Sarah Centrella Seattle Red Cross Speech Video

Seattle Red Cross Speech.

So happy to share with you guys my actual speech given to the Red Cross King County Breakfast in Seattle in April.

This was a huge personal manifestation for me.

Sarah Centrella is the author of the book Hustle Believe Receive which teaches you how to apply the #HBRMethod to change your life and live your dream.

Follow on social media: Instagram | Twitter | Snapchat | Pinterest | YouTube |Periscope @sarahcentrella


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The Alchemist: The Answers I Needed.

The Alchemist: The answers I needed.

I just finished reading The Alchemist. My mind is still spinning and trying to process all it has taught me.  It’s the first book I’ve actually read cover to cover in over ten years! Yes I said ten.  That’s not to say I don’t read, because glancing at my night stand I just counted fifteen books I’m currently reading.  Some were started a few months ago, one as far back as maybe 2007.  None have accomplished what this one did, in the two days I read it.

None have called to me, spoken to me, and set my spirit free the way this one has done.

I don’t remember who the first person was that told me to read this book, but it was years ago.  Since then it seems like everyone I know has read it.  What finally prompted me to actually do so, was a little white-lie.  A friend whom I greatly admire, and who thinks much like I do, asked me for like the tenth time if I’d read it yet.  I lied, and said that yes I finally was.  So that day I stopped at Barnes & Noble after hot yoga and picked it up. I figured that lie had a very short expiration date.

If you’ve not read it yet, please do yourself the service of finding a copy and reading it. If you have then you know that if your reading it as a person who already knows what their Personal Legend is, that it lights a fire under you in a way that probably nothing else quite has.  And even more then that it gives you the strength, wisdom and outline to KNOW that you will reach your destination.  It confirms that all the suffering you have gone through to get to whatever part of your journey you are currently at, is all part of achieving your dream.  That’s something I’ve discovered to be true in my own life.  But I was reassured to see what a big part trials, the feeling of failure, and temporary defeat really play in the process of getting to your dream.

My Personal Legend has been tested the past few months.  I’ve lived my ultimate dream of sharing my story with a live audience and somehow it left me questioning everything. It felt exactly how I imagined it would in the moment, but afterwards I was surprised how critical I felt and how it made me reexamine everything.  I felt like maybe I’d lost my lust for my dream, that somehow in the realization of it there was also disappointment, maybe in the fact that it had come true, as crazy as that sounds. It left me feeling… uninspired.  And that feeling alone made me depressed and I couldn’t figure out why, or why I felt off course.  But the second I picked up this book, I had no question in my mind what my Personal Legend is. And no question that those feelings are all part of the obsticles that are put in my way to see how bad I really want it, and to see if I’m able to push through when the going gets tough.  It made all of it crystal clear again.

My bookmark.. my Personal Legend.

And as I finished the book with these thoughts in my mind, I got a message on Facebook, much like ones I get everyday, from someone who’d “randomly found my story” and who was inspired to follow their dreams because of it.  And I cried because I knew it was my omen.  It was my answer.  Those answers are always right there when we need them, we just need to be present and aware and recognize them.

But the main reason this book landed in my hands at this time, and not years before, was not an accident.  This time it was because today, in this stage of my journey I needed to be told that you don’t have to give up love in pursuit of your dream.  Someplace deep in my belief system I’ve told myself that it was one or the other. That I’d not find love until I realized my dream, because if I found it on the way it would distract me from my goal.  That somehow I wouldn’t be able to have both.  Reading tonight that true love is not static but rather a force that transforms and improves, blew me away. It made me realize that, that fear is what has repelled true love from my life. Knowing that somehow made peace wash over me. Like the struggle is over.  Like the search is over. It also made me see that true love will wait for when you are ready, and that if when you first meet the timing is off, if it really is that pure love, it will still be there when the timing is on.  What is meant to be will be, and he will find me.   I am now free to follow my heart and my dream because they are one in the same.


