Sarah Centrella in The New York Times.

Sarah Centrella in the New York Times
We are in the New York Times! Crazy!

I woke up this morning to an email saying that our story was featured in today’s New York Times!! I can’t even tell you know much of a life long dream or even bigger than a dream it was to see our story in the top paper in the country.  Of course I had to run to Starbucks and buy the stack to frame up for the kids, it was a pretty fun moment for all of us, it’s still hard to believe that we were one of three stories chosen out of thousands submitted to take part in this national focus for the American Red Cross. It’s such an honor.

Without question today was a pinch me moment.  One of those when you stop and say, wow I can’t believe it! It’s really happening. This little experiment that I put out into the world a little over two years ago, to prove that anyone can change their life, it’s really working. It’s happening. Anyone truly can make  somethin’ outa nothin’ the same way I’ve been working my butt off to do.

This blog has been my journey, my road map to my goals, dreams, and my strategy that anyone can adopt.  I’m living proof that the Law of Attraction works. This is such an amazingly huge manifestation, and one that at first came in the form of tragedy, or disaster. But even that was all part of the greater plan, though I couldn’t see it at the time; I kept the faith.  And now eighteen months later, here we are.  Amazing.

In all things find gratitude.

And when life gives you lemons, make Lemon Drops!

Sarah Centrella's twins in the NYT
Photo of Mira and Izzy in the NY Times
Lemon Drop image
Here’s to turning life’s lemons into Lemon Drops!


Sarah Centrella is the author of the book Hustle Believe Receive which teaches you how to apply the #HBRMethod to change your life and live your dream.

Follow on social media: Instagram | Twitter | Snapchat | Pinterest | YouTube |Periscope @sarahcentrella

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Sarah Centrella in Red Cross PSA

American Red Cross
Support the Red Cross

So excited to share with you guys the actual commercials and PSA that will be airing starting next week on the national networks to raise awareness for the American Red Cross.  As you know our story was picked from thousands to be one of hundreds sent the cameras to film our own documentary style story.  From those we are one of a handful selected to air in thirty second commercials.  I’m so honored to be able to support them after all they did for us.

So here they are… Please show your support for the work they do by LIKING them on YouTube, and sharing them in your networks… We really appreciate the love and support.


This is the 30 second commercial about our story:
This is the Official Trailer for the project also featuring the girls

Click here to donate directly to the Red Cross, every little bit helps!


Sarah Centrella is the author of the book Hustle Believe Receive which teaches you how to apply the #HBRMethod to change your life and live your dream.

Follow on social media: Instagram | Twitter | Snapchat | Pinterest | YouTube |Periscope @sarahcentrella

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Dear Noni

Happy 90th Birthday Noni!

This weekend I flew my kids (the girls first ever flight) to California for my grandma/Noni’s 90th birthday bash celebration. I’m so incredibly fortunate to have a role model like her in my life, and someone who’s loved me unconditionally since first memory.

My Noni has traveled the globe, set foot on all but one continent. Raised six children. Graduated college. Served in World War 2. Has beaten cancer on several occasions. Has par-sailed at the age of 87 in Mexico. Survived her husbands sudden death 15 years ago, has lost a child, is the last remaining member of her immediate family, still lives alone, still drives herself, and is planning a trip to Vietnam in the spring!  She has given support, love, motivation, leadership, spark and sizzle to everyone around her; selflessly for 90 years. I am soooooo lucky to have her as my example for what a women can do/become/achieve.

Let nothing stand in your way.

This is for you Noni~

Sarah Centrella's twins and Noni


Dear Noni,
             It’s hard to put into words the way that you have affected my life. Because of you I’ve learned so many valuable lessons.
                I learned how to push myself when I’d rather give up. Learned that saving money can be as much fun as spending it (OK maybe not, but I thought you’d like to at least think I learned this lesson!).  I’ve learned that it’s OK to be a strong independent woman. That I don’t need to make apologies for that, or back down from who I am to make others more comfortable. I’ve learned to love books. Love reading, to teach my children to do the same.
               I learned that there is such a thing as unconditional love. That when you are family, you can love each other through anything, and that being there for each other is the most important thing we can give. I’ve learned that mothers and daughters can love each other
and even be best friends. Thank you for that lesson, perhaps the most critical of all for me as a mother of three, to learn by observation. 
Thank you for showing me that life is beautiful regardless of our circumstances.  For teaching me that I can always opt to change mine, and that being accountable for my decisions is the first step in making that change. Thank you for being my guru when I’ve needed one the most. Thank you for teaching me through love, and loving me through it all.
          You are, and always will be my hero.
I love you.


