Future Board Success: 4 Steps to Manifesting your Dream Life.

I create my life #visionboardThe key to manifesting success is #futureboards not to be confused with old school “vision boards.” Here’s four easy steps to manifesting your dream life with a Future Board

The point of a Future Board is not to manifest a new car, or an expensive handbag, it’s to intentionally design your entire dream life. To create a LIFE PLAN. To reconstruct your life from the ground up, like an architect remodel’s an old building. You map out each area, room by room, creating a blueprint for a whole new masterpiece.  That’s what makes a vision board magical, because it’s the physical representation of the life you’ve carefully and thoughtfully redesigned.  You have the power to create your destiny; these four simple steps will help you do exactly that.


Step 1: The Audacity to Dream.

Learning how to dream can be surprisingly difficult for most of us in the beginning. It goes against our very nature, it feels foolish and ridiculous at first, but it’s a critical first step to success. A great way to get this process started is to create an extensive, all-inclusive bucket list. This is essentially a list of everything you would like to do, or experience in your lifetime. I love this exercise because it forces you to visually walk through your life and imagine what it could be.  Resist at all costs,
the urge to be “realistic”. This is a dream list, it’s not bound by your current situation, it’s not an action plan that you need to budget for, it is free from all those constraints.  If it helps, call it a “fantasy list”, or your “what if” list. On this list, all
things are possible; there are no boundaries, no limits, no expiration dates.  

Creating your Bucket List:
Sit down, alone, in a calm quiet space with a pen and paper, and relax. Begin writing down everything you have ever wanted to do. Travel the world? Where to? What do you want to see when you get there? Be specific, break down a topic like “Travel the world” into experiences. 
Example: I want to drink a bottle of wine on a terrace looking up at the Eiffel Tower.  You are creating a moment, and specific experience.The deeper you get into your list the more exhilarating this exercise should become.  Give yourself permission to feel excited and happy, the more you let go, the bigger you will dream, and the more effective this will be.

Step: 2 Create a Movie In Your Head.

Now that you’ve created a bucket list and started imagining all the things you want to
do in your lifetime, it’s time to narrow it down for your vision board. Again pick a quiet spot, grab your note pad and write out these five categories as bullets:

1.     Family and relationships 
2.     Wealth and Finances 
3.     Health and well-being 
4.     Travel and vacations 
5.     Career and personal passion 

Next create a movie in your head about each category; one filled with so much detail you can see it every time you close your eyes.

To start, imagine your “dream life” five years from now, one where money is no object, and anything is possible.  Pick a day in your future life and begin creating your movie from the time you get up in the morning.  
Answer these questions:
What does your home look like? Who wakes up with you? What are you wearing? You have your dream job, but what is it? What car do you drive? What role do friends and family play in this future life? Your future self takes vacations, so where have you just come back from or heading to? What has having wealth and financial freedom enabled you to do? What do you look like? You’ve focused on your personal passion, so what’s that outcome look like?
This step is so important because it’s laying the foundation in your mind, that this is your future reality. You’ve transitioned from a “what if” list, into a day in your future life. Putting your focus and intention on that is the magic. It’s the feeling of living a fulfilled, successful, blessed, happy life in every area, which sets manifesting in motion.
Now go over each bullet and fill in the details, from the movie you just created. 
Example: Family and Relationships: In your new life you’re married, and have several close friends, maybe you have a child etc. List each desire out under that category. Do this for every category with as much detail as possible.

Step 3: Get to Work!

Now it’s time for the fun to begin! I like to start on Pinterest making a board for all five categories. Pinterest has the most beautiful pictures of the life you want to create, whatever that looks like for you. I love it because the photos tell a story. My “dream house” board looks so cozy, I can easily imagine myself unwinding with a glass of wine in the living room, or looking in the beautiful kitchens. In other words, you’re looking for pictures that visually and physically tell the story of your mind
as accurately as possible. 
Remember we are looking for images that express our future life, its feel, its energy, its emotion.  When you look at the pictures, they should trigger an emotional attachment which plays your movie, enabling you to mindlessly, and happily daydream about it. So it’s not about a random picture of a sports car, it’s finding a picture that best describes what type of car, or bag or shoes, or house your future, super-successful-self, would have. 
Example: A picture of an engagement ring, represents the desire to be engaged and in a happy healthy relationship. When you look at it, you’re not thinking; I want that exact ring, you’re thinking about the day the love of your life asks you to marry him. 
Making your #futureboard
Once you have pictures representing your dreams for each category, print out your favorites. Grab a glass of wine, put on some fun music and enjoy the process like a little kid. Artfully arrange your pictures on a large cork board, making a section for each category. Keep going until your board is completely full and represents your future life. 
Then HANG IT UP! Put it in a place where you will see it every day, all day if possible. Put it on your desk at work, hang it on your bedroom wall. Every time you see it you are invoking the magic and creating your future. 