Sarah Centrella is the author of the book Hustle Believe Receive which teaches you how to apply the #HBRMethod to change your life and live your dream.

Follow on social media: Instagram | Twitter | Snapchat | Pinterest | YouTube |Periscope @sarahcentrella

You Always Get What You Need, When You Need it Most.

You always get what you want, when you need it most.

There are so many times I question my mission.  Times when I ask myself; what am I doing? Why am I putting myself out there, sharing such personal and private struggles with anyone who cares to tune in?  Times when it seems like all the work isn’t doing anything, isn’t getting me anywhere.

Times like last weekend, when I hear myself tell a room full of strangers my very personal, very raw story for the very first time…. I think, have I lost my mind? It’s one thing to write about it.  Even one thing to make a video about it.  It’s a totally different thing to look total strangers in the eye after they have heard you talk about your husband cheating on you, and leaving.  About you having to support your kids in the beginning with aid from the government.  You feel naked and exposed.

Not that I haven’t felt that way all along, because I definitely have.  With each step in this journey the past three years, it has felt like that.  But I’ve always promised myself that no mater what, I’d be real, and authentically me. That I’d share the rawness because that’s what everyone’s afraid of.  But that’s what would have spoken deepest to me, had I heard this message come from someone like me when I needed it.

So I do it for that reason.  In hopes of reaching that one person, who is at the bottom like I was.  Who for the first time, can hear a message that it’s really all that unique, but for them it is.  For them, it’s the first time they’ve gotten it, because they could relate in some way to what I’ve been through. So that’s been my relentless pursuit.  And it’s the reason that when I want to quit, I just can’t.  I want to make a difference. I want to give the person without hope, a light out of the tunnel. I want to not only give them inspiration to get out, but tools to apply so they can take that first step.

It’s always times like these, the times I’m in questioning mode, that Hustle.Believe.Receive. brings me validation that it’s not all in vain.  That someone out there is getting the message and making that change in their life, and let me tell you that nothing feels as overwhelming as that.  Still, to this day, when I get those letters, email, Facebook messages, comments or tweets, it always makes me cry.  I get so emotional because to have a total stranger trust you with their personal story, and to validate that you are not alone, and that it means something, replenishes my own faith more than I can explain. It is so humbling, and it makes me so grateful, and it takes the sting and embarrassment out of being so public about my life. It makes it worth it.

So if your someone who has taken the time to share your story with me, I know I’ve already responded to you (I sure hope so at least, I respond to every one that I see), thank you. Thank you for renewing my belief, hope and vision.  Thank you for letting me know that it’s meant something to you and that you’ve made a change in your life, because that makes a change in mine.

*Here’s a story that I got today.  It like all the others I’ve gotten the last three years, has come at just the time I needed it most. It is shared with permission.

part #1 of 3.
part #2
part 3


Sarah Centrella is the author of the book Hustle Believe Receive which teaches you how to apply the #HBRMethod to change your life and live your dream.

Follow on social media: Instagram | Twitter | Snapchat | Pinterest | YouTube |Periscope @sarahcentrella

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That Moment When…. You’re Livin’ Your Dream.

That moment when….you’re livin’ a dream you put on your future board. 

Yesterday was that moment for me.  The one where I got up in a room full of strangers and told my story for the first time. Gave my first 90 minute key note speech.  It felt so good.

sarah centrella speaking event
Make-up by glam squad, check. Photo shoot, check.


I’ve obviously been super critical on myself since, picking it all apart and thinking of all the ways I could have done a better job, but the bottom line is… it was my first one like it, and it felt great. It felt like that’s where I should be.  And if there was one women in that audience yesterday who walked away with a renewed sense of hope, or had some type of aha moment, then that will be the best reason to keep going of all.