Sarah Centrella and her Noni
I get my dark hair and blue eyes from Noni as well as most of my facial features, and probably my spunk, determination and “It’s 5:00 somewhere” attitude!!
Love this picture of a young Charlotte (Noni), I look so much like her it’s crazy



Sarah Centrella is the author of the book Hustle Believe Receive which teaches you how to apply the #HBRMethod to change your life and live your dream.

Follow on social media: Instagram | Twitter | Snapchat | Pinterest | YouTube |Periscope @sarahcentrella

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Shooting Down Fear.

Field Time target range
Field Time Target & Training

I have a paralyzing fear of guns.  Always have, my entire life. I’m not exactly sure why other than growing up I’d always heard guns kill!  When I became an adult I learned that, no in fact people are the ones who kill other people, and a gun is just one way to accomplish that.  However, I still had this fear of even looking at a gun.  I’d always felt… I don’t know, like just touching it, would make the world end. It’s hard to explain, even for me.

But I think there are a few other factors as well, one being this reoccurring nightmare I’ve had for most of my life.  In it, I’m face to face with a gun, looking down the wrong end of the barrel, trying to scream and nothing comes out. I’m frozen. Ever had that dream? You wake up shaking and sweating? Well I’ve had versions of it for as long as I can remember, and it’s always the same, I’m paralyzed in the moment, with utter terror.

The other factor is that as a single mom, I’ve had a fear of not being able to protect my kids should something bad happen.  That’s probably my greatest fear in life.  I feel helpless in that scenario, and that is terrifying.  Probably because, the second year that the kids and I were living on our own, we lived in a tiny little two bedroom apartment. I purposely chose the upstairs unit because it had only one entry point into the house.  One night around two in the morning I heard the couple in the apartment directly below me fighting.  The man went outside and continued yelling at his girlfriend, making a big enough scene that the neighbors and I woke up, told them to keep it down, or we’d call the cops.  He left, an hour or so later he came back and fired nine rounds into the apartment below us where she was apparently sleeping on the couch. He’d walked around to all the windows firing into her apartment. I heard all nine rounds and froze in my bed. My kids slept right through it.

fear of guns
The bedroom window directly below mine

Soooo….. for all those reasons and maybe even others I’ve not yet figured out, today was a big day for me.  I was in Los Angeles, CA for a work team meeting which was culminating with a team building activity, at the shooting range.  At first I didn’t think much of it, figured it might be kinda fun, I mean it looks that way on TV. I figured I’d be fine, no big deal.

Until I walked in the door and heard the gun shots, then saw all the guns.  My knees instantly got week and I wanted to vomit. It was a complete physical reaction, the likes of which I’ve never experienced and couldn’t control.  It was the exact helpless feeling I’ve always woken up with after my nightmare.  When the instructor began going through our orientation I got more and more nervous, litterly having my first ever full on panic attack. I felt sick to my stomach, like I couldn’t breath, or walk or stop shaking. It was embarrassing, but nothing I could control.  My reaction was shocking to ME.

shooting range

Thank God my instructor was amazing and agreed to stay by my side, until I felt comfortable.  When we got into our cube and he held the loaded hand gun up, handed it to me and showed me how to aim and pull the trigger, I was shaking so violently I thought I’d drop it.  But what shocked me the most was when I fired that first shot; I instantly burst into tears. No lie. Uncontrollable sobbing.  I cried through all five first rounds. Harder with each pull of the trigger.  Shaking.  Like some out of body emotional reaction that I had nothing to do with, and didn’t know where it came from. I just looked at him and was like “man, I’m sorry, I don’t know what the hell is wrong with me”.

Today I faced my greatest fear dead on.  I think on some level it was like turning the gun on that intruder in my reoccurring nightmare. Like I was finally the one who said, “enough is enough.  You can’t terrify me any more.”  When my instructor pulled in my target sheet, I’d hit all five rounds directly in the heart.