 Step 4: Believe in Magic.

By now there is a part of you that already believes in this magic. Along the way you’ve had to silence the voices in your head at each step that told you this was insane. But you did it, and by doing so, you’re on your way to seeing results. The other part of you wants to ask; how is any of this possible for me? Lucky for you, that’s not a question you need to worry about, as crazy as it sounds. You do not control the how or the when.  You only control your steadfast belief that this is your new future, and when the time is right each of these pieces will be drawn to you. By displaying your board you’re acting on that faith, and every time you look at it and play your movie, you are solidifying that belief.  But much of belief in the beginning is simply faking it until you make it. Speak it into existence even if you don’t fully buy-in yet, pretend you do. Begin talking about your new future, what it will feel like the day you realize your dreams. Keep your focus there. Don’t ever say “if”, say “when.”
Claim your future. Go about your life expressing gratitude as if it’s guaranteed, because it is.  
The magic begins to happen over time when you’re not even paying attention, but one day you’ll wake up and actually BELIEVE it, in every fiber of your being. Often your manifestations come quietly, unexpectedly and from a source you’d never expect. Stay aware and grateful and you’ll be there to receive them.  And before long you’ll wake up and be smack dab in the middle of one of those experiences you so carefully envisioned, and you’ll have a Deja vu feeling… and then you’ll remember; I have been here before, only this time it’s my reality. Those are the moments I live for, and have experienced over, and over again. Nothing feels as amazing or joyous as that moment, when you’re living out the life you




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Single Mom’s Club… If Only.

sarah centrella's familyI just finished watching both of Oprah’s Life Class’s on Single moms, and though I was disappointed I wasn’t one of those chosen to be in the audience for the show, I was so grateful to her for doing it. The first show blew me away… all these mom’s in one room verbalizing the exact thing’s I’ve been feeling and experiencing for the last five years. It was honest to god the first time I’ve heard other woman say those things, and I cried watching it, because for the first time EVER I didn’t feel alone. I know it sounds crazy but unless you are a *single mom, there is just no way for you to relate to what we face on a daily basis. This is not “poor me” it’s just the reality we live in. I was married with three kids for almost nine years, so I believe I can speak from both sides of the coin. And trust me when I say; doing it alone and unmarried is not even in the same league, as doing it married or with a partner.

It was the first time I’d heard other woman say they deal with judgment from friends, family and the world at large for parenting alone. I swear I thought it was just me! And the first time I heard women cry because they are constantly beating themselves up about every little thing, and dealing with the intense isolation that makes you think you are losing your mind. And I heard Oprah say… Forgive yourself, because you are allowed to make a mistake. That one knocked the wind out of me. Because for whatever reason, that one is huge!  You really feel like you are not afforded the opportunity to make mistakes as a single mom.  Maybe because we have a different relationship with our kids, one where the line between parent and child is very blurred, and where the children are very aware of what goes on in their mom’s life, mostly because mom has no one to talk to on a daily basis but her kids. So decisions that would normally not involve children, or ones where they would normally be unaware of, now are a joint family decision. And when you fail there is no covering it up. There is no way that your kids aren’t involved in watching that failure, and sharing in that disappointment. The buffer zone does not exist. So we hold ourselves to this ridiculous standard where to shield our kids from our mistakes we go the extra mile to try not to make them, all the while making them of course, but just submerged in total self-loathing when we do. There is no one to say “it’s okay, you did the best you could, everything will be fine.” And because of that you never forgive yourself, you never stop questioning every little decision.

sarah centrella and kidsThere was a comment made however that did not sit well with me, one Iyanla Vanzant (whom I totally love) made when asked why so many single mothers complained about feeling judged. She turned it back to the mom, saying what are you feeling about yourself that you perceive people are judging you? And though I get and understand that physiology and normally agree with about everything Iyanla says, this one I don’t.  By saying that, she invalidated one of our biggest issues we face a single moms, one that the overwhelming majority in that room complained of as well. It’s NOT all in our head. It’s not just us feeling inadequate, then thinking people judge us. PEOPLE ACTUALLY JUDGE US all the damn time!

