
sadness and rain
It NEVER stops raining…

I’m feeling uninspired lately.  I know me uninspired? It happens.

I think it’s primarily living in Seattle that is really getting to me in a way I can no longer shake.  I can finally admit it, I’m not happy here at all. It’s like living at the bottom of hell. I’m sorry to all of you Washington and Seattle people, not trying to bag on your home, but it’s just NOT for me. I can’t take it. The black days, the endless rain, the miserable traffic, the unfriendliness of the people.  I’ve lived here a year and haven’t met a single person. And that’s not like me.

I’m all for doing whatever it is I need to do to succeed and provide for my family, and the reason I came here was, and still is a great one. For a great job, but it’s been such a personally draining, depressing, and generally difficult year trying to adjust up here.  And I’ve officially decided I can’t take it anymore! My heart wants to move to Washington DC so bad, I’d do it in a minute if I could make it happen, and hopefully someday I can. But if nothing else I need to move back home to Portland where at least the sun occasionally shines, the sky isn’t a black blanket on top of you, and my friends can be part of our lives again. I need it. I’m slowly losing my motivation and there are days when it feels like all my goals and dreams will never come true. Or that I’ve missed the boat on them.

rain I get discouraged.  I work so hard and make so much progress and then… nothing. Or… closed door after closed door.  I’ve spent the last year writing my memoir, only to be told by 22 publishers and countless agents that I’m not a writer. That the story would be good if someone who knew how to write took on that task. Some days it just feels like you take one road and it dead ends, then the next hits a brick wall, until your surrounded by walls… that’s were I feel I am now.

Frustrated. Discouraged. Lonely and annoyed.  All things that should NEVER describe me. I need to make a change.

I’m not going to quit, obviously. I don’t quit. I’ll keep on keeping on.  I’ll keep on believing and keep on hustling to make my life exactly what I want it to be, not just financially but where I live, and who I love.

I want it all. Yesterday.

But today I want to sit home in the black rain and cook comfort food with my babies, and stay in my PJ’s, and dream of a day where I will wake up to sun, and blue sky, and my book will be published and I’ll be out of this funk. Here’s to that.


Sarah Centrella is the author of the book Hustle Believe Receive which teaches you how to apply the #HBRMethod to change your life and live your dream.

Follow on social media: Instagram | Twitter | Snapchat | Pinterest | YouTube |Periscope @sarahcentrella

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Jim Brickman: Soundtrack to My Life.

Jim Brickman image
Jim Brickman

Tonight I took the kids to their first concert ever.  No it wasn’t Taylor Swift (though they would have loved that) and no, it wasn’t Justin Beiber.  It was legendary contemporary romantic piano artist Jim BrickmanWhat? You say.  You took your five year old kids to watch someone play piano for two plus hours at 8:00 PM on a school night?

Why, yes I did.

Can I just say, I’ve wanted to see Jim Brickman perform live for the past fifteen years, way back when I first heard his magical style of hypnotic piano music.  The piano has always had some type of magical spell on me.  I remember once in high school listening in the hallway for hours, to the one kid at my boarding school who
knew how to play it in a way that entranced me.  I’d hide in the hall sitting with my arms around my knees, close my eyes, put my head back against the wall, and let my mind go.  Maybe that’s why, when I discovered Jim Brickman in my early twenties I was instantly in love. He became the soundtrack to my life.

Back then, I was young and in love, and trying oh so hard to be grown up and mature.  So I’d put on one of his albums, poor a glass of wine, light some candles and try to convince my then boyfriend (later husband) how cool and romantic it was.  Then when I was planning my wedding in 2000 I knew there was one song that would need to be played during our ceremony “The Love of My Life“, and during our slide show prior to me walking down the isle we played “Valentine” also by Jim.

And then a few years later in 2003 when my bag was packed to head to the hospital to have Kanen, I made my husband run back in the house for my Jim Brickman cd’s and they played all throughout my labor.  When Kanen was born it was the CD that played in his room at nap and bedtime, and the one I’d play in the car to instantly stop his crying.

Needless to say the same has been true for my girls, and every night of their life they have gone to sleep listening to one of his CD’s.  And then a few months ago we passed the tradition along to my girlfriend and her kids, and I watched how instantly it calmed them the same way it always had my own.