Holy shit. 

I can’t explain why it felt liberating, but it did.  I feel like I could protect my family now if I had to and was ever in that situation. That I’d have a better idea of what to do, and as a single mom, and that feels good.  Facing fear and not living under it’s spell.

This densest mean I’d ever have a gun in my home, or ever take the step to “protect” us in that way. It does mean that for me, I feel like maybe, just maybe, if that horrible greatest of all fears looked me in the eye, I might not freeze I might have the courage do something, run/hide, whatever. Just not freeze.

Sometimes doing what we run from the most, and what terrifies us more than anything else, can actually set us free.


My first time holding or shooting a gun
First 5 rounds I’ve ever shot, hit the heart.

P.S. This does not mean that I am in favor of guns, to the contrary I support tougher gun control. I believe that though it’s true guns do not kill without the person behind them, they make it too easy to impose mass destruction and take innocent life.  I pray this issue is addressed quickly so people like me don’t have to live in fear.


Sarah Centrella is the author of the book Hustle Believe Receive which teaches you how to apply the #HBRMethod to change your life and live your dream.

Follow on social media: Instagram | Twitter | Snapchat | Pinterest | YouTube |Periscope @sarahcentrella

Joshua Smith Leaves UCLA… So? Get Off His Ass.

Josh Smith with my son Kanen after his best game ever against Huskies


*I had wanted to post this earlier in the week when the news broke that Joshua Smith had decided to leave UCLA, but didn’t get a chance.  Now with the events that occurred today it renews my passion for supporting these athletes and getting them the help and support that they need when they need it.

 This week I saw a good friend of mine (I do not Life Coach him) Joshua Smith, the former big man Center for UCLA, get eaten alive in the media for quitting the team. And all I could see was a 20 year old kid who has endured endless media trashing for his weight, and who had lost the love of the game.

When he made his decision to leave the team it was something that he needed to do for him, and for his happiness, and all fans could do was trash him and say what an idiot he is to throw away his future and the chance at millions.  And knowing Josh, I support his decision, know he has a plan, and understand that
he is smart enough to chose happiness above what everyone thinks he should do. He has a great family support system, which many of these kids don’t, so thankfully he can rely on that guidance to get him though firestorms like these.  Yet still it’s hard for me not to get passionate about watching what fans and media did to him in the wake of that decision. It breaks my heart, and makes me angry.

I went a little nuts on Twitter!
Joshua Smith with Kanen Rossi
Just waiting for someone to try and get the ball.. lol


Joshua Smith with Sarah Centrella's son
Josh with my son and his friends at our house last spring

Maybe we should stop pretending these guys are superhuman and perfect.  If you are a sports fan, then support these guys, and remember they are human and for the most part are really great people and I’m glad to call so many of them my friends.

Joshua Smith and Sarah Centrella


birthday dinner with Joshua Smith

Sarah Centrella is the author of the book Hustle Believe Receive which teaches you how to apply the #HBRMethod to change your life and live your dream.

Follow on social media: Instagram | Twitter | Snapchat | Pinterest | YouTube |Periscope @sarahcentrella

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Kansas City NFL Player Tragedy… Jovan Belcher

This makes me so sad….

*Click here to read the story:

This breaks my heart, and yet on some level I can see how something so tragic can happen. In the past several years I have become close personal friends with, and have as Life Coaching clients many NFL players and even coaches. I know perhaps better than most, the pressure these guys are under, and some of the intense challenges and issues they face. It looks glamorous and perfect on the outside, but the reality of the life of a professional athlete is that it can be extremely isolating.  Mix that isolation with immense pressure to perform, long working hours with little time off, often living away from family and loved ones, and many times living in hotels for months on end, it’s easy to see how life can become distorted; even when you are living your dream.

I’m not making any excuses for what Kansas City Chiefs Linebacker Jovan Belcher did today, it’s horrific and tragic beyond comprehension.  I can relate to the loss in a personal way, having had one of my close girlfriends murdered by her boyfriend.  So in some way I can identify with this pain on a very real level.  But what I find so sad about this story, is that a guy who by all accounts seemed to be a good kid, with a “good” background, could get to a point where he felt that the only option was to end it all and take the mother of his child with him.


