One and Done.

It being a new year and all, I’ve decided to make a promise to myself.  A commitment of sorts. See I’m the type of person who doesn’t let a lot of people get close to me.  But when I finally let someone new in (let’s be honest I’m really referring to someone I’m dating) I tend to hold on wayyyy to long. Maybe it’s because it’s taken me a while to let them in and I don’t want to start over with someone knew.  Maybe because when they first show me their duchebag side, I give them one pass after the next, hoping that one day they will wake-up and realize I’ve been good and loyal to them all along (who would do that? Um hello crazy girl!).  Yes I’ve been guilty of this, and though it’s not pretty to admit, it has been my pattern.

Sarah Centrella Dating Sucks
Wise up girl.

I’ve realized that I’ve been drawn to men who don’t know how to acknowledge when they are wrong or have disrespected me, and who seem to be incapable of a true sincere apology. I’ve now realized that those type of men are not the ideal match for me. I’ve decided that I deserve better than that (shocking I know). I am one to apologize quickly when I’ve been called out for being in the wrong, but that trait has crossed some blurred lines I’ve noticed lately.  It’s overcompensated for the other person. This week two very clear examples occurred with two different individuals that shone the light bright on this issue for me. In both cases the other person did something for which I was extremely hurt and offended. One of those “clear as day” that it should have been on them to apologize and try to get me to move past it. However that didn’t happen (it never does) and sure enough a day or two goes by and who is doing the apologizing? Me. For something I didn’t do. For being offended in the first place, or god only knows what else, whatever necessary I suspect to get us “past it.” And then I wait for them to pout for a few more days, until it’s good again for a little while and then the dysfunctional cycle resumes.

So yeah… I’ve decided that it’s kinda bullshit.  That maybe it doesn’t make me the “better person” to always be piping up and taking the blame for everything and that maybe I should hold them accountable for their actions and be willing to watch them walk out of my life if they are not willing to man up and do the right thing.

“When someone shows you who they are, believe them the FIRST time.” –Maya Angelou

That statement is my promise to myself in 2014.  This is going to be the year that when I recognize that behavior on someone new, for the FIRST time, I am going to wash my hands of them and run the other direction.  I am going to proactively spare myself heartache and needless self-destruction.  I am going to selfishly put my happiness first. I am going to expect more and refuse to settle. I am going to be perfectly happy alone, blissfully so in comparison to the negative energy these relationships have brought me year after year. I am going to stand up for myself and repeat the motto “one and done.” No more second, third, or three hundred chances.  If you show me who you are, I am going to believe you, and take a pass if it’s not a match for me.

Here’s to finding happiness within and loving myself enough.

Good girl… now keep your promise.


Sarah Centrella is the author of the book Hustle Believe Receive which teaches you how to apply the #HBRMethod to change your life and live your dream.

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New Year, New Challenge.

Christmas Eve 2013

It’s a new year, and it’s about to be a brand new me! I love the ending of a year and the start to a brand new one, it has always revitalized me and this year is no different. Last week I took the time to look over 2013 and soak in the accomplishments it brought with it, both personal and professional.  And it’s funny because I’ve spent the last few months in a “funk” feeling like I’d not accomplished anything and that all my goals and dreams still loomed out of reach, yet when I did an inventory of 2013 this is what I found:

  1.  In January our story was featured by the Red Cross in their national PSA airing on cable networks around the country.
  2. In February, I fulfilled a five year dream to take my kids on vacation to Disneyland.  Something I’d always thought was a near impossibility for me as a single mom to be in a position to do.
  3. In April I gave my first ever public motivational speech to a room of total strangers, sharing my tips for creating a successful life.  This was a major dream come true for me.
  4. In May I gave my first ever live key note speech to over 1,000 people at the annual fundraiser for the American Red Cross.
  5. In June I was able to move back to Portland so my kids could be closer to their father and our family, something we had wanted to do for over a year.
  6. In August I took the kids for a week long camping vacation in the Redwood forest.
  7. I was able to travel in 2013 more than I ever have before, fulfilling a personal goal and passion of mine.  Spending many weekends in Washington DC, a week in NYC, trips to San Francisco and LA among others.
  8. In November I finished the total rewrite of my memoir.
  9. In December I realized that for the second straight year I’d achieved my professional goals at work and been able to raise the standard of living for my family significantly this year for the first time in my life.
  10. Once again I was able to manifest incredible experiences, specific items off my vision board (Christian Loubutin shoes, Louis Vuitton bag, Mercedes, a specific amount in my bank account that I’ve had written on my wall for over five years, Disneyland, speaking engagements and so much more).
    My first ever new pair of Christian Loubutin’s!!! A gift beyond my wildest dreams!!      
  11.  And finally in 2013 I cleansed my personal life of people who had made it toxic. And I began working hard on relationships that mattered to me, and cutting the ones that no longer added value. As a result I am finally in a place where the people in my life are the ones I’ve chosen and who in return have chosen me.  They are relationships built on love and mutual respect and loyalty. I am truly amazingly and abundantly blessed.