I have to remember that at the end of the day what an audience is going to get is me.  Plain and simple.  I’m not a Tony Robin’s style motivational speaker, nor do I aim to be.  I want my message to always be raw and personal and uniquely me… goofy, imperfect and a reflection of the person I am.  I know over time I’ll get more and more comfortable, but right now what matters to me is getting my message out there to people.  Letting them know they can change their life the way I have done.  Letting them know they are in control of their future. And if I’m accomplishing that then I know I’m on the path to fulfill my mission and live my passion.

sarah centrella speaking at SeneGense
Getting miked up before I went on..

If you have a passion, live it. No matter what anybody says.  Tell yourself you can achieve it and then let nothing stand in your way.  What I achieved yesterday was a dream four years in the making.  It was something I didn’t even know if I could actually pull off.  But I was dedicated to it and relentless about chasing it, and then the opportunity came to me.  It will happen to you too. Just decide that you will NEVER GIVE UP.

Sarah Centrella key note speech
And that’s what it looks like when a little girl is livin’ her dream.

Big shutout to SeneGence International for giving me this opportunity and for believing in my story, you were all so amazing and it was an honor to be a guest at your event.  And I’m obsessed with LipSence which was applied by the glam squad at 8:00 am and didn’t ever need reapplying and lasted until I removed it at the end of the night! Amazing stuff!

Sarah Centrella LipSense
Most amazing lip color ever! Love LipSense


Sarah Centrella is the author of the book Hustle Believe Receive which teaches you how to apply the #HBRMethod to change your life and live your dream.

Follow on social media: Instagram | Twitter | Snapchat | Pinterest | YouTube |Periscope @sarahcentrella


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Red Cross Speech

I’ve gotten lot’s of requests from readers/followers to see the video from the speech I gave yesterday

for the Red Cross’s Hero’s Breakfast.  The video will be out shortly but for now I thought I’d post my actual speech.  You can read posts on my blog about what life was like when our home flooded and see the videos.  Yesterday was such a special moment for so many reasons.  To me it’s the ultimate proof that everything happens for a reason.  Who would have thought that almost two years ago when that disaster struck that it would turn into the fulfillment of my ultimate dream.  There were nearly 1,000 people at yesterdays fundraiser including executives from Costco, Boeing, Microsoft and Puget Sound Energy.  To share my story in a way that helps to give back to an organization I believe so strongly in was amazing.  And yes I cried at several places in the speech, and at one point the audience gave me a full round of applause during the speech! It was a pretty amazing moment. Dreams do come true. I am proof.    

My Speech

First let me say what an honor it is to be here with you all this evening, and to share my story.  I feel like it’s a moment I’ve waited for ever since that fateful June day.  A day where I can say from the bottom of my heart, Thank you.

On a June afternoon in 2011 I tucked my twin daughters into their bunk beds for their afternoon nap, and went back downstairs to continue my search for a job. I’d been laid off suddenly two weeks before, and was doing all I could not to panic.

And then I heard a bloodcurdling scream coming from my daughter’s room, followed by the sound of an industrial size sprinkler, exploding.

Within minutes water from the in-home sprinkler system, began rushing down the stairs, and pouring from every conceivable light fixture like a faucet.  In the eight minutes it took the fire department to respond, all three levels of the home we were renting, filled with standing water.

What I remember most about that day, was milling around a place that was, in an instant, no longer my home.  Trying to get my mind around what that really meant for my family.  The fire chief was trying to explain that I needed to call someone, find a place to stay.  That we couldn’t come back here, not tonight or anytime in the foreseeable future.  I watched as crews went to work, moving furniture, stepping in, and trying to stop the damage.  And finally I sat on an overturned bucket, put my face in my hands and cried until my whole body shook.

I had no idea what to do.  I had no job.  No savings, and now no home. As a single mom I’d been working nonstop, living paycheck to paycheck for the last two years, just trying to make ends meet after my husband left. I couldn’t imagine how I could possibly get through THIS.  The more the gravity of how desperate our situation really was, began to sink in, the harder I cried.