Jovan Belecher killing
Jovan Belcher KC Chief’s Linebacker

I hate to see tragedies like this, and I pray that the sports organizations take a proactive approach in making mental health help available, and not just a team Chaplin, because the players I know don’t
use them. They need someone to provide guidance and real life advice that can help them through the times when they feel lost, alone and used by everyone around them.

Let us try to remember that just because they are “living the dream,” DOES NOT mean that they are living a “perfect” or “easy” life. The pressure of the game, of people around you changing, and always wanting something from you, or kissing your ass constantly, and being alone the majority of your time…. it’s a hard life, don’t let the glamour fool you.

My prayers and thoughts go out to this family and everyone who knew them, and especially to the child who now is parent-less.  And to all the players and coaches that they find healthy ways to deal with the pressures of the life they live.

Jovan Belecher
Kasandra Perkins & Jovan Belcher

Read my followup article here



Sarah Centrella is the author of the book Hustle Believe Receive which teaches you how to apply the #HBRMethod to change your life and live your dream.

Follow on social media: Instagram | Twitter | Snapchat | Pinterest | YouTube |Periscope @sarahcentrella

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Ask. Hustle. Believe. Receive.

gift boxes #HustleBelieveReceive
Enjoy the gifts when they come!

Well I have GREAT NEWS!!! As you may have noticed I’ve been struggling lately with living in Seattle. I’ve been here exactly a year, moved to take a great job, which was a requirement of accepting the position, which has turned out to be amazing and financially rewarding. However, this whole living in Seattle thing has really started to get to me.  So I followed my own advise. I decided to stop wallowing and allowing myself to get depressed about it, and instead ASK if I could move back home, yet still keep my job.

Maybe I should back up a little. See I believe in the Hustle. I believe that without it the other three words don’t work. So for the last year I have been hustling. I’ve worked like crazy at my job and turned in my most successful year to date in my corporate sales career (from a revenue perspective). This “hustle” had to be present in order for me to be in a position to even think of asking to move back home, and the hustle must be present when I move home to keep that right.

I’ve believed all along that taking this opportunity to move here and try something new, was all part of a greater and bigger plan for me.  Even though it’s been difficult at times, having this isolation and lack of distraction for this last year has given me the time to focus on writing and to finish my memoir.  This is something I could have not done back home. I’ve been able to trust the process, up to this point. The point where I knew it was time for a change, and that I needed to get back to what makes me happy.

wish believe #HustleBelieveReceive

So I took the risk and asked my boss if I could move back and work from home, and he said, yes! And that feels amazing! And makes me so excited for next year and for what the future will hold, and gives me a light at the end of these long winter tunnels.

So don’t quit, even when you want to. Keep working hard in the direction of your dream, keep EXPECTING it to come true and don’t be afraid to ask for what you want.  Your life is what you make it. If you don’t like it, take any and all steps necessary to change it.  And whatever you do don’t stop believing in magic and enjoy the gifts when they come.


Sarah Centrella is the author of the book Hustle Believe Receive which teaches you how to apply the #HBRMethod to change your life and live your dream.

Follow on social media: Instagram | Twitter | Snapchat | Pinterest | YouTube |Periscope @sarahcentrella

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I Had A Bad Day.

bad day quote

I had a bad day, today. Yup, one of those lay on the floor and fall apart kinda days. The kind when it feels like you just heard one to many “no’s” in a row. When the final one, simply made you snap and want to throw in the towel, quit. 

I’ve had a hard time the last few months, trying to fight the obvious truth which is that I’m not happy living in Seattle.  It’s been something I’ve been trying to talk myself into since the start but that has progressively taken it’s tole on my spirit.

So you might have noticed that I haven’t blogged that much lately, and only posted chapters from my memoir, because I was feeling very uninspired. I was keeping the faith and trying hard to stay in the right positive mindset, but what I really wanted to say, was this sucks! I want to move home, I want the sun, I miss my friends, and I am ready for the next phase to begin. I’m frustrated and tired of waiting. But it’s hard to come out and say that when people look to you to help them get out of the very same types of mental situations.  And maybe it was just that, which prompted me to have the courage to write my truth tonight.  An email from a women, who’d been having success with the Law of Attraction and then hit the down times that we all face, so she asked me how to get out of it. And asked me if I still ever go through that.  Of course I answered that yes I do.

