This Feels Great, I Can’t Lie.

Nothing quite says summer like this…

In the past couple of days I’ve been on the biggest emotional roller-coaster. It’s been one of the hardest weekends of my life (family… boy they know how to break our hearts don’t they!).  So needless to say I have never both looked forward to and dreaded a vacation as much in my life. The first part of our trip was to reunite with family, renting a house in the mountains for my brothers wedding.  This was bitter-sweet in ways that I can’t really go into… but let’s just say it had great moments mixed in with the known heartbreaking ones.

The second part started yesterday.  It’s been a long time coming for this part. My whole life really when I think about it.  Growing up poor you don’t get opportunities to “vacation” like most people. You don’t go off and stay at a fun hotel, or resort and do fun family activities. I’ve had never really done that kind of thing until my honeymoon.  The past few years I’ve taken Kanen on a trip, but I’ve never been able to take all my kids because it’s too expensive and I’ve always been a struggling single mom.

So today wrapped up our first full day at Sun River Resort, in Bend Oregon. It might not be Maui or Disneyland but those will come.  But it is a beautiful sprawling resort with all those fun things I always wanted to be able to have my kids experience first hand, and today all three of my babies got that chance. We went for bike rides, played all day at the water park, eat dinner under a panoramic view of the mountains and ordered breakfast in bed. All firsts for all my babies… and I gotta tell you it felt pretty fucking great to be able to do this with them, and see how much they appreciated it, and how they just lite up. It was a dream (vision board) come true (can you say manifestation??).

So thank you universe for lookin out for me all these years and for teaching me to be grateful in all things, to believe in magic and to most of all live in gratitude in the moment.

I wish that I could have this moment for life.

Thought I’d share a little of our family photo album… here it is 🙂

When you focus on the EXPERIENCES you want out of life and not on getting a certain amount of money… those experiences find you and money is never an issue… crazy but true!


Sarah Centrella is the author of the book Hustle Believe Receive which teaches you how to apply the #HBRMethod to change your life and live your dream.

Follow on social media: Instagram | Twitter | Snapchat | Pinterest | YouTube |Periscope @sarahcentrella

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Review of: One Third Crazy

sarah centrella's memoir

*The following is a review/comments on my personal memoir One Third Crazy. It’s written by a fellow writer whom I went to high school with 18 years ago but have not kept in contact with since, until a few weeks ago. I feel it’s a good representation of the reaction I’ve gotten from the select group of people I’ve allowed to read it prior to it being sold and published.  
Note: everyone who’s read it has done so in 24 hours or less which just blows my mind!!! So honored and humbled by her words…. 

Dear Sarah,

I finished your book at 2 am this morning (had given it to her that afternoon! AND she read the whole book on her phone!). Once I started I couldn’t put it down. It grabbed me the minute I began reading it. You had my attention and my heart. You not
only have a story but you have a gift to captivate your audience. I had no idea in high school what you
had gone through up to that point in your life. Or what you went through after Heather’s death. Things no child should even have nightmares about much less live through. Heather’s funeral was my first one too and I had definitely never seen an open casket either. I am so sorry for all your pain. Your life experiences as a child are incomprehensible to me. You made it real and I lived it with you as your words flowed off the page into my heart. My heart was ripped out throughout your entire book as I empathized with your heart wrenching experiences.
I am like you, as you mentioned about 9/11. How you took on others heartache as your own. My mind truly can’t comprehend how you are a beautiful, loving, vibrant, compassionate young woman and devoted mom. Especially considering the role model you had in your life. Who you have become and
done through all the turmoil you have experienced is nothing short of a miracle. You have chosen to change your legacy and not be a product of your past but have chosen to mold your future. Wow!!
As I read your story I saw many commonalities we have. Your dedication to your children is beautiful and they are so blessed to have you as their mom.
 Your story is riveting and certainly not for the faint of heart. Your ambition,drive  and love in your heart will sustain you and take you far. I wish for you a perfect prince to genuinely sweep you and your kiddos off your feet and live truly happily ever after. And treat you how you deserve to be treated and taken care of.
Your ex husbands actions, behavior and motives are heart wrenching and tears flooded my cheeks as I
doubled over in pain for you and your little ones. What a fraud! The man for you is out there he has to be. One day…
Thank you for an amazing journey of your life. For sharing and putting yourself out there. Seriously I know you didn’t make this up but it is like a Hollywood script that should be on the big screen.
I look forward to talking with you tomorrow and I can’t thank you enough for letting me read your story and for putting yourself out there. Amazing!
If I saw you I would so give you a hug. So I send you a hug because I am a huger. Anyways. Thank you again for sharing I am honored and glad you let me have a preview.:)
Meriah Mathews is the author of the blog By God’s Grace Daily