For a girl who was raised homeless, with no childhood education, and who five years ago was relying on state aid to feed my children… who woulda thought I’d be living this life now?? Oh yeah, I did. I had the audacity to dream, and the tenacity to hustle.

I was finally able to make it back to my favorite city this year. NYC

If you are feeling stuck in your life I challenge you to do an inventory of 2013. I bet you will surprise yourself when you realize how much you did accomplish.  And if the opposite is true, than today is the day to map out 2014. Set SPECIFIC goals, create a Future Board to support it, and start working on achieving them now, so that next year at this time your list of accomplishments will be surprisingly long.  Dreams don’t come true without a plan and the work needed to achieve them, but with those three things you can change your life. You can and should be filling each year with a list of once in a lifetime experiences and accomplishments.  That’s what life is all about, filling it up and soaking it in.

Now it’s time to start planning on breaking new records in 2014….. oh boy! I cant wait!

“Four Christmas’s ago my children woke up and each had one gift under the tree and empty stockings. I was hardly living paycheck to paycheck and payday was after Christmas. I cried so hard that morning feeling like the biggest failure. I vowed to never put myself or them in that kinda situation again. Through much adversity and when times get tough I fight on for them. Not for “material things” but for the magic that comes with mornings like tomorrow morning. I love playing #Santa and can’t wait to see their faces. Believe in magic. Work hard. #neverquit”
My Instagram post Dec 24th


Sarah Centrella is the author of the book Hustle Believe Receive which teaches you how to apply the #HBRMethod to change your life and live your dream.


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Is There Such Thing as, The ONE?

Is there such thing as THE ONE?

I believe in life, we get many chances to love.  The older I get, the less I believe in the idea of one “soul-mate”, or one “love of your life”.  I think that in each phase of our life, we grow into different people and love takes on a new meaning. The love we sought when we were in our teens and twenties is different than what would attract, or be meaningful to us in our thirties or forties.  Does that mean it wasn’t true love? Or that the person wasn’t, in that moment, the “love of our life”?  I don’t think so.

I believe there is such a thing as finding a connection with someone that is unlike anything you’ve experienced prior. It transcends the love you knew up to that point, and for the time you spend with that person, they truly are “the love of your life” up to that point.  But what happens when that love doesn’t last or doesn’t work out? Does that mean your chance is gone? That you’ve met “the one” and lost them and now your chance for love is over?

God how depressing would that be! It would make getting over that loss almost impossible.  Thankfully, I believe it shows us, that with each true love we reach a new height.  A new awareness of what love means.  We learn how to be a better, more loving partner. We learn to let our walls down and let someone else in.  With that comes the risk of pain and loss, but it truly is so much better to have had that opportunity then to have never experienced it at all.  That would be tragic.

I think that love, like wine, like wisdom, gets better with age.  I think it opens doors to something even better yet to come.  It let’s us know we are capable of attracting it, experiencing it, and breathing it in.  And I fully believe that there is a “right” one, even when the others who came before were perhaps the “wrong ones”.  With each experience the bar is raised, the lessons are learned, and when the time is right, the one who is meant to stay will transcend all the others.  And when that happens the loves of the past will fade away and be replaced with one far superior.

Yes please!