When my older sister called from California to tell me I should call the Red Cross, I almost laughed. “What can they do?” I asked her. “It’s not like this is hurricane Katrina.  It’s not a national disaster”.

“Just call them”.  She insisted.

I didn’t call.

I felt too foolish and I didn’t want to waste anyone’s time.

Before the fire chief left, he told me our home was considered a “Natural Disaster”.  “It’s unlivable” he said.  Then he handed me his card and said “Please call the Red Cross, they can help you.  You shouldn’t have to go through this alone”.

Ten minutes after making the call an elderly gentleman with a Red Cross vest, walked into what was once my living room.  And he gave me a hug.  It was the first hug I’d gotten all day.  I’d been in the house for hours with over a dozen firefighters, but no family.  No friends.  That hug, from a total stranger, was exactly what I needed in that moment.

We both sat, and in the kindest most compassionate way imaginable, he quietly asked me what I needed.  I couldn’t even think.  Part of me was in denial.  I was still thinking that somehow, once everyone left, I could put the kids to bed in their rooms, and that this would have all been just a terrible nightmare.  But he had the good sense to think for me.  To realize the state I was in, and to recognize that I couldn’t make a cohesive thought.

And then, as if reading my thoughts he said something I’ll never forget.  He said “it’s ok.  I’m here to help, with whatever you need. You are not alone.   Everybody needs help sometimes.  And that’s okay.”  

He asked if the kids and I had a place to stay that night, or for the next week.  I said no.  He asked if they had dry clothes, ones not damaged by the flood water.  I couldn’t think and didn’t want to be selfish, but he reminded me, that he was there for just that purpose; to think of what I could not.

Then, he called in a hotel room for us, one with a refrigerator because he knew the kids would need one.  He asked if I needed dinner for the kids, and handed me a debit card and said, “Just call me if you think of anything at all, anything we missed”.

He stood up, and reached in his bag, and handed me three Mickey Mouse toys, “these are for your children, just in case their toys are all wet, that way they have something tonight.”

Everything about that day was so blurry.  Everything but him, and the warmth, love and support he brought into a waterlogged, disaster ridden home.

He brought compassion in a way that allowed me to keep my dignity.

In a way that made me feel like I wasn’t taking a handout, but accepting a hand, from a friend.

So let me take this moment to say thank you, to all the volunteers, who open their hearts without judgment to people like me.  Who are there with a hug on what is possibly the worst day of a person’s life.  On a day when hope seems to be lost.

What you did for me was keep my family together. That is what the Red Cross did for me. You allowed me to continue to be a mother during an intensely difficult, scary and uncertain time.  For four weeks we were homeless, and jobless.  And for four weeks you held us together.  You made it possible for me to still take my son to his school, to still sing their songs at bedtime, and read to them while they took a bath.

Without your help I could not have taken care of them though that time.  The thought of that is unimaginable to me.  There are no words eloquent enough to express my gratitude for all you did for our family.  For thinking and acting for me, when I wasn’t capable…and for doing it all with love.

You help also inspired me to get back on my feet, and gave me the motivation to provide for my family in a way I’d never been able to do before this tragedy.

And so it brings me great joy and personal pride to be in a position now too give you this (hold up my personal check/donation) … a $100 donation.  It’s nowhere near what you have given me, but it’s a start.  It’s for the money loaded on my Red Cross debit card, and I’m honored to now be in a position to return it.  Please load it on another card, for another family who’s in the middle of the worst day of their life.  I pray it makes them feel as I did, that they are not alone, and that even a total stranger can love and support you.

The Red Cross is a non-profit organization that relies solely on donations to survive.  All local funding comes from the generosity of individuals, businesses and foundations within our own community.   These donations help to fund all of our local disaster responses, our free preparedness training; they help us connect military members and their families during emergencies, and teach kids first aid  ……… so today I ask you to contribute.