I used to be very close to my siblings and parents, until after my divorce. Once I became a single mom my family was so full of judgment, suddenly everything I was doing was wrong and they questioned every move I made. Even though I was the same mother to my kids who they had always said before was doing an amazing job. But now there was not buffer zone, no husband or marriage to “not intrude on”, I was fair game, and they all eventually turned their back on me. They couldn’t relate to me as a single mom. They had their ideas of how I should do things and felt their opinion was equal to my own. As a result I have basically no relationship with my family and haven’t for several years. So not only did my kids lose their father, they lost their grandparents and aunt and uncle as well.

Judgment is real, and we face it every day. The only way I’ve been able to combat it, or keep it from destroying me, is to rise above and try to redefine the term “single mom”, and break the stereotypes. Prove to people I’m “not that single mom”. It’s a driving force in my life on a daily basis. It’s entirely possible that all that judgment and “hatin'” is what’s driven me to succeed, so for that I am grateful.  Wherever motivation comes from to succeed, even if it’s just to prove people wrong, is just fine in my book!

a mother's love

A perfect example of this was my girls kindergarten teacher in Washington.  From the start of the year I noticed that she would single out the girls and punish them for things non of the other kids would even be reprimanded for (asking to use the bathroom, their coat falling off the peg to the floor when they were seated at their desk, stuff that was just totally insane). She would keep them inside for recess because she didn’t like the shoes they wore that day, the list went on and on. Things got so bad she even tried to fail them! Mind you they were in kindergarten and were learning at or above their grade level. My last straw was at our first parent conference when my suspension was proven that she really did have an attitude with me (though we’d only at school functions) and my girls (who anyone who’s ever watched or been around them will say they are really well-behaved girls). At the conference she imminently began speaking so negatively about the girls in front of them, that I knew this was not a situation the girls could continue to be exposed to. I called a meeting with the principle and a mediator to try to understand what her problem was with my family.

When we sat down at the meeting her anger was visible, she clearly had a vendetta against me and my daughters.  When I asked her what the issue was she unleashed and in front of the school mediator and principle basically said that a single mom who works full-time can not be a good parent too. It was so unbelievably shocking. To have had my daughters judged to the point where their grades were effected (she actually copy and pasted the girls grades to each report card. Even the comments were exactly the same), all because she had some type of prejudiced against single moms.  It’s not something we make up that people around us are constantly judging us and our children, it is very, very real.  My girls were moved into two separate classes after that and did amazing, and finally started loving school instead of being afraid to go.

Today was another example, I took my kids to OMSI (science museum) in Portland and tried to buy a “family membership” the woman at the counter took my completed application and noticed the spot for “adult #2” was blank.  She looked at me (my kids leaning on the counter standing next to me looking at us both), and said; “you need a second adult to qualify for a family membership”. I thought she was kidding. I wasn’t complaining that I had to pay a membership that included 2 adults when I only had one (you’d think a discount would apply) I was simply trying to pay for the “family pass”.  But apparently our “family” did not qualify.  I was shocked and appalled.  “You can put down someone else, a family member” she tells me as if that’s any better. So I’m standing there with my kids, them all looking at me like “what’s wrong mama? What did we do?” And I’ve got no one to put down. No family. No friends that would ever be taking my kids to this thing. I don’t qualify.  Now not only are we not a “family” according to their definition, we are extra pathetic because I have no one to write down on a stupid form. Yes we are alone, but we don’t need constant insensitive reminders.

So no, it’s  not just in our heads. It’s real and we face awkward moments like that all the time.