This gives me hope. This lets me know that something so mind-blowingly amazing is coming my way, and I can’t wait. I know I’ll recognize and appreciate it in a way I could never have done had I not gone through losing love in the past.  I know I’ll be a better woman, a better lover, and partner to him when he comes.


Sarah Centrella is the author of the book Hustle Believe Receive which teaches you how to apply the #HBRMethod to change your life and live your dream.

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Yeah, That Just Happened.

Yeah, THAT just happened.

As a single mom I’ve gotta say, most of the time I feel like I’m teetering on the edge of insanity.  I’ve always got five million balls in the air and if this was juggling, then I’d say at least half of them I miss and they wind up on the floor.  I’ve come to accept it in some ways, fight against it in others. I never give myself a break because of it, but rather seem to be constantly disappointed in myself for endlessly fucking up.

But hey that’s life right?  Most moments overwhelm me and I just try to push through them so I don’t get the urge to quit, but occasionally I am so idiotic that even I crack myself up. Today was one of those days.

Because I’m a working single mom raising my kids without a support system, or extended family, I’ve had to miss all their field trips at school, and plenty of other school activities.  This always makes me feel shitty, especially when they beg to have me come, and the truth is I just can’t.  But this time I was determined.  For the girls first grade field trip to the pumpkin patch I had every intention of completing the paperwork necessary and taking a half day of work, and doing it up proper.  Riding on the bus, helping the teacher out, the whole nine yards. But of course the paperwork got lost in the shuffle of too-little-time and to-do lists, and the deadline got missed.  So today I found myself with two first graders all excited that mama was gonna come with them for the first time ever. Opps.

… I had some explaining to do.  But, I promised I would go to the pumpkin patch and hangout with them for an hour between my work meetings, and though disappointed they put on big smiles and let me walk them to class this morning.  It was also picture day, and of course I missed the deadline to turn in the paperwork for pictures, so this morning I was scrambling to fill it out in the school hallway, and proudly handed them to each teacher.  As I walked out of the school this morning, I thought: how is it that when I’m riding the line between failure and total failure, I still feel like I’m winning when I avoid total failure? I totally felt like I was winning this morning.  I smiled to myself, it might have been a scramble but I did everything I had to do.  I’d turned in the picture paperwork just in time, I had gotten the pumpkin patch directions and made sure my work calls fell on either side of that free hour.

I was holding it all together. Bravo me. 

I came home, did my work calls and headed out to the pumpkin patch to meet the girls. They greeted me with open arms and introduced me to all their friends and their friends mommies.  I felt like I was still a total loser for not actually volunteering but at least the effort was there.

Izzy and her class at the Pumpkin patch


Then Mira and her class…

Then I rushed to my Barre3 workout at lunch.  Rushed home for more work conference calls, went grocery shopping, was late getting the kids from their after school program, had fifteen minutes to feed them, before rushing (late) to Kanen’s football practice. When I walked Kanen to the coach to apologize for being late, he asked “Where is Kanen’s helmet?”

Barre3 obsession, lunchtime burn

Sooooo long story short. I’m walking into the house to get Kanen’s helmet and Mira says to me “Mama why are your pants on wrong side out? Why is there a tag on your butt?” I looked down for the first time all day to see the “inside” seams of my pants, as plain as day running down my leg.

…… Welcome to my life.  Don’t be jealous.  #Winning.


Why fix em now? P.S. decided against posting the pick of the tag on my ass.. your welcome!


Sarah Centrella is the author of the book Hustle Believe Receive which teaches you how to apply the #HBRMethod to change your life and live your dream.

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Just Do It.

Just DO IT.

As you may know I’ve been writing my memoir for the past two years. I finished version one titled “Thoughts.Stories.Life.”  Somewhat based on this blog, over a year ago.  My agent pitched it to all the top publishing houses and the general consensus from editors was… it sucked. I was not a writer and it showed.  Then I rewrote it again and this time called it “One Third Crazy” which we pitched again last year, with pretty much the same response.

Then I closed my Word document and refused to open it for about nine months.  I just couldn’t start it from scratch again, not because I didn’t believe in the story but because I got so lost in this notion, true or not, that I am not really a writer. I’m just a chick masquerading as a writer. I mean I never set out to be one in the first place, it’s nothing I’ve ever said I’m particularly good at.  But it is something that found me, and has in so many ways changed my life.  So a few months ago I started all over again on what essentially is my third writing of my memoir, and slowly I think I’m learning how to write it, and let the story come out of me instead of worrying about if I am, or am not a writer.

