The Law of Attraction is for Christians too.

*I wanted to share this letter (with permission), because I think it does such a great job of touching on the topic of the role that God, and or religion can play in using Hustle.Believe.Receive.  I think traditionally Christians have discounted the Law of Attraction or The Secret because of it’s focus on The Universe and materialism.  I don’t focus on either of those things, and I feel that faith and belief is spiritual at it’s core no matter what. I think that HBR works so well for me because it allows me to believe and have faith without religion, but it works just as well with it. I’ve gotten many questions on this over time, and I think that Mariah does a great job talking about how they coexist and work together. 

Dear Sarah,

I appreciate the opportunity to share with you what an amazing difference you have made in my life since reconnecting with you. The Lord has no doubt gifted you with amazing abilities to encourage, lead, support, strengthen, coach, and reconnect people with their God given ability to dream.


I am sad to say that as a Christian it had been far too easy to become like the children of Israel and quickly forget the miracles God had performed in my life. Sometimes it felt as if I constantly bounced from one trial to another without a reprieve.   I may have seen God working in our lives during our struggles but all too quickly forgot how He brought us through the last struggle as we faced the new one.


Sometimes, when life got so overwhelming or the next hurdle came along I would immediately cry out to God forgetting the miracles He just completed in my life. You helped change that mindset and focus. Even as a Christian when life beats you up sometimes you forget to dream and you forget to focus on the amazing bounty of grapes God has set before you.   It had been a long time since I had really dreamed. Being a responsible wife and mother didn’t seem to coincide with the luxury of “dreaming” I didn’t feel I had those luxuries. I had to stay focused and determined. Unfortunately, I stayed focused and determined on the wrong aspects of life. You helped change my mindset and got me to dream again, to dream of the possibilities, to dream of all the amazing things God could do and desired to do in my life.
The freedom just to dream brought amazing freedom and growth in my faith. God doesn’t want us captive to our own thoughts or feelings of despair. He calls us to a life of prosperity and fullness in Him. To me a vision board is not about “stuff” but about a lifestyle and a life in Christ that He desires for me to have. Planning and dreaming offers a life that frees me from the captivity of lies and self pity that the devil is selling.


God is so amazing and I am so thankful to Him every day for your willing, kind, giving, tender heart, and gentle spirit that He has blessed you with. Thank you for your generosity and for your mission to make a difference in the lives of everyone you can


With love,

*Meriah Mathews is the author of the blog Godly Girl Power.



Click HERE to pre-order my book #HustleBelieveReceive which gives my 8 steps to success to changing your life and living your dream. Not all “law of attraction” teaching works, in fact most don’t.  But over the last 5 years I’ve learned what does and how to quickly and easily apply it to get fast, life changing results. Learn more about my #HBRMethod for success.

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Should I Stay or Should I Go Now?

Love hurts #ThoughtsStoriesLife

Should I stay or should I go now?

Lately I’ve been getting a lot of reader letters about what to do if you find yourself in a marriage where one person has made the ultimate sacrifice, and moved to a new location for the other.  In some cases it’s been across the world, others across the country, but the story is basically the same.  They find that after a few years no one is happy. The one who wanted to move is holding firm to that decision, and the one that came to be a supportive spouse, is feeling resentful, alone and unhappy. They are constantly fighting, and the marriage is disintegrating.

I found myself in a similar situation when I was first married. I’d moved to Portland from California for my ex-husband when we got married.  Secretly I’d always felt like I was the one sacrificing more. I was
the one that had to leave the place I loved for him. I probably always held it over him in some way, and I’m sure I resented him for it as well. So I get it.

If there is one thing I’ve learned this last year living in Seattle, it’s that location makes a really big difference in your happiness.  If you hate where you live it’s pretty darn hard to be happy.  Hence the reason I’m moving back to Portland in June!

As I see it, if you find yourself in a situation like this, you have two options:

1. You leave.  If you have done the soul searching, looked at your life and realized that you are not happy, and that this is not the life you intended or want to live, then it might be time to call it quits.  I believe in marriage, but I don’t believe in prison.  It’s a marriage which in theory means that two people work together to do what is best for all parties involved.  If that’s not the case, and one spouse is making all the decisions and not willing to counter sacrifice or compromise, then to me that transitions into a prison.  There shouldn’t be walls around your life to the point where you feel like you have no choices, no options but to continue to live a miserable existence. I’m sorry, that’s just crazy to me.