Sarah Centrella is the author of the book Hustle Believe Receive which teaches you how to apply the #HBRMethod to change your life and live your dream.

Follow on social media: Instagram | Twitter | Snapchat | Pinterest | YouTube |Periscope @sarahcentrella

Dear Facebook

Dear Facebook,

Thanks for pointing out that the guy I’ve been dating the last six months is now suddenly “in a relationship” with his “ex”. Good lookin out. What would I do without you, to catch the cheaters for me??  Like for real. You’re great at it.

For example:
If you notice a post on your man’s wall in which some girl is calling him “booboo” and he hasn’t had a chance to jump on and delete it, or hide it from his timeline… that’s a good indicator that something might be up.

And when you ask said girl if she accidentally called your man her “booboo” and she replies, “nope think i got it right”…. That’s when you think to yourself; “Hmmmm I’m so glad I have Facebook, because I can’t believe shit anyone says anymore!”

For example:
Him: “Oh that girl? She’s just my “ex”.  She still thinks one day we’ll get back together, but you’re the only girl I’m talking to or want to be with. I promise.”

Next day:
Him, Her “In a relationship” on Facebook.

Again, thanks Facebook for clearin that up for me! Total life savor!




Sarah Centrella is the author of the book Hustle Believe Receive which teaches you how to apply the #HBRMethod to change your life and live your dream.

Follow on social media: Instagram | Twitter | Snapchat | Pinterest | YouTube |Periscope @sarahcentrella

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The Secret: WOW I Manifested That!!

Bob Doyle and Lynn Rose

OK so this blew me away yesterday! A total pinch me momentManifestations are so awesome, because they come when you least expect them and from directions you would have never been able to guess or plan out.  This is EXACTLY why its so important not to ever get hung up on the “how” they will come true, instead just trust that they will when the time is right.

So as you probably know by now I watched the movie The Secret and Oprah’s shows on it when I was pregnant with my twins in 2007.  Bob Doyle is one of the featured experts from the movie The Secret which was so influential in getting the light to begin to go on in my head.  Well a few days ago I saw a contest he posted on his Facebook page asking for people to write in with their stories and the message they’d like to share if given the perfect audience.  It said he’d pick five winners for a one on one strategy session on how to get your message in front of the world, as well as exposure via his radio show. 

I was like holy crap! Pick me! Pick me! And yesterday I got a message from him saying he’d done just that 🙂 Thanks Hustle.Believe.Receive.!

So yesterday I spoke personally with Bob Doyle and his co-host media personality Lynn Rose live on the air as they asked about my story and how they can help me share it with the world.  Yep, the very same person I’d watched in 2007 before I even knew how to dream, or knew what the Law of Attraction was, was now asking me how he could help take my dream to the next level…. goose bumps anyone???? I sure have em!

Dreams come true.

Click here to listen to my live on-air impromptu interview with Bob and Lynn (I come on 36 minutes into archive).

Sarah Centrella is the author of the book Hustle Believe Receive which teaches you how to apply the #HBRMethod to change your life and live your dream.

Follow on social media: Instagram | Twitter | Snapchat | Pinterest | YouTube |Periscope @sarahcentrella


Face Yoga; Exactly Like the Law of Attraction

Car face yoga, gotta love it.