But the process is so isolating.  So much of it is just you and the page and fear. The fear of telling the whole story, the fear of not. The trepidation of exposing stories of the people you love who play major parts in your life and how they will react. Writing a memoir has got to be one of the most difficult things to do, mainly for those reasons.  You are constantly trying to fight through and past that fear.

In the midst of my crisis on weather I should give up or keep going, three very significant things recently happened.

1.  A few weeks ago I went to lunch with one of my favorite clients who asked me if my book had been published (I had last seen him when TSL was being shopped to publishers).  I began with my list of reasons as to why it is not yet available for purchase in the airport, and he stopped me and said: “Sarah, I’m not fucking having lunch with you again until your book is finished. Just finish it. Get out of your head about, if it’s right or wrong, and just finish it.” It’s hard to argue with that logic and so I didn’t.  Instead I made a promise to him with a deadline of two months out and boldly said I’d have a manuscript to him by Thanksgiving.  That day after lunch I wrote a brand new Chapter One, and have written 20 chapters since nearly 2/3 finished with what I pray will be my final version of my memoir.  His words were the exact push I needed.

2.  Last week an ex of mine said “You know Sarah, you’d be so much more productive if you just focused on work.  If you could just forget about this book and blog thing and all the other things you’re doing, you’d make so much more money and be more successful if you put all of that energy into work instead.” I looked at him and realized A. This is why you are an “Ex“.  B. I would rather die then live that kind of life. All that other stuff, is what drives my passion and makes my life have purpose and meaning (above and beyond being a mother obviously).   All I could think was, “one day I’ll show you.”

3.  Tonight I just got home from a book reading/signing with Cheryl Strayed author of the New York Times Bestseller “Wild” which I just finished and loved.  I sat in total awe, on the edge of my seat and in virtual tears through every second of that reading, because for the first time in my life I saw what the output of my dream looks like. I mean I’ve imagined it so many times but I’ve never read a book, and then gone to a book tour event, the very kind I envision myself doing one day.  I got goosebumps when she talked about getting the call from Oprah, a moment I’ve dreamed of for most of my adult life.  I pictured myself sitting in that chair talking about my book, I wanted to cry.  It was the exact dose of inspiration and motivation I so desperately needed. It made me see that other people have gone through this process and had these same self doubts and come out on the other side.  It made me know without a doubt that one day that will be me.


My signed copies of “Wild” and “The Twelve Tribes of Hattie    
Ayana Mathis and Cheryl Strayed at Wordstock

If you have a dream, don’t let anyone tell you that it’s not worth achieving. Listen to the few that tell you to just fucking do it.  And tune out the rest who say that being a dreamer makes you a fool. Then make sure you put yourself in the moments you imagine living out, and remember that when we are closest to our dream coming true that is the point when the majority of people quit. Don’t quit.


Sarah Centrella is the author of the book Hustle Believe Receive which teaches you how to apply the #HBRMethod to change your life and live your dream.

Football and Parenting.

Football and Parenting.

Parenting is the single hardest most thankless job on earth. There are days when you feel like you’re winning, on some microscopic level. And God bless the days, few and far between, when you feel like you are really nailing it.  I don’t know about you, so I’ll only speak for me here, but the majority of the days I feel like I’m barley keeping my head above water. I feel like I’m three steps behind, always running ragged poking and prodding, scurrying, and scolding, grabbing more things then my arms were ever intended to carry.  Cleaning up more then seems humanly possible.  Doing more loads of wash then seems conceivable with the amount of clothes we have, and constantly feeding or buying food.

There’s always something major I’m pushing off the front burner onto an invisible back one. The list of things to do, stopped being written down years ago because when I see it I instantly want to cry.  Just looking at it overwhelms me. There’s always someone who needs a dentist visit, or to sign up for a sport or help with their homework.  Or a car that need’s fixing, or a dog that needs fixing. And no matter what I accomplish off that list it never seems to get smaller.  There is never any satisfaction when the items finally get crossed off either.  Only guilt because it took so long, or because the items that kept getting pushed off, got urgent at the wrong time.