The other thing Iyanla said in the second show that I can’t get behind is that single moms should allow the men they date into their kids lives, to meet them even when it’s a new relationship.  And what I, and other good single moms who don’t do that, worry about is we don’t want our kids getting attached to random men who don’t stick around. And her response was “don’t your girlfriends leave? Why shouldn’t guys just be people?” I gotta say this was shocking to me.  They aren’t “just people” they are men who at the end of the day are more interested in you than your kids and who want to “date you” and when things don’t work out they are gone for good. You can still occasionally see a girlfriend or a family member that you’re no longer close to, it’s not that way with men. I’m not saying this as the bitter old chick, who thinks all men are pigs, I don’t. But I do know dating, with or without kids is something that can last a month, a few months or longer, but why bring your kids into all that mess? Why? What’s the point of that? It makes no sense to me at all. If you feel like he’s “the one” than yeah, that’s different. But come on now. That’s one of the single mom stereotypes I have tried hardest to never get stuck with, because that’s not me. And yes I’m sure there is a balance (in 5 years being single, no guy I’ve dated has met my kids) which I’m realizing I should probably find, but still… I’m never gonna be one of those woman who has men rotating in and out of my kids lives. I’d rather be happily single!

But I am so grateful to Life Class for bringing this topic up and opening this discussion, because we do feel so alone.  And it was amazing to at least for a minute feel “normal” like I’m not crazy to feel this way, and that there are millions of us out there silently facing this struggle and trying to turn it into a blessing. I’m excited to see Tylor Perry’s movie Single Mom’s Club, I’m really hoping it portrays us in a positive light and shows our struggles in a realistic way. I think we need more avenues like this, we need more support and a sense of community for those of us who don’t have one.

the single moms clubI salute all you hard-working single parents out there, who are doing it without support or help and who are dedicated loving parents.  It’s not easy, but damn I wouldn’t change a thing about my experience, struggle and all. At the end of the day I’m a very blessed mama.

 *to all you single dad’s out there, don’t get offended by my use of “single-mom” it can very well mean single parent…. obviously all I can speak to and know anything about is the “mom” part.





Sarah Centrella is the author of the book Hustle Believe Receive which teaches you how to apply the #HBRMethod to change your life and live your dream.

Follow on social media: Instagram | Twitter | Snapchat | Pinterest | YouTube |Periscope @sarahcentrella

Little Dreamer.

Sarah Centrella is the author of the book Hustle Believe Receive An 8-Step Plan to Changing Your Life and Living Your Dream.

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Living My Dream.

Tomorrow will quite possibly be the biggest day of my life (aside from the day my babies came into the world of course), but epic non-the-less. And it’s impossible to try to do justice to the flood of emotions I’m feeling, with words on a page, but I will try.

If you’ve followed my story, than you know that I’m a chick on a mission to PROVE that the law of attraction (as I know it, aka the #HBRMethod) works, and that anything is possible for ANYONE. And you also know how much I’m totally obsessed with Oprah. I credit her for giving me the tools that changed my life, and I’ve been out to prove those tools can work for anyone, using myself as a Genny-pig. As you know that decision has been life altering for me, and continues to be on a daily basis and I see more and more of my dreams becoming a reality. You’ve seen me struggle; and work, and fall down, and get back up, and want to quit, and fight through the defeat to try again. And you’ve seen it WORK. You KNOW it works, I know you do.

This is why I’ve kept going when I wanted to quit, because I have three babies at home who I told my dream to five years ago, and who’ve grown up with that dream inside of them the way it’s inside of me. And when I want to quit they look at me and say; “Mama, why haven’t you met Queen Oprah? She’s on your vision board!” And I think, good point.. I can’t tell you anything is possible, and then not prove it to you. So I hustle hard all over again. This isn’t just my dream, it’s the dream of my babies and it’s the ultimate proof to each of you that anything is possible. This is for you too, for all of us who want a life that we didn’t think we deserved to dream of.

I’m in Chicago right now, and yesterday I decided to go to HARPO studio (Oprah’s headquarters) in the below zero cold, stand outside and take a selfie in front of her sign, then walk by the front door and visualize going inside, having a meeting with producers, telling them my story and my dream. And so I stood there in the freezing cold lookin’ a fool while my cabbie waited for me, and I tweeted the pic to Oprah and the President of OWN, like I’ve tweeted to them for years.

sarah centrella HARPO studios

The pic I tweeted to Oprah and Sheri

And ten minutes later the President of OWN TV followed me on twitter, and an hour later she sent me a message, where upon reading it I immediately burst into tears and started hyperventilating! All night I lie awake envisioning my dream, that moment walking down the halls meeting everyone, face-timing the kids so they could go through that moment with me. I just knew there was more to come. I’ve worked so hard for it the past few years, I’ve prepared, I knew this moment was on it’s way. I’ve always known it. I couldn’t sleep a wink.