I want to be clear…your donations funded the disaster relief that gave me food and shelter. Your donations are what kept my family together and gave me a chance to be a mother…but there are still so many more to reach, so many more kids and families that need help. The Red Cross responds to two disasters every week here in the Northwest. Those are not statistics, they are people, just like me that need your help.  I’m asking you to donate on their behalf.  If everyone here gives $100 or more tonight, we will make our goal of $100,000.

Please pick up the large envelope on your table and pass it around.  Inside the envelope are donation cards, smaller envelopes, and pens for your use.  Please fill out a donation card, place it with your donation in a smaller envelope, and then put it back in the large envelope.  Cash, checks and credit cards are all accepted.  There is also a place to sign your company up for a matching gift.   I’ll give you a moment pass around the materials and then I’ll continue.  (…Pause approx. 10 seconds…)

I don’t know how much you have to give today, maybe you have $25, maybe $250, $2,500 or $25,000 but I need you to know that every dollar you give goes to help families like me.  I’m here to say, that your money is soooo well spent! Your money fed my children when I couldn’t.  It clothed them when I couldn’t.  It put a roof over their heads when I could not.  What could be a better use of anyone’s money than that?

This is where your money goes… to people like me and to children just like mine. And we just want to say thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

You were there when we needed it most. Thank you!

I so used the whole thing!!!

Forever a Red Cross evangelist


so happy my babies could be there


My girl Sarah came with a bottle of wine that first night in the hotel. Was so special to have her there yesterday.
Above a pic of my vision board, Red Cross logo and a mic… I KNEW one day I’d be here.. was exactly what I envisioned.

Read the story of us in the hotel.



Click HERE to pre-order my book #HustleBelieveReceive which gives my 8 steps to success to changing your life and living your dream. Not all “law of attraction” teaching works, in fact most don’t.  But over the last 5 years I’ve learned what does and how to quickly and easily apply it to get fast, life changing results. Learn more about my #HBRMethod for success.

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Vision Board Success: I Got The Benz!!!

Here is more future board success!  Enough said.

Sarah Centrella's vision board success
My vision board on left (been on there 2 years) just drove it home.

If you don’t believe by now…. shame on you.

First happy commute!


Sarah Centrella is the author of the book Hustle Believe Receive which teaches you how to apply the #HBRMethod to change your life and live your dream.

Follow on social media: Instagram | Twitter | Snapchat | Pinterest | YouTube |Periscope @sarahcentrella


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Top Motivational Hip Hop Songs

I love hip hop

As you may know, if you follow me on Twitter or Facebook, I’m a Hip Hop fan.  I became one right after my ex-husband left, because I needed something, anything to lift my spirits.  I knew I needed all the help I could get to keep from falling into depression, so I turned on T.I.. and Fabolous, and Eminem.  The music instantly put a smile on my face and made me want to dance.  But more importantly I began listening to the lyrics and pulling out anything I could relate to, or draw strength from.  The more I listened, the more those songs became my mantras, my anthems and my go-to’s when I needed to get a lift out of a self-pity sinkhole.

I worked out to it, played it in my car.  Cranked it in my headphones as I walked around New York city.  Everywhere I went it went with me and reminded me of my dreams, what I wanted to achieve and that I could.


Music has always had a power over me.  A sad song can instantly ruin my entire day.  It can put me in a funk and the more I listen to it the more upset I get.  Knowing how powerful music is in my life, I’ve realized that I can use that influence for good.  And that’s what Hip Hop has done for me, turned that energy around.

It’s A New Day…

And now four years later, as I’m starting my motivational speaking career, I’m again looking to those songs, some old and some new to get not only me fired up, but you too!

Listen to the lyrics of each of these songs.  I love them because the writing is really cleaver and sometimes I have to think on it a while before I get it… but I hope these inspire you to achieve the life you deserve as they have me.