OK so I really love a good analogy or example. I’m kinda simple when it comes down to it, so I appreciate when I’m taught something in a language I can get my head around. Which leads me to the conclusion that the Law of Attraction is exactly like Face Yoga.

Stop laughing. (Well actually keep laughing because it works well for both).

No but seriously, they are really the same thing.. OK maybe not, but face yoga is the perfect example to use when trying to explain how to apply The Secret. 

Case in point: A few months ago I saw this wretched picture of me in my “relaxed face”.  I was at a UCLA basketball game that just happened to be the national ESPN featured game of the week (I had no idea!).   When the game was over my phone and FB blew up with everyone wanting to know why I was either:
A. Constipated.
B. Pissed off, or
C. Would smiling brake my face?

Sarah Centrella on ESPN
My famous “relaxed face” yeah um it had to go!


Sarah Centrella face yoga
Face yoga saves the day!

This all came as a cruel shock to me because I had no idea that’s what my “relaxed face” actually looked like.  I was appalled and devastated and immediately made a spa appointment for a facial. I told the chick rubbing oil on my face what had happened and that my face was suddenly feeling like an anchor was pulling it to the floor.  She explained that this sensation is called aging. I told her to fuckoff and that I’m NOT old.

And then I went home and goggled how to lift this bitch without surgery! Which brings me to face yoga…. I found this amazing technique where you literally train the mussels in your face to turn that frown upside down! I could care less if it looked ridiculous on the YouTube videos, or if I felt stupid doing it.  I fully believed that, at worst it couldn’t hurt my falling face, and at best would do what it promised.. lift it back up.  So every day in my massive commute I could be seen making crazyass faces to myself  in the rear view mirror.  I’d smile like a cracked-out prom queen at truck drivers, in this exaggerated ridiculous smile (see photo of today’s practice). It felt soooooooo idiotic let me assure you!!! I felt probably more stupid doing face yoga then anything I’ve ever done, and I do stupid shit regularly!
face yoga
“cracked out prom queen” action

But everyday my face started feeling better and it felt less sore (yes your face actually gets sore from working out!).  And then I took it a step further and started catching myself whenever I was in a “relaxed face mode” to turn that into a regular smile.  And then you know what?… about six weeks after starting, my son says to me tonight “Mama you always looked mad before, so why are you smiling all the time now?” I had to explain that this was just my new “relaxed face”.  “So you don’t think I am always mad at you”. Which he is smart enough to totally appreciate.

OK this is just getting more humiliating all the time

Then I realized that it’s the exact same process with the Law of Attraction.  You start with what looks like a hopeless situation, something that seems impossible to fix with something as small as “doing the opposite” but you do it anyway.. and little by little you see the change.  Until it stops becoming work, and you realize that your automatically doing it without even trying and that you actually changed your outcome.  I call it fake it till you make it.  This is the most exact example of that. I’ve been faking a hugeass smile for six weeks, and then tonight without even thinking about it, I naturally was wearing one with no thought or work involved.  It just happened.  See how that works? Same concept with the LOA, always.

If you want to test this theory out, and see for yourself what a difference your thoughts make and how you can become conscious and aware and change behavior patterns I challenge you to do face yoga.  It’s easy, you can do it anywhere and anyone can do it.  No excuses (and your face will thank you).  It’s a great physical example of what we are trying to mentally achieve when we play soccer with our thoughts.  Plus you do feel better when your smiling all the time, I mean how can you not?

So the point my long story and moronic pictures are trying to make is that sometimes to change a habit you gotta be willing to look like a total ass. You gotta do it even when everyone around you is probably gonna make fun of you to your face or say your crazy behind your back.  You’ve gotta be willing to just put in the work, every day. Start being aware, and when you are then it’s so much easier to correct your bad habit and soon the new one will take it’s place.  And then you can tell them to kiss your ass, because who’s smiling now???

it’s a work in progress…

Get my drift?

Yep this is what I do everyday!


Sarah Centrella is the author of the book Hustle Believe Receive which teaches you how to apply the #HBRMethod to change your life and live your dream.