sarah centrella HARPO

Then today I got an email from the executive VP that they’d like to meet with me tomorrow before I head back home to Portland. I was in the middle of lunch chatting with a woman next to me when I saw the email come across my phone, and started screaming right in the restaurant, and crying and hyperventilating! This is the moment. The one I’ve hustled and believed in and worked for, it came to me, just like manifestations always do. If I’d not put in the work, all these years, and the determination, then it would never have manifested. The manifestation is the “magic” ingredient that little piece of beautiful fairy dust that bridges the gap between our effort and the end result. It delivers timing, and stars aligning and all that jazz, all the pieces we can not. It’s the piece other people call luck, but I know there is no “luck”. I know it’s opportunities that I’ve created showing up when I’m ready to receive them. And so tomorrow I’ll have my moment, and I’m ready. I’m calm right now, (I’m probably start crying in the meeting), I have prepared for this moment and it couldn’t come fast enough!

I share this story as I do all my manifestations so you can see first hand the cause and effect. I want you to realize that at every little tiny juncture that was a tiny ray of hope for me (the tweets from OWN TV a few weeks ago, all those tiny little signs), I celebrated each one so huge! And with such joy! To the outside world it probably seemed crazy but I knew it was all part of the big picture coming together and I relished the joy of each little win. That is such a big part of manifesting the life you want, live in the joy of every minute win. Celebrate how far you’ve come, cherish the moment. Laugh, cry, start hyperventilating, whatever you gotta do to feel it. Because I can tell you first hand, I’m standing smack-dab in the center of my dream, and it’s taking my breath away.

PS. Totally cried listening to this song on the treadmill tonight! (the song “Believe” you might have to skip through to find it)

Click here to see what happened next

Sarah Centrella is the author of the book Hustle Believe Receive which teaches you how to apply the #HBRMethod to change your life and live your dream.

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4 Easy Steps to Get Out of a Funk.

Three months ago I was struggling.  I’d come off my most “successful” year ever, had manifested an entire vision board and a whole new tax bracket, yet felt so stuck and uninspired. Crazy I know, but true. I began to think negatively and even started questioning my dreams, vision and purpose. It seemed like the spark had left and I wasn’t sure how to bring it back, or even if I could. Half of me knew exactly what to do, and wanted to punch the other half of me in the face for being such a lame-ass. But when you get in a negative place you start feeding off of it, and that self-pity starts to feel comforting, and even if you know how to extinguish it, you think… I will; tomorrow.

When January 1st rolled around I knew it was time to kick that dark cloud to the curb, even if it was going to take renewed energy and way more effort then if I’d never strayed in the first place. So here’s exactly what I did to try and get myself out of my funk and back to my happy place.

1. I made a concrete decision that I was going to change my attitude, turn things around, get back to my dream.

2. To accomplish that I recognized I needed help. Motivation and inspiration aren’t something we are born with and naturally have every day, sometimes we gotta create and cultivate it. I also knew I needed support.

  • For inspiration: I began listening to Joel Osteen’s sermons on YouTube (and I’m not even religious). But his “I Am” speech shook me when I heard it on Oprah’s LifeClass, and I instantly recognized how far I’d fallen off my path. I made a commitment to listen to a different one every day for ten days, and focus that day on whatever his topic was. I felt like a new woman after day two!
  • For support: I challenged my life long bestie to take this next step in our journey with me, and do the 10 day Joel meditation marathon. By day three and four we were on fire! So inspired and excited and shocked at how we’d ever gotten so off track in the first place. We compared notes and aha moments and encouraged each others progress. All of this is so much more fun when you have a support system! (That’s why I started my coaching calls, for those of you who don’t have a bestie like mine!)
  • For motivation: I decided it was time to redo my Future Boards. I have two main boards that I’ve used over the past few years and they needed a make-over! I spent days focusing on the new version of my dream, one I could get fired up for again, one that scared me again, and then I looked for the perfect pictures to represent that life for my new boards. It’s crazy how much joy that exercise brings and how much I love looking at those pretty boards. I was feeling strong, empowered and focused again, in a way I hadn’t in a long time.   