We get one shot at life.  There are no retakes. If you wake up and find yourself in a life you can’t stand, and you don’t recognize the person you’ve become, then have the courage to chose happiness.  Have the faith to know that when you make choices that are in your best interest and ones that are healthy for you, that you will be rewarded. It’s not selfish to chose happiness over misery.  It’s not selfish to chose healthy over unhealthy. And for parents with kids, the same is still true. Kids aren’t stupid, if they see you constantly fighting, and miserable they will be more affected and broken from that than you making a chose that is in yours and their long term best interest.

2. The other option is of course to stay.  However if you stay, you need to realize that from this point forward you are responsible for that decision.  In other words perhaps what got you there in the first place was doing what many of us have done, which is to support our partners wishes, so we followed them.  In a way that was more of a compromise, and a support decision and less of a choice on your part.  But if you’ve given it time, and things have gotten progressively worse, and you find yourself at this cross roads… the one where you weigh all your decisions, and you make the choice to stay… from that point on you need to be accountable for that choice. From that point on you can’t complain to him/her about it, cant hold it against them, cant silently resent them, cant bitch about it… none of that.  Because the reality is that we always have a choice, and until you take responsibility for making it, you wont ever be happy and things will continue to get worse.

So if you stay, stay consciously.  Stay with a determined will, that you can and will turn the situation around.  That you will change your mindset about your circumstances, that you will throw yourself into your situation with 110% effort.  That you wont speak of it negatively any more, and that you are committed to making your dream life, right there.

Both options are a serious decision to make. Both require commitment and determination to find happiness, and the tensity to let nothing stand in your way. You just need too ask yourself the tough question… what do I really want? Because at the end of the day, no other person (spouse included) is responsible for making your happy.  That is your job.  The ability to find happiness is in whatever decision is right for you. But make it with a conscious mind, and remember that you are responsible for your choices and for the direction and outcome of your own life.


Sarah Centrella is the author of the book Hustle Believe Receive which teaches you how to apply the #HBRMethod to change your life and live your dream.

Follow on social media: Instagram | Twitter | Snapchat | Pinterest | YouTube |Periscope @sarahcentrella

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Vision Board Success With the #HBRMethod

Want success using a “vision board?” Make a Future Board instead using the #HBRMethod, here’s undeniable PROOF that it WORKS!

I’m just going to let these pictures speak for themselves. If you’d like to know more about the stories behind them check them out on Instagram (@sarahcentrella) or follow me on Facebook.  These are just a few of the big manifestations I’ve realized off of my Future Board.… if you thought that  Hustle.Believe.Receive.  and the #HBRMethod was a bunch of crap, I hope this makes you reconsider.

A picture is worth a thousand words…..

Sarah Centrella Manifesting Disneyland
Click here to read this amazing story…

Sarah Centrella manifesting Raven's game
Click here to read how I manifested the NFL Ravens  


Sarah Centrella manifesting NYC #HBRMethod
Click here to read my first major manifestation


Sarah Centrella manifest Gucci Bag #HBRMethod
Read this story on Instagram or my Reality Board
Sarah Centrella manifesting with #HBRMethod
Read this cute story on Instagram or my Reality Board
sarah centrella at the White House
Click here to read this amazing story


Sarah Centrella red bottoms
Check out my Pinterest for this story..

Sarah Centrella is the author of the book Hustle Believe Receive which teaches you how to apply the #HBRMethod to change your life and live your dream.

Follow on social media: Instagram | Twitter | Snapchat | Pinterest | YouTube |Periscope @sarahcentrella

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Want Your Vision Board to Work?? Here’s The Secret to Manifesting

Want Your Vision Board to Work?? Here's the Secret to Manifesting Success

Want you vision board to work? Make a Future Board instead! 

I’ve had so many amazing manifestations the last few weeks, that it has gotten me so excited about the power of my Future Board. I want to tell everyone I know, and I want them to understand it the way I do, so they can use this simple, free tool to change their life. If you have been a  skeptic, or if your unsatisfied with your life in any capacity…. I challenge you to make a board.  Just do it!  What in god’s name do you have to lose? You have everything to gain. No offense, but if you don’t have one yet, and you read my blog and/or follow me on any social media… you are crazy! I have way too much proof that it works for you to still be sitting there, bitching about your life and not have done these simple steps to change it.

So you ready? Let’s go!