And so, because I’ve made a promise to keep using this blog as my personal outlet, I will continue to show the bad days and the good. Because yes, I have the bad days too. The ones when I question everything, when I wonder if my dreams will come true, when I ask “there must be more to life than this”. Yep I have those too. I’ve been going through one the last few weeks.

Here’s what I have to say about the dark days:

1. You will have them, period. There will always be bad days, no matter how much success you achieve, or how happy you are or how much of your dreams you manifest. You will still have bad days.  You will still find yourself asking “is this my life?” You will, I promise.

2. It’s OK to have bad days.  It’s OK to cry.  To be frustrated, and even to feel defeated. It doesn’t mean that you’ve lost hope, or faith or that your not on the right path. I doesn’t mean that your dreams will never come true, or that having one will erase all the good work you’ve put in to change your mindset and your life.

3. It’s OK to have a pity party every once in a while. OK to wallow in disappointment when it’s punched you in the face.  It’s part of being human, and admitting that, and feeling that, doesn’t change where you are in your journey.  It just gives you the breathing time you need to soak it in and recover. It’s a necessary part of the process.

4. It doesn’t mean you’re week. Or that you don’t  have the power to change your mood, attitude and situation.

Here’s how I get through them:

1. Recognize it.  I’ve known for the last few weeks that I was “in a funk” or unhappy or whatever you want to call it. I could immediately tell, because I try very hard to be present and in the moment of whatever I’m going through. So I knew. I also knew that on some level I didn’t want to fight it, I kinda wanted to be depressed about it and wallow. Today is when it hit the low point for me, and when I knew I needed to put an end to it. It was time to stop pouting, and being negative and snap out of it. When we recognize it, we immediately know we have that choice, to either feed the negativity and frustration or kill it. I admittedly had chosen to feed it, until I was very frustrated and defeated, and was forced to make the choice to kill it.

2. Snap out of it.  So today being my turning/low point day; I allowed myself to vent, cry, post my frustration, bitch to my girlfriends…. all the stuff you go through when you feel utterly defeated and down.  I love that my Facebook friends immediately gave me a cyber hug that I needed, so I didn’t feel so alone in that moment.  And then I went back to my own basics and made the choice to knock it off. 

Here’s what I did:
  • I started by cleaning the house as soon as I got home, spotless, which always makes me feel more in control.  A sparkling house makes me somehow feel better and more at peace.  While I did that I began to go through all the things I’m grateful for, as I went through each room.  So when I was done the house looked and smelled amazing, and I realized how truly grateful I actually was.
  • While I cleaned I played my hip-hop motivation play list, which picked me up and helped me refocus my attention on what I want, not what I don’t.
  • When the house was clean I put on spa music, lite some candles and made an organic pumpkin and yogurt face mask… took a moment to just breath and relax.
  • Then I took some very important steps that will hopefully help change my situation and enable me to move back home.
  •  And then I read all my favorite Napoleon Hill quotes, like this one: “One of the most common causes of failure is the habit of quitting when one is overtaken by temporary defeat.”
  • I just spent the last hour on Pinterest pinning away my dream life, and a ton of motivational quotes.  And now I’m happy to report, I am starting to feel like my old self again. Back in control.


success quote

Happiness is a choice. It’s not an achievement.  It’s something that we wake up in the morning and say “I chose to be happy today”.  It’s not something that I’m going to search for my entire life, and wake up one day realizing that my life is over and I never chose to be happy while it was passing me by.  I’m not going to wait for it to come to me, I’m going to create it here, now.  It’s in my hands, and I chose to stop pouting and start working harder than ever to make my dreams come true, and to be happy in the moments, even the ones that I don’t necessarily like. This is better than the alternative which is letting the negative stuff engulf me, I’ve been there and I can report it’s less fun that just about anything you can imagine! So I’m all good on that.

I’ll keep pressing forward toward my dream because giving up is just ridiculous. I may want to at times, but I will never quit.

happiness quote


Sarah Centrella is the author of the book Hustle Believe Receive which teaches you how to apply the #HBRMethod to change your life and live your dream.

Follow on social media: Instagram | Twitter | Snapchat | Pinterest | YouTube |Periscope @sarahcentrella