3.  I got my hustle back: For the first time in forever, I chose every day to focus on my mantras and do something that would get me closer to my dream. I started blogging again, started interacting with readers again and quickly found the inspiration that I know is my true calling. When you don’t see anything happening, instead of quitting, start working harder and make them happen.  That’s exactly what I did. I made the video “Future Board Magic” one afternoon after being snowed in for days, and as soon as I was done, I played it for the kids, and all four of us got teary-eyed. And I knew right then this was something I needed people to see. So, yeah if you follow me on social media I’m sure you wanted to block me, but hey… that’s the hustle my friend. It’s getting out there putting in the work, every day; grinin’.

4. I faced the tough issues that blocked my happiness: Lastly I decided it was really time to address my love life, or lack there of. I knew that over the past five years since the end of my marriage I’d not ever had the type of committed relationship that I desire. But I was also afraid to dig deep and address the reasons why I was blocking that one last major manifestation. I opened my mind, to try and open my heart to at least the possibility, and I read an amazing book “Soulmate Secret“. I did every exersize it recommended and had breakthrough after breakthrough.  And then I made my first ever soul mate vision board… and released that true desire into the universe. I asked for help in fixing my issues with dating and men, and for help getting me ready when he does find me.

And then the flood gates began to open! It’s amazing to me how quickly the Hustle.Believe.Receive. works now… I’ve gotten closer to my dream in the last three weeks then the last three years combined. But looking back, I wasn’t ready for my dream to manifest until now. I’ve put in the work for years, fought past giving up more times then I can count, and now it’s happening. It’s amazing and crazy and I’m trying to take it all in…but it’s happening! I’m having that moment when you’re standing in the middle of your dream, only this time it’s reality.

If there’s one thing these last few months has taught me. it is this: NEVER GIVE UP. NEVER GIVE UP!! If you just keep pushing through the crapy parts, and the times you want to sink back into negative habits, and keep moving forward… YOU WILL LIVE YOUR DREAM. It will happen. Results will come, period. Period.

This is Joel’s “I am” sermon. It’s a MUST listen. This is the perfect step one to learning and applying the law of attraction. Change your “I am” all day long for a week straight and see what a massive difference it makes.




Grab a copy of my book #HustleBelieveReceive which gives my 8 steps to success to changing your life and living your dream. Not all “law of attraction” teaching works, in fact most don’t.  But over the last 5 years I’ve learned what does and how to quickly and easily apply it to get fast, life changing results. Learn more about my #HBRMethod for success.  

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I’m a Single Mom, Not a Stereotype.

It took me a long time to accept, and figure out what the label single mom, meant for me after my husband left. I knew what it meant to be a “wife” and a “mother”, but I had no idea how to be a “single mom.”  And to my shock, I realized quickly that the perception of a single mom is totally different than that of a married mom.

Suddenly it was like I was no longer part of the “mom” club, somehow overnight I’d become less of a parent and a less qualified mother.  But my married mom friends would say things like “Oh I totally understand, my husband travels all the time and never helps around the house, I’m basically a single mom too.” And I’d think; I pray you are never in my shoes, because you’d not last a day. The two are in no way comparable.   Slowly they’d stop calling because they couldn’t relate to me anymore, we were no longer the same. I was on my own, in more ways than one.

And when I’d meet friends and mom’s who never knew me when I was married, I was still not “one of them,” because even though I’d been married eight years, it was somehow no longer relevant. I  felt like the girl on the outside who “just doesn’t get what it’s like to be married with kids.” Being a single mom is more isolating than anyone can imagine. The isolation is deep and intense, and no one gets it, or understands, and so you just move forward… alone.  And that’s not self-pity talking, that is cold reality, and one that takes a lot of time to adjust to.

In the beginning I figured out pretty quickly how negatively society views the term single mom, it comes with so much judgment and stereotypes, something I never would have expected.  I noticed people treated me differently when I was out and about with three very small kids and no longer wearing a wedding ring. Suddenly there was shame and embarrassment as if I needed to explain to strangers why I had three babies and no wedding ring.  I even went so far as to buy a fake ring because I couldn’t deal with the humiliating way I felt people perceived me.  And when I would tell people my husband left, I’d get that pity look, like “oh no wonder.”  I hated that even more because it separated me from everyone else in a negative way.