When you’re a single parent there is no one to blame but you.  No one to bitch at for not pulling their weight.  No one to thank for giving you a break on a day when you were at your breaking point.  No one to appreciate the work you put in, or say that the outcomes are showing promise.  Or that you don’t totally suck. No one.

Taking my 8 year old son to Oregon Duck games #singlemom #thestruggle

Duck game 2010

And the worst part is that when the absent parent does a tiny gesture, to show that they remotely care, the child sees them as a god.  And you can’t help but think, even though you shouldn’t, that there is no justice in this world. That all you’ve done all a long, goes unappreciated and unnoticed. That their one minimal gesture outshines all the days and nights you were there, putting in the work and the love, when they were no where to be found. It feels like a knife in your heart. Even though it shouldn’t, it just does. But you close your mouth, and you smile, and you show enthusiasm, because that is your job.

Today my son dressed in his first ever football uniform, ready for practice. He looked so handsome. His jersey is purple and black just like the Raven’s, and I told him so.  And for the first time ever, he looked at me and said, “what if I don’t like them any more? What if I like my dad’s team?” And what came out of my mouth was “you can like any team you want, son.”

But what fumed in my head was…

When your dad left, so did the opportunity for you to go in the backyard and play catch. Or learn how to throw a football.  And so when we lived in a 700 square foot apartment I went out and got you a football, and even though I didn’t really like or know anything about it, I picked up  the ball and threw it to you every night.  

And before long you were running down the hall, and into the kitchen to catch passes. Diving on the carpet to grab the ball before it went through the window. We’d have a football game on, and we’d watch it together. You were just six years old, but we’d study the plays and try to act them out.  And then we went to Oregon games together, and I showed you LIVE how those players where running the plays we watched on TV.  And we’d look for positions we recognized and memorized the players names, and then we’d go home and practice, every night. And when one of those Oregon players became a Raven we started watching the NFL and Raven games.  And we perfected our passes, and practiced jumping and diving catches, and blocks and screens. 

Sarah Centrella Oregon Ducks game with Kanne

Our first Oregon Duck game in 2009

And when we moved to a bigger house, our game took over the whole place. And your arm got so good, and you could catch anything I threw to you.  And always, the Raven game was on.  On the radio or on TV. And you knew all the players names and all their positions.

And then one day the unthinkable happened and we got to go to a Raven’s home game 3,000 miles away. But that’s not all, you got your biggest wish, you met the players, toured the locker room and stood on the sidelines… every little boys dream. 

And then we moved to an even bigger house, one with a yard.  And when the rain stopped we’d play outside. You are bigger now so you can run and catch those long spiral’s, and you can even throw ones I can’t catch anymore. But if it poured rain outside, we’d still play in the house until we were both worn out and short of breath. And the girls would try to play, try to steel the ball from you. And the Raven’s game would be on.  And then our team did the impossible, they went to the Super Bowl. And you sat on the couch next to me in all your Raven’s gear, and we eat chicken wings while the girls played Barbies upstairs.

Raven's game with my son

Our first Raven’s game 2011

And today, you put on your pads and uniform for the first time in your life, and you looked like a real football player.  A real grown little man, and you were in our teams colors. And it took three weeks of me pleading with the coaches to get you added to their already full team after we moved, and extra budgeting financially, paying bills late to make sure I could cover the registration fee. And all the stress of figuring out how I’d juggle the huge time commitment of games and practice… but we did it.  You are a real football player, after all these years. And you look just like a Raven, my son. It’s the start of your real life football career the day you’ve been waiting for.

I wanted to scream… how in the world could you say that none of that mattered? 

That’s what I really wanted to say.  But he’s ten years old, and I don’t have that right. And logically I know it’s probably not what he meant.  I know all the logical things that we know as parents. But it doesn’t take the sting out of moments like today.  It doesn’t prevent you from feeling like you just totally failed as a parent. And it doesn’t stop that instant burn behind your eyes and in your throat, or the urge to wish you could explain.