Follow on social media: Instagram | Twitter | Snapchat | Pinterest | YouTube |Periscope @sarahcentrella

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Light-Bulb Moment Anyone?

The power of realization.

Light-bulb moment anyone? I have a little test for you.

Have you tried to apply The Secret but it doesn’t seem to work? Or do you believe the whole Law of Attraction thing is a big crock of shit? I feel you… that’s why I’ve been identifying my own definition, called Hustle Believe Receive.

Do this for me:

Take a critical look at your life the past say 3-5 years. Get out a pad of paper and pen and start with a list of all the things that are total shit in your life.  All the things you hate about it; no money, bad job, bad relationships, your weight… whatever it is that’s making you stressed and miserable right now.  Write all those things down.

Then look at your list.  Think about everything on it for a while, pull up all the emotions that come with each of those items and start retracing your steps over the last few years.  What got you to the place you are today? Really ask yourself what was I thinking about a few years ago or maybe my whole life about X?

Example: If your overweight, have you spent years telling yourself how disgusting you are? That you’re worthless, unattractive… etc. All those crappy voices that we have running through our brain, all day, every day.  What was your outcome? Did you magically lose the weight? Or did you quit working out and start eating more, and now you’re heavier then ever? This is the perfect example of how our thoughts predict our futures.

Do that with all the items on your list.  Ask yourself; what is the story/thoughts you have always told yourself with each item? If it’s money, do you always say you’re broke and don’t have enough? Doesn’t matter the item, you get the drift.

When you’re done you will have in your hot little hands a case study on the #HBRMethod.  You will have PROOF that it works!! It’s been working in your life all along, just negatively, and without your awareness.  Believe it or not that’s the GREAT news!!!

Why? Because we are all simple beings when it comes down to it, and it’s easier to start believing in something when you have concrete PROOF it works! So now you do.  Now all you need to do is turn all that power around and get it to start working the way you want it to in your life. And honestly it’s really not that hard.  There are lots of books and theories on this topic, that make it so much more complex then it actually is. In my mind, it’s simple: Your thoughts today predict your future (whether that’s tomorrow or five years from now)

If you just did that exercise and the light went on in your head, to the point that now you REALLY GET THIS, than you are there! If you can believe that it worked in a negative way then it’s easy to believe the opposite is also true.

But how, you ask, do I turn it around?

It’s like playing soccer.  And no I don’t play soccer, haven’t ever even watched a game, other than my sons, so I know nothing about it. But I do know this much, if someone kicks the ball towards me I’m going to kick it back in the direction of MY goal, right? Simple enough.

That’s all I want you to do.  When a negative thought pops into your head about anything on that list, any of those thoughts that are so comfy in your brain they are subconscious at this point, those little bastards… when they pop into your brain I want you to kick them back in the direction of your goal.  Tell yourself the opposite of that negative thought.   

Example: “I’m fat and ugly.” Kick it back: “I’m healthy and beautiful”.  That’s it. That’s all you need to do to get started using Hustle.Believe.Receive. to change your life.  Just do that little exercise with EVERY SINGLE one of those crappy thoughts.  Find the quick opposite mantra, and say it to yourself ten times, then dismiss the topic in your brain and move on. Like kicking the ball. You’re not gonna kick it and then stand there for an hour dwelling on it, kick it and move on.  It’s the dwelling on the negative that becomes our stress.  That’s where all those horrid stressful feelings come from. So if you’re a beginner, just say the positive thought in your head and then move on to the next thought.  Doing that tells your brain, “yep I am beautiful and healthy. Next?”

Your brain at first will try to argue. It will try to be all; well that’s hilarious because you clearly haven’t looked in a mirror.  But you kick it back; “I’m healthy and beautiful. Next?” And your brain still might be all; well you would be if you quit eating crap all day and watching reality TV on the couch.  And you kick it back “I’m healthy and beautiful. Next?” And that’s when you drop something on your foot, so your toe hurts more then your super slow brain.  But it’s really not that hard. I mean if I did it  anyone can!

