called to personally tell me he’s getting married (to the women he had our-marriage-ending affair with) in like a week. Holy fuck. Yeah it was weird. Caught me off guard as I’ve basically never had a conversation with him in the last three years. Was crazy.  There was even a moment where he started telling me about his day just like old times, then caught himself when he realized he hadn’t actually talked to me in three years. Awkward. But when I asked him if he was happy and said “congratulations”, I was even more shocked that it gave me a lump in my throat, when he said “yes”.  Then I thought Where the fuck is the justice in this world????

 So that was unique about today….

And to top it off I decided I needed a cocktail after such an oddly liberating/depressing convo with my ex, so I went to sushi alone and had three beers when I meant to have one.

Beer and sushi, what more is there? After you get news like THAT.

And then I tried to go super-couponing which is challenging after three beers. So I wound up with enough smores fixens to feed a football team, or an entire campsite.

A few potential problems I can see as my buzz starts to wear off:
A. There are no decent football teams in Washington.
B. I would rather die then go camping, even if it did mean I could make a legitimate smore.
C. I only have a candle to roast the marshmallows on… and oh yeah
OMG I’m exhausted. 
I do think the shampoo was a wise investment though.

10 bags of marshmallows and 10 packs of candy-bars… WTF Sarah?

And then I came home and Googled face yoga because I’m too poor for Botox and am sick of looking like this…

Everyone’s all “why did your face look so bitchy?” I’m all “WHAT are you talking about!? That’s my normal face!” UGH.

So I sat on my couch and texted my girlfriend that we should do drunk face yoga together while watching trash reality shows on TV.  Which she was happy to do because she understands that I’m mostly pathetic but also hilarious when I’m doing drunk text cometary on reality shows….

*doing this every day on my three hour commute in mad traffic and poring rain… my face is gonna be fit as fuck! So that about sums up my day… it was mostly average. Welcome to my little hot-mess train wreck. (please don’t judge me). 

If you liked this post you should read: “Who said you should never drunk dial???” That will totally raise your selfesteem!


Sarah Centrella is the author of the book Hustle Believe Receive which teaches you how to apply the #HBRMethod to change your life and live your dream.

Follow on social media: Instagram | Twitter | Snapchat | Pinterest | YouTube |Periscope @sarahcentrella

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37 and Counting…

birthday hat
I so need this Birthday Hat!

I feel pretty blessed and lucky at this moment.  Today I turned 37 years old. It’s a day I’ve been half dreading the past six months, not really sure why other than it puts me ever closer to that uber dreaded number of 40! But when it’s all said and done, I’m just so glad to be starting a new year healthy and in a good place. I’m glad that I still feel young, and look young, and have a young attitude that I never plan on loosing.

Today I received over 500 birthday wishes from every corner of the globe some in languages I don’t understand… but the love that was behind them I do, and I so deeply appreciate.  I’ve never had a birthday to speak of, didn’t celebrate them growing up so as an adult they have never really been cause for celebration.  Most of the time I’m alone or just with my kids.  And most of the time they are depressing as shit and I hate them. I’m chronically disappointed in them every year, even though I expected nothing in the first place.

But this year I have been coming to peace with it, and realizing that it really is a celebration of health and life.  I’ve been through so many hard times the past few years that to be starting a new year with things moving in the right direction, what more could I wish for? So it was a good day, just me and my kids and nothing special.  Accept for the hundreds of heart-felt wishes, poems, letters and messages from around the world from people, most of whom I don’t know, personally taking the time to let me know they thought about me today… that feels pretty fucking amazing.  I wasn’t alone today, it’s like I had a huge international celebration!!

All I can say is I’m so blessed to have you all in my life, thank you 🙂


Cheers to 37!


Sarah Centrella is the author of the book Hustle Believe Receive which teaches you how to apply the #HBRMethod to change your life and live your dream.

Follow on social media: Instagram | Twitter | Snapchat | Pinterest | YouTube |Periscope @sarahcentrella