But you put a smile on, pat them on the back and say; Honey you’re a big boy, you can cheer for any team you like.  I’ll be right over there watching you practice, and your snacks will be waiting.  And that’s what mommies do.

our first Oregon football game Sept 2009
Sarah Centrella with son Oregon Ducks
Oregon game 2010


Sarah Centrella at Ravens game
Raven’s field pre-game 2011


Kanen Rossi Ravens
Watchin the Super Bowl together 2013


Kanen Rossi
Wearing his first ever team jersey, ready for practice. 2013


Sarah Centrella is the author of the book Hustle Believe Receive which teaches you how to apply the #HBRMethod to change your life and live your dream.

Follow on social media: Instagram | Twitter | Snapchat | Pinterest | YouTube |Periscope @sarahcentrella

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Think and Grow Rich… Is It Working?

It seems like I always have the best epiphanies when I’m on cross-country flights.  For some reason I find them so inspiring. I, like everyone else, need inspiration wherever I can find it.

When you have a dream, you’ve defined it, committed to it, work at it tirelessly and believe in it with all your heart — you will be faced with times when NOTHING seems to be happening. That’s when you start to question everything.  Experience tells me that pushing through those times, is the key to get the ball rolling again.  But sometimes it’s so hard. It’s  easy to lose your way in times like that. And when you allow those times to drag on and on, and don’t put an end to those thoughts and feelings that’s when it starts to become dangerous. That’s when you’re at risk of losing it all together. And that’s the stage when most people become overwhelmed with doubt and start to think that it’s all a bunch of crap and that the Law of Attraction doesn’t work.

Two years ago I got a book called “Think and Grow Rich” by Napoleon Hill.  It instantly lit a fire under me. In the back of the book, on the last two blank pages, I wrote out my plan for success in detail. With defined deadlines and specific “moments” I expected to live out and manifest. Then I put the book away. That was September 1, 2011.


My 2011 goals written at the back of the book

Before I walked out the door headed to the airport yesterday, I grabbed the book off my nightstand. And on my flight I began reading it again. I read over the plan I’d written out two years ago to the day. And I measured my progress against that plan.

I did not reach my goals. In the last two years I have not hit my timelines and bench marks and have not lived out all those moments. And as any logical person would do, I asked myself why not?

Here is what I realized.

All of those plans where centered around ONE specific requirement on MY part… to finish writing a quality memoir of my life. 

I did finish my first attempt at my memoir, but it wasn’t good enough. I am a green writer and these things take time, and lots of re-writes! So when it came down to it, I did not do MY part. I had a plan, I had a vision, I had belief, but I had let the hustle die. I had written two versions of my book and then I got discouraged. I let it get to me, and got lost in the doubt and let the project sit on my shelf.  So how can I question if any of this works if I’m NOT doing my part? How can my memoir end up on the New York Times Best Seller List, if I never finish writing it? I mean helllloooo!

Sometimes when we find ourselves discouraged, because we are not making the progress we set out to make.  Or because it’s taking too long.  Or it’s not happening the way we envisioned it to go… maybe we need to stop and take an unbiased inventory of our part in the process. Have we met and exceeded our goals? Have we finished what we set out to accomplish. If not, why not?

The magic can’t work if we have not put ourselves in the position to receive it. We can not expect success without work. We can not expect wealth without effort.

Our dreams are dependent on us doing the work to put us in the position to make them come true. If we have not adequately prepared, if we have not done our part, then no matter how much we struggle to get our dream to manifest –it remains just that, a struggle. Not a manifestation.


Want to work with me? Learn more about my coaching and schedule a free 15 min consultation to learn how you can live your dreams!


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Letting Go of The Love of Your Life.

Saying goodbye to the love of your life. #lovehurts #goodbye "Letting Go of the Love of Your Life." How do you let go of the one person who you feel was your soul mate? Is there more than one true love of your life? CLICK TO READ
Letting go of the love of your life…
Two years ago I met the love of my life.
It was one of those cosmically aligned moments, when I ran into a stranger in an elevator who changed my life and stole my heart. The connection was instant and undeniable.
For the next year my heart went through every possible emotion.  The most prominent of which was; finding the one person you’ve spent your whole life searching for, the one that is the perfect match to you in every way, but knowing from the start that it would never last. It was that tragic. That heartbreaking –can’t-do-shit-about-it- life’s-a-bitch- kinda love that rips your heart out.  Yet when you fall in love, you  have no control over it, even if you know the chances for survival are minimal at best. It just is what it is.