Hip Hop


Here are my favorite hip-hop motivational songs: 


WORK: by Iggy Azalea

This song is all about #TheHustle. “I’ve been up all night, tryina get that rich. I’ve been work, work, work. Workin’ on my shit.”

Impossible is Nothing: by Iggy Azalea

The title says it all. “This dream is all that I need, cuz it’s all that I ever had.”

I’ve Made It:  by Kevin Rudolf

I remember first listening to this song in 2010 when I was training for the Portland Marathon.  I’d let my mind create a vision so clear of the day when I’d “look up to the sky and say I’ve made it”.  The day came later that year, as I sat in the back of my town car, my driver crossing the Brooklyn Bridge into Manhattan for my first NYC trip.  I looked up to that skyline, played this song so loud in my headphones…. and lived that moment.  It made me cry.  No lie.

The Show Goes On: by Lupe Fiasco

Favorite line: “When times is hard you stand up.” I love this mantra.  Just stand up. Keep going no matter how hard times get.

Lighters: by Bad Meet’s Evil and Bruno Mars:

When this song came out all I envisioned was one thing: it playing before I take the stage to give a Key Note Motivational Speech.  The chorus would play….

“This ones for you and me, living out our dreams. We’re all right where we should be. With my arms out wide, I open my eyes and now all I wanna see… Is a sky full of lighters”.

My Time: by Fabolous

Love this song so much. This is the one I put on when I need to remind myself of where I came from and where I am going.  Nothing get’s me up like this song. I can relate to the hard work and hard times it talks about and the fact that “It’s my time” now.

Moment 4 Life: by Nicki Minaj

Whenever I’m living a Pinch Me Moment, I always think of this song “I wish that I could have this moment for life”.  It reminds me to savor every win, live in the moment and give thanks for it.

New Day: by 50 Cent

Love the work this song talks about, coming up from the hard times and living the moment you’ve worked for.  I also love the line “I’m strong as an ox mentally” ... nothing can break me.

Written in the Stars: by Eric Turner

“I’m on my way”.  Can’t tell you how many time’s I’ve cranked up this song and sung that line, and BELIEVED it.  “It feels like a long time comin’ round, since I thought of that cunning plan of how to turn a $10 into $100 grand”.  Yes sir!

 All the Above: by Maino

Tell me what do you see when your lookin’ at me? On a mission to be what I’m destined to be.” That has got to be my all time favorite line in any song.  If you follow me, then you’ve seen me use that line as my status update soooo many times.  And when I post it, it’s because I am at a low point and needed to be reminded, that I’m on a mission to be, what I’m destined to be. I done been through the pain and the sorrow, the struggle was nothin’ but love” meaning that it didn’t break him. I so get that. It’s my anthem.

Believe: by Justin Bieber

I cranked up this song so loud this week when I drove my new Benz home.  I rolled down the windows and sang it so loud. It was that moment.  The one you live for, and can’t find words for.  But felt amazing. “Didn’t matter how many times I got knocked on the floor, I knew one day I would be standing tall.  Just look at me now.  Where would I be, if I didn’t believe?”  So perfect.

Girl on Fire: by Alisha Keys

Well… listen to it.

Good Life: by OneRepublic

Hard not to feel blessed listening to this song.

Effing Perfect: by Pink

I’ve quoted these lyrics so many times on this blog and my status updates.  There’s a line that I have printed out and taped to my wall at work.  It’s a reminder that this line, sums up everything I believe in.  “Change the voices in your head.  Make them like you instead.”  Whenever I want to get down on myself I say this mantra and remind myself that what I focus on is what I get… so I better like myself and train those voices to as well.

Live Your Life: by T.I.

This song reminds me to count my blessing and be thankful for what I have and stop complaining.  Enjoy life, right now.