Here’s the secret for getting your vision board to actually work:

1. PUT IT UP!!!!


Want Your Vision Board to Work?? Here's the Secret to Manifesting Success I can’t tell you how many people tell me they have made a board (like I did) but that it’s in their closet.  Or on Pinterest, or on a phone app.  I hope this is clear enough….. THAT’S NOT A VISION BOARD, AND IT WONT WORK!  If you want it to work, YOU need to work! So take the time to go on Pinterest make a “dream life” board, pull it up on your phone (so you see all the thumb nails) and then screen shot that… email that pic to yourself, then print it and put it on your wall, in a place you will see it every day!!! It is critical that you see every single day.

It’s the simplest, cheapest, no risk way on earth to totally change your life.  If you don’t have one up at home and at work, then you’re not practicing Hustle.Believe.Receive.  So don’t write to me complaining about how it doesn’t work…just sayin! Do the work! 

2. Focus on the experiences you want to live out. Want Your Vision Board to Work?? Here's the Secret to Manifesting Success

I’ve written a lot on this, so I’ll refer you to my video on this topic. But it’s a critical component to getting results. 

3. Take time limits and “how” out of the equation. 

When you make your board, realize that you are drawing up a plan (much like an artist does) of your future life.  So make sure it reflects all the areas of your life, and make sure you are dreaming big. This is your future. Period.  You WILL attract this life, over time.  But you have got to take time limits off the table. You don’t control the “when” or the “how” so just let that go. Who cares if it took me years to get to Disneyland…. It was more than worth the wait. The point is that I attracted it. I manifested it. And you will to. Don’t get frustrated, don’t get discouraged, just get excited because that life is coming your way. And it feels awesome let me tell you!


4. Believe it will happen. Want Your Vision Board to Work?? Here's the Secret to Manifesting Success

Once you have really and truly implemented #3 then this step is just the logical aftermath of that.  If you understand that at some point in your life you will live out those experiences, then that naturally leads you to believe.  At this point in my personal journey, I honestly just KNOW that what’s on my board will one day show up in my life.  I don’t know when, and I don’t really care. I just know it will come true.  And it has.


5. Take Action. 

I can’t overemphasize this point enough. This is recognizing an opportunity when it comes to you. This is the part that most people miss. They are expecting the exact thing that is on their board to fall out of the sky and into their lap. They are struggling to make it happen, instead of relaxing into the fact that it will in it’s own time… and they miss the open door.

Manifesting often show’s up as opportunity before your dream is realized. It’s often subtle, and will always require a leap of faith. You will need to take a step through that door knowing that the other pieces to the puzzle will come together naturally.  But nothing will happen if you don’t take that step. So be aware. Be soooooo aware in your life. Don’t miss those doors and don’t be afraid to walk through them. That’s how you get to the reward, it’s the only way.

That’s really all there is too it. It’s not complicated. It’s not too hard. It doesn’t require and “initial financial investment”. There is no scam. There is no marketing promises. It’s simple. Make a plan for your future, make it clear and precise, follow the steps above and start living the life you KNOW you are capable of.

Want Your Vision Board to Work?? Here's the Secret to Manifesting Success Example I’ve had this vision board (and that picture) up since I took this job in Nov of 2011. I’ve had the picture of Disneyland on my board since 2006.

Today I had just come back into the office after being out on vacation with the kids in LA this past week, and was sitting at my desk, when all of a sudden, I saw it.  A little picture in the center of one of my boards, a photo of California Adventure.  I’m not even sure I knew what it was when I put the picture up on my “travel board” on Pinterst, I probably just liked it.  I’d not spent a lot of time focusing on it, in fact I don’t ever really remember looking at it, considering my vision board takes up one whole wall in my office.

I’ve told my kids for years that one day we WOULD go to Disneyland. We’ve talked about what we’d do when we got there, what it would feel like… all of it. We KNEW we would go, it was only a matter of time.

One New Years Day of this year I was checking Alaska’s website for mileage deals and shockingly found four tickets for 10k miles each, I had 40k miles saved up, and immediately knew this was the opportunity I had waited for, to make this dream a reality. I booked the tickets that day, on TOTAL faith that some how, some way the trip would all come together and I’d be able to afford it. I knew I’d probably never be able to fly us all down for essentially free again. This was my open door and I walked in, having no idea how I’d manage the rest of the trip. But I had faith that some how it would fall into place, because I’d taken the first step.