Society, and the media have continued to portray single moms as; “baby mama’s” who will sleep with anyone, and have kids with different fathers.  In fact I was, and still am so shocked when I meet a man for the first time, and tell him I have three children, how often he asks “do your kids have different dad’s?”  It’s like, what??  It’s crazy. People also assume we are
“a hotmess”, not dependable, always making excuses, and are never home with our kids because we are always working or parting. And those are the more positive terms, others that come to mind based on the image society gives single moms, is: unstable, unfit, stressed-out, bitter, dependent, whore, needy, desperate, flaky, unmotivated, always feeling sorry for
themselves… and the list goes on. 

It took a few years for me to come to terms with this title, this label that I live with every day. But the only way I’ve been able to do that is to try and redefine it for not only myself, but my children. I refused to fall into the stereotypes that said I was “less than,”so I worked harder than everyone else I knew.  I was more dependable, more motivated.  To this day have never introduced my kids to a guy I’ve dated, in fact they have never even been around any men outside of my friends husbands, family and a few pro-athletes I’ve coached, at games.  I’ve gone above and beyond to break through these negative associations people have already in their mind about me, based on this title. I’m fiercely independent (to the point I have even paid for dates, and taken care of who I was dating instead of allowing them to do that for me). I’ve fraught hard to break the mold. And I’ve taught my children to do the same, to never think that they are “less than” because they are growing up with one parent.  Or to think that their life is not complete or their future inhibited in any way.

I’m not remotely perfect in any way, in fact I’m beautifully scared and flawed, but I won’t let anyone put labels on me that don’t belong. I won’t own and carry the mistakes of others.  Instead I hope to help clear a new path, one that shows single mom’s in a positive light. That I can help be a role-model for other newly single moms to realize they can be anything they want to be, regardless of the negative baggage that comes with this label.  You can have a successful career (and not feel ashamed of that), and just because you do, doesn’t mean you are a shitty mom or raising “latch-key-kids”.  You can still be there for your kids, take them to school, and activities, and do homework with them at night, and cook a real meal at dinner, and sing their song at bedtime.  You can keep a clean house, and take care of yourself, look good and do the 300 other things we do, alone.  Outside the view of the people who would judge us. They don’t know until they walk in our shoes, and at some point along the way I stopped caring what they thought of me. I had to instead put my energy on making my life the best it could be and redefining what that was. So now the term single mom means this to me… anything is possible.

PS. I would REALLY like to see a show on TV (reality or otherwise) that featured a successful, independent single mom with multiple kids, doing it all. Raising good, well rounded happy kids, having a successful career, pursuing her passion and finding a way to have a social life. That would make some good TV. Instead of “teen mom’s” and all that negative messy drama, show me a single mom who’s a boss! Who’s holding it down, making it happen but is still a devoted loving mom… Who’s with me on that?



#HBRMethod Success Story.

A text message changed my life. On the evening of September 7, 2008, I opened my husband’s cell phone while he was in the shower, to read: I can’t wait ’till you’re finally free and all mine. No more sharing. Those few words tore my world apart in an instant. 

I’d been with this man half my life, since we were sixteen years old. We had an eight-year marriage and shared three beautiful children, including twin girls just over a year old. We’d been through it all: buying our first home, then losing it in foreclosure; being overjoyed when I got pregnant with our second child, then devastated when I lost it six months into my pregnancy. I thought we’d seen everything, but this I never saw coming. 

I never saw it because everyone knew he loved me just a little bit more. They say in every relationship one person does that, loves the other more. The kids and I had always been his entire world. No part of me ever questioned that he’d jump in front of a train to save us if he had to. 

I was all he ever wanted. Until I wasn’t. 

I set his phone on the bathroom counter and without a second thought, threw open the shower curtain, turned off the water, and said; “Get the fuck out.” I watched him pull on his shorts in the hallway, still dripping wet, one leg and then the other as I pointed to the front door. He kissed our son goodbye, tossed his ring in my general direction, and walked out slamming the door behind him. 

He never came back. 