That’s the first and most basic step needed to be successful using  Hustle.Believe.Receive.  It’s the “holding pattern” you will need to return to every time you get tempted to dwell on what you DON’T want out of life.  It’s your “resting posture” for those of you who do yoga, you know what I mean.

It’s pretty powerful and easy when you think about it. Do it every day, all day, for a month.  Then tell me how you are feeling. It’s like exercising any muscle of your body, it takes conscious effort. But pretty soon you’ll start being aware of your thoughts and it will get easier and easier.  Until one day you wake up and realize that you actually believe for real, the new voices you’ve been laying down in your head.  You look in the mirror and see a beautiful person looking back.  You walk down the street like beautiful people walk down streets, because you really do feel beautiful.   And that’s when magic starts to happen, or in most cases already has started happening.

So don’t beat yourself up if your not manifesting a car! It’s not about that. I manifested a new mind before I manifested a single object. I manifested peace, and happiness, and a total release of stress which was eating me alive before.  I manifested confidence and self-esteem by doing what I just described.  And let me tell you all of that is worth more than any amount of money.  All of that is what changed my life.

*(But just in case your wondering if this works to manifest your dream life too…. read My Story and you’ll see dozens of actual examples of tangible manifestations too.)

This little concept has the power to change your
outlook on everything in your life. Then the other Steps to Success will start to
fall into place, as you start believing and seeing results.  You don’t need to go out and change
your life tomorrow
, for your life to change.  So relieve yourself of that pressure and the self-loathing that comes with failing at that never ending goal.  Let it go.  Just start playing soccer with your thoughts… the
rest will come naturally.

Light-bulb anyone??

Click here to read the follow-up post.

*If you’d like to learn how to change your life using the #HBRMethod sign up now for my #HBRBootcamp!



Sarah Centrella is the author of the book Hustle Believe Receive which teaches you how to apply the #HBRMethod to change your life and live your dream.

Follow on social media: Instagram | Twitter | Snapchat | Pinterest | YouTube |Periscope @sarahcentrella

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Losing Oxygen

In the beginning when it looks easy, everyone shows up

Oprah called it “Losing oxygen”.  When the people you’ve known and loved throughout your life, be it family or friends just can’t make the climb with you to the top… it’s like losing oxygen.

That struck me like an avalanche off the mountain I’ve been climbing.  Because it’s so true. There’s a time in your life when your young and you want to be surrounded with tons of people, so your never alone.  You rely on them and your family to carry you, or to keep you from the reality of dealing with yourself.  But then as we grow and evolve into the people we are truly making a conscious effort to become, that’s when the ones who matter make that climb with us and the others fall away.  Each time it’s hard to lose people we’ve loved and trusted but it really is just part of the journey. It’s part of the growth we have to make to get were we want to go.

I know that’s been so true in my life.  It’s been something I’ve beaten myself up about constantly the past few years because when it happens it’s so hard not to want to fix it.  To make it work, to chase after those people and be all, but it’s me! It’s still just me! Come back. When the reality is that if someone is disloyal to you once, they will be again.  If they are when the chips are small they will be even more so when the chips are bigger.  So it’s best to let them go and look around at the ones still standing because it’s those guys who are your ride or die crew. Those are the ones who love you, and are loyal and supportive no matter what. In good times and through all the shit.  And quantity is not whats important in life, its the quality of those who stand by you that matters.

climb higher
Losing Oxygen…

This weekend I spent time with my three great girlfriends in my home town of Portland OR.  I’ve missed having them physically close by and loved just getting the chance to catch-up and realize that I’ve picked an amazing group of people to surround the kids and me, and to be part of our family, and what a blessing that is.

Life is so short. If the people who are in your life are poising it and you, then let them fall off.  Chose instead the ones who, like my girlfriends did for me this weekend, recharge you.  Refresh your spirit and make you grateful.

Who recharges you?
Have you also experienced this as you grow and evolve towards your goals?



Sarah Centrella is the author of the book Hustle Believe Receive which teaches you how to apply the #HBRMethod to change your life and live your dream.