The trip wound up exceeding by far any expectation that I or the kids ever had. It was truly magical beyond words for so many reasons.  And just like magic does, I wound up getting a bonus check before the trip, the hotel lowered their rate because their rooms weren’t full… and on and on.. all trip long, totally perfect, it all just fell into place.

When I went to purchase the park tickets for Disneyland, they were running a special where we could go into all the parks for the same cost as just Disneyland, so I figured “why not?” I didn’t know much about California Adventure and had never been. We went the last night and it was amazing.  So back to my realization today at the office, that the picture in the middle was a replica of one I took last week. I got chills, like I always do when I realize a manifestation from my board.

It really is amazing how powerful this thing is.  BTW the pic above of my board on Pinterest, I’ve manifested three of those five items, check out my Instagram (SarahCentrella) Facebook or Pinterest for the pics).

So what are you waiting for????


Ready to learn how to change your life and create a vision board that will actually work? Check out my coaching options to find one that works for you.


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Love of My Life.

Love of my life.

I was lucky enough to meet with a very dear friend of mine last week while I was on vacation in Los Angeles.  She’s always been somewhat of a guru to me, since my early twenties.  She is much older and wiser than me, and for some reason her words always grab me, and are exactly what I need to hear.

We talked late into the night, and through tears I told her about the one man I’ve loved and lost since my divorce.  Told her I was sure he was the love of my life, something I’ve only ever said about my children.  But yet, it still wasn’t meant to be.  I told her how hard the past year has been for me, trying to let go of that, and of him.  And how unfair it has felt, to have met the one person you feel is the other half of your soul, yet have the circumstances and timing not be right. I asked her why?  And this is what she said to me…

“You are the love of your life, Sarah.  You are the love of your life.”

I immediately tried to protest and say, “no my kids are”..  but she stopped me cold. “YOU are the love of your life.  Not your children, and certainly not a man. Your kids will grow up, and move away and start families of their own, and what will be left is YOU.  A man can, and has left you.  Only you can be the love of your own life.”

I’ve been thinking of that ever since.  And at first I resisted it.  It sounded too selfish and narcissistic for my taste.  But then tonight I heard it again, and had my ahha moment. There really is no way to love another until you have the foundation of love within yourself.  If you have it already, then no one can take it from you.  If you have it already then you don’t need to look for someone else to give it to you.  It’s like going through the winter with a borrowed jacket.  If you don’t have your own warm winter coat, and are always relying on someone else to lend you one, there will come a day when they need it, or they are not there to lend it to you.  Without it you’d freeze to death.  It’s up to you to get your own coat. To keep yourself warm and protected.

Knowing that takes the sting out of feeling like you’ve found that
one person on the planet that is meant for you, but cant be with you.
Knowing that helps take the pressure off ever having to “find” that
again.  If it’s already inside me, than I don’t need to search… when
the time is right, he will find me.

Looking for love
Looking for love? Look in the mirror.


Sarah Centrella is the author of the book Hustle Believe Receive which teaches you how to apply the #HBRMethod to change your life and live your dream.

Follow on social media: Instagram | Twitter | Snapchat | Pinterest | YouTube |Periscope @sarahcentrella

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How I Manifested Disneyland!!

welcome to Disneyland
believe in magic

How I manifested Disneyland using the #HBRMethod.

I got an email from a reader the other day asking me an interesting question about Hustle.Believe.Receive.  She said she’d had a picture of a concert that she wanted to attend on her Future Board, and she was so excited to learn the artist was coming to her town, so she went and got her ticket.  She was sure this was her manifestation.  However the artist unexpectedly canceled the show, so she wondered if this meant that HBR doesn’t really work. All I could tell her is my own example of this exact scenario.

The “when” and the “how” are not up to us. But the hustle and the believe is.

In 2010 I had plans to take Kanen to Disneyland.  We had been planning the trip for some time and I’d even pre-paid the hotel. When I finally had enough miles for the trip and went to book it the airline was completely blacked out.  We were obviously very disappointed, but I told him that just because the trip wasn’t working out that time, that it WOULD happen, and not to give up faith.  That year I used miles to get him and I tickets to Hawaii instead and we had the most amazing trip together.

Fast forward to this year.  I’ve spent the last year at my job working
hard, and fighting back from a very tough economic 2011, last year was a
“get back on my feet year” for sure.

Manifest Disneyland #HBRMethod
Top, picture of Disneyland on my vision board, & my tix

But I still never gave up hope that I’d be able to take him, and just maybe be able to take all my kids on that Disney vacation.  Well last year, at work I finished well over my goals and targets, and as my bonus was granted funds towards a vacation!! I also had enough miles saved up, that with some creative scheduling was able to get four tickets to Disneyland!