I didn’t believe in love at first sight until our eyes locked that day. I thought it was something writers and fairytales invented to keep us wishing for some magic that probably never existed. But from our first eye contact, it was there, as crazy as it sounds.  If you’ve ever found this kinda love, then you know it doesn’t sound crazy at all.  There was no denying it, on both sides. And from that moment on as we spent time getting to know each other, knowing that our timing would not mesh.

I asked God and the Universe (or whatever else was listening)…why? Why do this to me? Why put me through something so pointlessly painful. Why bring him into my life in such a fates-collide kinda way, only to not let him stay? 

I don’t know the answer to that question.  I wish I did. I wish it would reveal itself to me. Because even now two years later, the thought of him makes me want to cry. No matter what I’ve done to try and move past it the last year, to put him behind me and except that it wasn’t meant to be, he’s still always with me.

I share this with you because, almost every single day for the past few years a reader will write to me from somewhere in the world with a story just like this one.  They always ask me: “How do I get the love of my life back?” And I always say… you don’t.

You let them go.

“But!” They protest, “I want you to tell me how to make the Law of Attraction bring them back”.

And again I say… not how it works my friend. Believe me this is not what I would want to hear either. But it’s what I’ve come to know is true. And the only thing that keeps my heart from bleeding out, is knowing and trusting that there must be some crazy higher power at work, dreaming up a bigger dream for me than my little brain can do for itself.  Because to me he was perfect. To me he was all I’ve ever thought I wanted.  But that’s not the reality.

The reality is that if it was perfect and if he was the one for me, it would have worked out. It wouldn’t be a tragic love story. It would have been happily ever after.  And it’s not.

"Letting Go of the Love of Your Life." How do you let go of the one person who you feel was your soul mate? Is there more than one true love of your life? CLICK TO READSo what I must do, and what you must do if you find yourself in a similar situation, loving someone who didn’t chose you.  Or who left you. Or who doesn’t love you as much as you love them, you must let them go.  You must trust that there is something greater and better at work for you.  And then you must look at all the reasons that person came into your life.  And all the things they taught you about yourself.  And realize that maybe they came into your life, not to be there forever, but to teach you something that will make you ready when forever finds you.

It’s hard. I know this. There hasn’t been a day that’s passed the last two years when I’ve not thought of him. Maybe that will always be the case, I don’t know.  But the year of heart-brokenness, and pain, and tears, and emptiness has finally passed. And it will for you too.

The lessons he taught me about myself, and the awakening I had about my life; my past, the way I love and seek love, all of those things are priceless. They are the reason I was able to write my memoir.  Was able to finally find happiness inside myself instead of seek it in a man. He raised the bar to a level I never thought I could expect, and he softened a heart that was quickly growing cold.

For all those reasons I’ll love him always. But over time I’ve been able to let him as a person go, and still hold on to those qualities and realize that maybe they will manifest in someone even more perfect.  And even if they don’t I will be okay.

And lastly, if he really is my sole mate, then time and age and distance and life won’t matter.  Somehow, someway, someday, he may reappear. But that’s not what I focus on. There’s nothing I can do to make that happen. I’ve learned through trial and error that the only love I want in my life is one that is equally unmatched and where equal sacrifice is made, and until that is the case chasing after it will do no good.

I remain hopeful, and steadfast in my belief that whatever is meant to be for me will find me.  I’m not going to chase it, seek it, or hunt it down. I’ve drawn it to me before I will again, and so will you. Don’t let your heart ever stop believing that somewhere out there someone was meant to keep it safe for you.

Wonder if we ran into each other in an elevator today if we’d still have that
spark.. If we’d still feel that magic?  Hope you’re good, and happy, I
want that for you.
And I want for my heart to forget what it felt like, when u said my name...


Time to say goodbye to the love of your life.


Ready to work with me? Learn more about my coaching and schedule a free 15 min consultation to learn how you can let go of the wrong love and manifest the right one! 



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