Tonight I got a little teary eyed when my wedding songs played, and again when the lullabies played and I thought… wow this really has been the music that has quietly been there through it all. Through love, happiness, endless joy, heartbreak, rebuilding, and especially parenting.

So I just want to take a moment and say thank you, Jim.  Thanks for so graciously meeting the kids and I after the concert even though we didn’t have passes, and thank you for always being there to calm my nerves and make me feel like no matter what I face… I am never alone.

PS.  I just want to say that moment’s like tonight are amazing for multiple reasons, not the least of which was the simple fact that for the first time I was able to afford to take all four of us to an event like this.  As you know being a single mom and struggling the past few years to get back on my feet, these types of things have been almost impossible for me to do with all of us… so that felt great.  But what felt even better was the fact that my kids were basically the only ones there tonight (think we saw two others about Kanen’s age) and they were amazing! They sat quaintly spellbound (yes my five year olds!) so polite, and adorable and everyone kept coming up to us all night saying how great they were doing and how great it was that I’d brought them and that they could appreciate it. That made me really happy, I want to be the kind of mom who exposes my kids to everything across all sectors of life and it was great to see them love something that I love so much.  Yay to parenting, respectful, gracious well mannered kids, nothing is a bigger accomplishment in life then that!

Yay first concert! There’s Jim Brickman


Cheers! Shirley temples and Chardonnay before the show
Sarah Centrella's kids at Jim Brickman concert
show time!
Intermission mama time
Sarah Centrella's twin daughter Mira
Fav pic of the night, Mira cuddled up asleep as soon as she heard her “night night song” aweee
Jim Brickman concert
Such fun, thanks again Jim for the pic and for hearing our story… so gracious.


Sarah Centrella is the author of the book Hustle Believe Receive which teaches you how to apply the #HBRMethod to change your life and live your dream.

Follow on social media: Instagram | Twitter | Snapchat | Pinterest | YouTube |Periscope @sarahcentrella

Roller-Coaster of Love.

Coming back form our monthly visit in DC this weekend

It feels good to be off the roller-coaster.  A broken heart can really knock the wind out of you. Can sweep you under the rug and knock you sideways. It makes you sick to your stomach on a daily basis. Makes you think your seriously losing your mind.  It seems like I felt that way ever since the day I met him over a year ago… amazing and tragically sad the entire time.  And in the end, emotionally depleting and crushing.

After months of working through it, I vowed that if I ever felt “better” I’d promise to only love myself for the foreseeable future. No more roller- coaster.  No more waiting for a call or a text or a promise that will never be fulfilled. No more love.

I didn’t think I’d ever actually “feel better”.  But recently I realized that I finally do. I can finally go a day or even two without thinking about him.  Or missing him, that’s huge.  And that’s the healing I’ve been waiting for.

It’s funny how when some things end others step up to fill that void, but in a different way, and that’s what I’ve discovered has slowly been happening all along.

A year ago I made a post on my vision board that I wanted to build stronger friendships with my girlfriends, work on those relationships for a change. And then from no where, came just that friendship.  When I wasn’t expecting it, and from the most unlikely direction, and it has changed me in so many amazing ways.  It seems like the past four years I’d lost everyone close to me, brothers, sisters, parents, family, old friends, new friends…. so many people who just couldn’t or didn’t want to make this journey with me.  I’d gotten more closed off with each exit, and less and less attached to anyone but my kids as the yeas past.  And then she came into my life and cracked me up, and reminded me I can still laugh like crazy, and be stupid, and be myself, both the good and the bad… and she reminded me what it feels like to have a sister, and a family.  I feel so blessed and grateful that I could let go of something so painful on one hand, and open myself up to something even more amazing on the other.

And it feels fucking great to be off the emotional roller-coaster of love let me tell you! No plans to hop back on any time soon!!!

So here’s to true friends who support you, stand by you, and love you through the good and bad. Here’s to choosing your family.

P.S. For those of you reading my post to learn more about how the Law of Attraction works, and what a manifestation looks like, the above is a perfect example.  But here’s one more: I’ve loved and wanted to move to Washington DC for years, but it’s obviously a difficult thing to do with three small kids.  So what would be the next best thing if your the universe granting wishes??? Put me there once a month to enjoy it and the bestie, but still get to come home to my family. 