So this week, a dream that started in 2005 when I put the very first picture of Disneyland on my very first vision board is about to come true… there really are no words to describe how that feels.

The key to HBR is that you need to trust that it has your best interests in mind, always.  Even when you can’t see it.  That’s where faith comes in.  You have to believe even when you’re disappointed, that it is still working on your behalf.  Because behind the scenes it’s hard at work to make your ultimate dream come true.  It is always working, to bring you a dream bigger than what you are even imagined. But it takes time. It works on it’s own schedule.  So lean into it.  Don’t fight or doubt it, just because it’s not instant and because you encounter disappointments.  It’s still hard at work as long as you are.  Taking all my kids to Disneyland was a far bigger dream then I initially had.  I really never thought I’d be in a position to afford to take them all.

The Hustle is such a vital part of manifesting your dream. Had I not worked hard all of last year, and made my numbers at work, I would have never gotten the funds or be making the money needed to take the trip. I’ve worked hard this last year and sacrificed a lot, but it’s paid off.

Sarah Centrella manifesting Louis Voutton #HBRMethod
A 10 year dream come true

Now it’s time to receive.

This past weekend I had a day that I’d dreamed about for years.  Since 2003, long before I knew about  HBR or any of that stuff, I had a picture of a Louis Vuitton wallet on my wall at work.  I’ve always said if I ever made a commission check of “x” amount that I’d walk into a Louis Vuitton store and purchase that wallet.  Well ten years later, I did just that.  And went on my first ever “shopping spree”.  I’ve never experienced a day like that in my life.  However I have patiently waited for it, knowing that some how, some way, it would come.  And I can tell you  it was well worth the wait.

I don’t say any of this to sound pretentious or to brag. I say it ONLY to inspire you.  If you’ve read my blog for a while you KNOW what I mean. You know where I’ve come up from, you understand what I’m saying.

I want you to be inspired.

Four years ago I was jobless, living on food stamps.  Two years ago I was homeless for three weeks, jobless and living in a Red Cross hotel.  Your dreams are possible.  The life you want is possible.  It’s just waiting for you to claim it. To own it. To make it yours.  Put in the work, set your mind on your goal and LET NOTHING STAND IN YOUR WAY. Let nothing take away your faith.  Let nothing defeat you.  If you do that, then believe me when I say ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE.

single mom manifesting
My first ever “shopping spree”


*If you’d like to learn how to manifest your dream life and make a #FutureBoard (vision board) that will actually WORK, sign up now for my #HBRBootcamp


Sarah Centrella is the author of the book Hustle Believe Receive which teaches you how to apply the #HBRMethod to change your life and live your dream.

Follow on social media: Instagram | Twitter | Snapchat | Pinterest | YouTube |Periscope @sarahcentrella

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Hustle Believe Receive: Steps to Success.

Believe #HBRMethod

Here is my basic Coaching formula and definition of the term I’ll use over and over again: Hustle.Believe.Receive. (also refereed to as HBR) #HBRMethod


The Urban Guide to Recreating Your Life, and Manifesting Your Dream.

Step #1. Create a Life Plan.

Create a Life Plan. Map out what you want your life to look like five years down the road, in every category. Be detailed and specific. Write it all down. You are the architect of your future. Make a plan.

1. Define Your Ultimate Dream.
Know what you want. Sometimes it’s easier when you’re starting out to know what you DON’T want and that’s OK too. But you need to be clear on the reason you want to make a change in your life or go after your dream. You won’t get anywhere until this step is clearly defined. Make a bucket list.

2. Create a Movie in your Head.
Take the time to visualize each end result in your Life Plan. Put yourself in a specific day in that life and make a movie that covers all the details; see it, smell it, feel it, want it.

3. Create a physical Future Board.
This is the physical representation of your Life Plan. It sits at your desk at work, or is hung on your bedroom wall, reminding you what you are working for, what your future life will look like. It helps you remove the barriers of your current reality and start to visualize yourself living a whole different kind of life.


Step #2. But HOW?
10 Simple Key’s to Success.

1. Be Grateful!  On day one of this journey, you need to look around your life (even if it’s one you currently hate) and say “I am so blessed and so thankful for what I have…” and name three things. That is the new head space you operate in now. Instead of someone who bitches about what they don’t like and what they don’t have you’re the person who is “blessed” and “grateful” even if you don’t actually feel that way. But if you don’t at least fake it, you won’t ever see the true results that will make you actually feel it.