Not Afraid: by Eminem 

This is the song I listen to when I’m frustrated, or distracted by “the haters”.  On days when I question what I’m doing and if it will ever amount to anything or if I’ll ever actually live out my dream. I put on this song and hear that line: “I’m be what I set out to be, without a doubt. Undoubtedly.”  And then I remember….

My Last: by Big Sean

“I’m just doin’ better then what everyone projected.  I knew that I’d be here, so if you ask me how this feels? I’ll tell you it’s everything I EXPECTED”.  Drive, vision and work got to that moment.  Love it.

Beautiful: by Akon 

I listen to this song to get me out of a self-loathing funk…. we’ve all been there! Gotta have Akon tell us we’re beautiful some days.. hey, whatever it takes!

Ready to work with me? Learn more about my coaching and schedule a free 15 min consultation to learn how you can live your dreams!
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Your Dream Is Waiting.

Your dream is waiting.

You know that place, the one where you’ve been working your ass off forever and it feels like your not making any progress? You know you’re on the right path, and that a break has gotta be coming soon, but you feel stuck, like you are never going to break through that wall.  That’s kinda how the last few months have felt.  I worked and worked, day and night preparing for what I know is coming.  Yet it felt like I was running in place.  It’s the place where 98% of people quit, and 2% push through.  Napoleon Hill says that the 2% who push through that last level, the one that seems like you’ve done all in your power and it’s just never gonna happen, he says those are the ones who reach their ultimate dream.  That it’s right on the other side, waiting for them.  But those other 98% just couldn’t see it any more, couldn’t believe anymore, and couldn’t keep on pushing.  So they quit, not knowing that right on the other side of that wall, was the success they had been working towards all along.

When I read that, I knew what percentile I wanted to be in.  I made a mental commitment to myself over a year ago after reading Think and Grow Rich, that no matter how tough it got I’d never quit.  I’d keep pushing, because the thought of giving up at the finish line seemed, oh so tragic.

See Below for explanation

I’ve proven his theory to be true to myself so many times.  I will go through that phase of non-stop hustle and feel like it got me nowhere, then I’ll question what I’m doing, and then I’ll kill the doubt and walk right into that wall.  Well today was one of those moments when I got through the wall and my dream was on the other side.  I signed my first official contract to give the Motivational Key Note Address at a function in April in Los Angeles.  My ultimate dream. Not only that but in the course of a little over 24 hours I was approached by three different organizations to give the Key Note Address at various events.

One of the events is a moment I’ve pictured in my head for almost two years.  It’s giving the Key Note at the annual Washington Red Cross fundraiser.  Since my home flooded I knew I wanted to give back to the Red Cross in some way, and have been approached about speaking at their events in the past but something had come up.  This time all the stars aligned and as fate would have it, it will be my first ever speech of it’s kind. How fitting is that? Something that at the time seemed like the world had just fallen apart and that I’d never recover from it, turned into the gateway to my ultimate Big Picture Dream…. That’s the very definition of Hustle.Believe.Receive.

Push through the wall, your dream is waiting.

*The picture above is of my vision board at work (also on my Pinterest board) of a microphone, to represent my dream to be a motivational speaker. I put that up in 2010 long before anyone was reading my blog, and long before I really thought I could ever make it happen.  Next to it is the Red Cross logo which went up after our home flooded, I put it next to the mic to remind me that one day I wanted to thank them in a speech, to give back.  The picture below is my first ever speakers contract which I signed today.  Three years after putting that goal/wish/dream/vision out into the world.  Dreams come true. I’m living proof that anything is possible for anyone.

**If you want to learn how to manifest the life you’ve always wanted and how to make a #FutureBoard (vision board) that actually WORKS sign up for my #HBRBootcamp NOW!


Sarah Centrella is the author of the book Hustle Believe Receive which teaches you how to apply the #HBRMethod to change your life and live your dream.

Follow on social media: Instagram | Twitter | Snapchat | Pinterest | YouTube |Periscope @sarahcentrella

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