Follow on social media: Instagram | Twitter | Snapchat | Pinterest | YouTube |Periscope @sarahcentrella

Best Advice Anyone Ever Gave Me..

Here is some of the best advice I’ve ever received.  Things that have always stuck with me and have helped shape my view of life and who I am.

Oprah's advice
Define your goals, visualize them and display them proudly.

When I took my first real job out of college, my aunt (who’s a very successful business women) told me that the first thing I needed to do in my new job was map out my goals.  Get to know them intimately.  The long term (buy a house)/short term (pay my bills) /fun ones (buy a Louis Vuitton bag).  Then once I’d defined them, put the pictures of those goals on my office walls.  Back then no one was calling that a Vision Board, but that’s exactly what it was.  And it worked even then, I did all three of those things my first year on the job. That has remained with me and every job since I’ve had a vision board on my office wall.

Don’t be afraid to ask for what you want. 
~Noni~ (My beloved grandmother)

I had always hated doing this. It always seemed A. Selfish and B. Humiliating (I’m not sure why).  But if I ever hinted that I wanted something to her, she would always say “come right out and say it. What do you want? Don’t be afraid to ask for what you want!”

This has helped me succeed in business 100 fold.  If you dont ask for what you want you will never get it.  Ask with confidence.  It works in relationships too (but you gotta ask a little nicer).


If you’d be embarrassed of something you did being on the cover of the newspaper, don’t do it. 
 ~My Mother~

This may of been the best lesson my mother has ever taught me.  And one that at the time I was pissed as hell to learn.

I’d heard through the grapevine that she’d mentioned to my future in-laws (at the time) some rather unflattering things I’d done (in retrospect no big deal, but when your 21 and engaged, everything is a big deal!).
I was so mad at her for relaying this information, and she said “don’t blame me for something YOU did. I just relayed the information, your the one who did it.  Never do anything you’d be embarrassed or mad that someone said about you, when it’s true.  If you did it, own it good or bad.”  I’ve never forgot that lesson.

We all have things we don’t want the world to know, but if they do, it’s our responsibility to own them.  But the bigger lesson that has always stayed with me is… before you do something stupid, think: “would I be OK if this was front page news in my home town (or Facebook!)”.  Enough said.

Sooooo life changing!
Surround your self with smarter, more successful people than you. 
 ~Oprah. Aunt Anna. My former CEO, pretty much all the successful people I know…

This is honest to god the key to success people.  I swear to you.  Rid your life of the people who are “haters” or who bring you down, and instead always look for the ones a few “rings” above you, the ones who will push you and keep you on your toes just by being around them.  You will learn so much from them, and success brings more success so it will put you in an entirely different place personally, socially and in business.


Use your head, but follow your heart. 
~Client Paul~

This came at a time when I needed to hear that BOTH are important in the same decision making process and enabled me to make the right one.


Just go for it! What are you afraid of? 
~Client/friend Bill~

This statement of encouragement, slash question is responsible for making the blog and my story public 18 months ago.  Without that push and question I would have hid behind the armor of obscurity where it’s was open to no one reading it… That was the push I needed to fall off my most terrifying cliff, which has changed my life.  I plan on living the rest of my life with this motto.


 Take responsibility for your life. Own your choices.
What a shocking revelation the first time this statement REALLLLLLY sinks in. The moment you realize that EVERYTHING good or bad is a result of a choice YOU made and need to be held accountable for.  But how liberating in the end. It is the sentence that freed me.
Change your thoughts.  That will change your world.
Read any post on my blog to know how impactful this statement has become in my life. 
You can do this.  It’s just another “thing”.
~Miss Sarah (one of my besties)~
So very true. No mater WHAT your facing in life, it’s just another THING you need to get through. And you really can do it.  This kept me from going to a very dark place at a very low point… and I call it up all the time remembering if I made it through that, I can make it through anything.


Sarah Centrella is the author of the book Hustle Believe Receive which teaches you how to apply the #HBRMethod to change your life and live your dream.

Follow on social media: Instagram | Twitter | Snapchat | Pinterest | YouTube |Periscope @sarahcentrella