Sarah Centrella is the author of the book Hustle Believe Receive which teaches you how to apply the #HBRMethod to change your life and live your dream.

Follow on social media: Instagram | Twitter | Snapchat | Pinterest | YouTube |Periscope @sarahcentrella

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The Easy Guide to Being Grateful

thankful quote

Someone asked me recently how you can find hope when you’re at the bottom. How do you start the process of changing your life when you are as low as you’ve ever been? What’s the one thing you can do to start making that change?  I believe it’s without question gratitude. Being thankful for the smallest things in your life. Even if it’s just food and water… start there. Start with being grateful for three things in your life. The changes will follow.   

Here’s a quick guide on how to start.
  1. Make a list of every single thing you can
    possibly think of, that you are thankful for in this moment, on this day.  List even the things you take for granted, like having a place to call home, heat and electricity, food to eat etc.  List it all.
  2. Chose five items on your list you are the most grateful for, and repeat them over and over to yourself. Really think about each one.
  3. Visualize your life without each one of those things on your list.  One at a
    time. Picture your life without it.  Then go back to your “grateful thoughts” about them.   How did that make you feel? Do you legitimately feel grateful for them now
  4. Post your list where you can see it every day.  Maybe on your bathroom mirror so you can read over it while getting ready in the morning.
  5. Come up with some mantras around your gratitude list that you can draw on anytime
    your mind wants to go into “bitch mode”.  For example one of mine is: “I am beautiful, I am healthy, I have more than enough to provide for my family.”
    That mantra for me combats the topics I’d normally want to “bitch about” aka “I feel ugly” etc… gratitude mantras help keep you focused. Say them ten times over and over in your head whenever your thoughts start making a run for the quicksand. A good mantra will stop them in their tracks every time!

           The purpose of gratitude is to make us aware and present in our lives.  To teach us not to take anything
for granted.  It’s so easy to get caught up in our daily life, and forget all the good things that are part of our
environment.  Gratitude lets you reconnect with all of that, keeps you present in the moment and focused on your
goal. It is the first an most essential step in changing your life.  

gratitude quote


Sarah Centrella is the author of the book Hustle Believe Receive which teaches you how to apply the #HBRMethod to change your life and live your dream.

Follow on social media: Instagram | Twitter | Snapchat | Pinterest | YouTube |Periscope @sarahcentrella

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Hurricane Sandy.. Go Support the Red Cross

American Red Cross
Support your local Red Cross

I don’t normally post this type of thing, but I’m sitting here watching the coverage of Hurricane Sandy in the north east of the US, and praying for my friends and family. I have so many close friends all the way up and down the east coast, in Virginia, Washington DC, NYC, NJ, Philly, and North Carolina.  I’m grateful that everyone I know has been in contact with me tonight, and is safe, thank God.

I just wanted to remind you all to take action and go donate blood, and/or financial help to the American Red Cross.  I know they came to my rescue when our house flooded, and I would never of been able to make it through that experience without their help. I’ll be donating blood tomorrow, and I encourage you to do the same…. go help out anyway you can.

Donate directly to the Red Cross on their website click here

Pass it on. Sending love and blessings to all of you guys affected by this storm.



Sarah Centrella is the author of the book Hustle Believe Receive which teaches you how to apply the #HBRMethod to change your life and live your dream.

Follow on social media: Instagram | Twitter | Snapchat | Pinterest | YouTube |Periscope @sarahcentrella

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What Do You Believe?

What do you believe?

I believe that anything is possible, for ANYONE.
I believe in magic.
In the power of the human spirit, and in the strength that we have to rise above adversity.
I believe we have the power to change our destiny, our lives and the lives of people around us.
I believe that we attract the good and the bad into our lives, and that taking responsibility for that has the power to change our future outcomes.
I believe in dreaming big, BEYOND big.
I believe in working hard for what you want and letting nothing stand in your way.
I believe in hope.
I believe it’s never too late to create the life you want, I’m living proof.

These are not just words, these are the practices that I put in place every single day.  I believe that anything is possible because I’ve proven it to myself and to the world. I’ve lived it.   This is the basis for how I live my life, and everything I do. It is my religion.  I teach it to my kids and anyone I meet.  It is my faith.

This is what I believe.