2. Change the Voices in Your Head.  Control your thoughts. Your thoughts predict your future. Want to create a better future? It starts in your mind first, control that and the words you speak, and you will start to change your future outcomes. Only speak it if you want it to come true. That applies to EVERYTHING you say. Teach that to your kids! And everyone you know. What you say today you will live out tomorrow.

3. BELIEVE.  If you don’t fully believe in your Ultimate Dream, or that this plan for success will work, then how could it possibly ever work? Change your core beliefs; about what you think is possible for you, and start to have faith in the possibility of possibility. Once you truly believe you will start to see amazing and fast results. That belief that hope, gives you joy which changes your energy and brings you more joy. This is called an Upward Spiral. We all want that!

4. Fake it ‘Till You Make it.  You don’t have to know it, or believe it, or even see it; in the very beginning… that all comes over time. So to get you there, you gotta fake it. Tell yourself a million little lies. Whenever you think you can’t, say you CAN. Whoever you think it will never happen, tell yourself and SAY it’s around the corner. It’s pretty basic but it works with almost anything. It makes you step up your game. It keeps you on your toes, it makes you learn and adapt quicker, and it forces you to take risks, all these things you will need throughout your journey, and you’ll constantly come back to this principle.

5. Speak It!  Affirm your future, own it, claim it. Use motto’s and mantras to claim what is coming into your life. Talk about it as if you know that’s your next step, make plans for it. Put it out into the Universe that this is your plan, this is what’s coming to you and pretty soon the people around you will start to believe you. That will hold you accountable to your dream and those plans, so then you use The Hustle even more.

6. The Hustle.  This is the work you do on a daily basis that get’s you closer to your Ultimate Dream. It’s action. For an athlete it’s; working out, eating right, not going out drinking every night, it’s keeping their mind right, it’s getting enough sleep, it’s practice…practice…practice! What is your hustle? This step is the absolute key to success. It can be tiny little things, or that huge leap of faith, but without it you will not be successful.

7. Surviving Earth Quake Moments.  Everything happens for a reason (no really). Every set back and disappointment is all part of the plan to manifest your ultimate dream. This is why they say “be careful what you wish for” because sometimes “bad” things need to happen to make room for the next phase of your dream to come true. You won’t understand it while you’re going through it, but you will always see the connection after, and knowing this gives you peace in those tough times. Setbacks and obstacles are part of the game, accept them as a challenging next step.

8 . Chill Out.  You don’t control when your dream will manifest. You have no say over the timing or how it will all materialize, so chill out! Stop expecting it yesterday and getting frustrated and pissed that it’s not already here. This is a life long journey, it’s a way of life, and it’s for the rest of your life. If you follow this formula you WILL manifest your Ultimate Dream. You will live it, and along the way it will begin falling into place piece by piece. Trust the process and relax.

9. Relentless Pursuit.  Be fully committed to achieving your desired outcome and manifesting your dream. There can’t be a plan B. You have to want this more than anything else, and be willing to sacrifice for it and regardless of the obstacles in your way, be determined to never give up.

10. Manifest That!  This is you living in awareness and gratitude so that you can recognize the manifestation when it comes. Most of the time it will show up in a form and from a direction you least expected and if you’re not aware and grateful for your current situation you will miss it. It also shows up in the form of opportunity, again if you’re not hyper aware and expecting your manifestation you will miss it. Manifesting is the “magic” that comes when preparation meets opportunity.


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A Letter to My Future Husband.

A Letter to My Future Husband #HustleBelieveReceive

A letter to my future husband.

Because I believe in the power of intention, and the power of knowing exactly what you want, I’ve decided to, on faith, write this letter… knowing that when the time is right (even if I’m 90!) this is what will manifest in my life, and this is what I’ll say to him when it does.

My Love,

These are just a few things that makes me know, you were created for me, and I for you.  I am grateful every day that God has brought you into my life and I promise to never forget how lucky we are to have found each other. 

I love the spark in your eyes.  The immediate and undeniable connection. I love the kindness that radiates from them. I love that your soul is not only generous, but truly selfless. To you my babies are the best part of me.  They are not “what came with me” they are me.  The package of us, completes you.  The package of us, is what you’ve been searching for, it’s what your life was lacking.

Read more ›

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