Sarah Centrella is the author of the book Hustle Believe Receive which teaches you how to apply the #HBRMethod to change your life and live your dream.

Follow on social media: Instagram | Twitter | Snapchat | Pinterest | YouTube |Periscope @sarahcentrella

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Why be Realistic?

“Being realistic is the most commonly traveled road to mediocrity. Why would you be realistic?”  
Will Smith
Will Smith ImagesI watched some of Will Smith’s videos on the Hustle.Believe.Receive. tonight and so many of the things he said moved me.  Inspired me.  But this quote in particular stands out in my mind. This is the single most important component to creating the life you want in my book.  The ability to be unrealistic.
It’s hard.  It goes against our nature. It feels like walking naked up on stage in front of an audience laughing their asses off, judging and pointing. It’s not comfortable to be “unrealistic”.  To have dreams bigger than “normal peoples”.  It makes you feel awkward when you say them out loud.  When you put them on your vision board, or write them down as goals.
It makes you feel…. arrogant. 

Like you believe you deserve something the rest of the people milling about, think your not entitled to.  Think they, AND you have no right to desire, or work for, or ask for,  or… deserve.  You feel like you’re the only one stepping up to the mic and asking for what they want, while the world laughs; “look at that asshole, where did they get the nerve!? Who do they think they are?”

Sometimes it feels like that.
I’m willing to bet that if that’s how you felt when you put your dreams, desires and goals out into the universe, and then spoke them out loud for the first time, and then (gasp) made them known to your circle… if you felt like that? I’m willing to bet, you’re one of the few who are going to get what you asked for.  You’re one of the ones who are going to be manifesting your life, by design and not default, while everyone else is still stagnant, and not laughing quite as loud anymore.
will smith quote
No one ever said it’s easy.  No one ever said you wont lose people who you thought were your friends in the process of cleaning up your life. In fact, I can about promise you it will both be difficult at times, and you will also lose people in your life who just don’t get it.  Who don’t support your path.  And I learn with each one that falls off this journey with me, that the few who have stayed, are worth so much more than the many who have fallen away.
So who cares what the masses are doing? Who cares what they think of your dreams and your vision for your life.  Who’s life are you living? Theirs or yours?
Own your life.
Charge forward in the direction of those dreams every single day, regardless of who tells you it’s not possible.  Or that it’s unrealistic.  Remind them that “being realistic is the most commonly traveled road to mediocrity” and that you didn’t set out to live a mediocre life. You set out to own your life. To claim what is waiting for you. What is rightfully yours. Go get it.
BTW… think I need to meet Will Smith… just sayin’!


Sarah Centrella is the author of the book Hustle Believe Receive which teaches you how to apply the #HBRMethod to change your life and live your dream.

Follow on social media: Instagram | Twitter | Snapchat | Pinterest | YouTube |Periscope @sarahcentrella

The Books Are Here!!!

sarah centrella Adventures in Manifesting

So excited today to come home and see the UPS box of my Adventures in Manifesting books, sitting at my doorstep.  I’m so honored to be part of this book series.  It’s such proof to me that the Law of Attraction is always working in my life.  My story is the last chapter of the book, and it’s just so fun and exciting to see it in print.  To see this dream realized.

I figured the best way to convey that excitement would be for me to shut-up and let the pictures talk for themselves.  This moment is one that has been on my vision board for almost three years, long before I had ever started writing a book or thinking about being published. But even back then there’s a picture on my board of a women doing a book signing… so the kids and I had a little book signing party for all the books that were pre-sold on this site.

If you ordered a book from my blog you will be getting one signed by all of us and it’s possible it might be a little smudgy… sorry, five-year-olds can be a little messy sometimes.  But this is their story as much as mine and they have waited for this moment with as much enthusiasm as I have, so I really wanted it to be a family event. They are all signed with lots of love 🙂

If you ordered one I will be shipping them on Friday.  If you haven’t it’s not too late I have a few copies left to sell.  Just click the buy now button at the top right side of this blog to be directed to PayPal for your order.  

And thanks for supporting, and sharing my story 🙂


Sarah Centrella is the author of the book Hustle Believe Receive which teaches you how to apply the #HBRMethod to change your life and live your dream.

Follow on social media: Instagram | Twitter | Snapchat | Pinterest | YouTube |Periscope @sarahcentrella


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