Things had not been perfect between us prior to that day, I can’t lie. We’d been struggling financially to the point of desperation for what felt like forever. We’d lost our home the year before and were forced into bankruptcy after our twins were born. Our life was in a noticeable negative tailspin. Losing everything we’d worked so hard to acquire had destroyed our pride and left us both feeling useless, helpless and miserable. I’d done everything I could think of to cut our budget and make it so we could pay the bills and still eat, but every month we fell further behind. 

On the day he left, I didn’t have five dollars to my name. Our electric, water and gas bills were all past due, with shutoff notices pending, and the rent was late. I hadn’t worked in over two years, and the economy was in the middle of a deep recession. The car title was in his name, as was our bank account. Overnight, I went from desperate to stranded and destitute, with no way to provide for my three small children. 

That night, I laid on the cold hardwood floor in our living room, my hair matted to the side of my head with tears that had finally run dry from my own dehydration. The only thought that floated in my semi-conscious brain was, “How the hell can I do this?” I’d tried so hard to think of a plan, anything, but nothing came, except that question over and over again. It seemed completely impossible. Yet somehow in that moment survival mode also kicked in, and with it came even more questions. Of course we’d have to move right away, but where? I didn’t have family who could take us in. And we’d need to sell everything we owned, but how? And I’d need a job, but doing what? And how could I afford to work when daycare would take up most of my salary?

All night these questions swirled in my head without answers. 

The sense of utter helplessness was all-consuming. I was no stranger to hard times. I’d grown up in extremely difficult circumstances and had struggled all my life. I already knew what it felt like to go hungry, to not have a roof over my head, or a bed to sleep in at night. But this was different. Being resilient and scrappy is fine when it’s just you. But when you have children to feed, it’s a new kind of panic that washes over you in overwhelming waves. In the past I had always relied on #TheHustle to get me through anything; it was comforting knowing that no matter what came at me, I would always “find a way.” But this time, I knew Hustle alone would not save me, and I had no bright ideas.  

In moments like these, I think we are faced with two options. We can give up, fall apart and disappear. Or we can fight. I knew I could never just give up, but I didn’t believe I had what it would take to fight. Not this time. 

That was about the time my girlfriend Charise walked in the door with her arms full of Costco boxes. She’d thought of everything: diapers and formula for the girls, dinner for the next week, and even enough cash to keep the electricity and water on. That is the moment that has defined my #RelentlessPursuit. That is the moment I Hustle and grind for. 

Something inside me snapped in that moment. A light went on, deep in my core, followed by a burning desire to never put myself or my children in this kind of position again. I made a promise to myself right then that I would not rely on anyone to provide for my family. I wouldn’t borrow money from family members; I wouldn’t beg for help. I would somehow pay my girlfriend back, and figure out how to handle my business on my own. Before I’d always just thought I was unlucky and entitled to what little help I’d ever received.  All my life I’d told myself this story, and believed it. Nothing good ever happens to me.  I work twice as hard as everyone else for half as much. That was my core belief. And as a result, that was my life.  No one ever told me that my life was the result of my thoughts, my beliefs and my actions. I believed that the only thing I could control was how hard I worked (#TheHustle), but that on its own left me feeling like I was drowning in quicksand, no matter how hard I worked, the results never showed. It took the catastrophe of that night, when my world collapsed in an instant, to spark within me a desire to drastically change my life. 

That week I sold everything we owned on Craigslist and filed for divorce. I took the money I made from our belongings to pay for first and last month’s rent on a really tiny, super-shitty two-bedroom apartment. I had just enough left over for one more month of rent and a few groceries. That was all the money I had in the world: I didn’t even have a bank account. My sister convinced me to get on food stamps, just until I got on my feet, and though I cried when the case worker took my story, I knew I had no choice. I applied for every job I could find, but interviews were few and far between. When the second month came and my rent money was gone, I sold my wedding rings on Craigslist for a fraction of their value; enough for one more month’s rent. When the women came to pick up my rings, she looked around our little apartment at my twins running around in their diapers and said, “I don’t want to know. Please don’t tell me the story.” She didn’t want my “bad luck” giving her new wedding rings negative juju. 

Things were certainly bleak, to put it mildly. It was terrifying, yet at the same time there was a new spark of hope deep inside me that wouldn’t go away. Now I was in control of my future, and that was a whole new way of thinking about what was possible for my life. I remembered an Oprah show I’d watched where she’d talked about changing your thoughts because they have the power to predict your future. I mentally traced my life back five, ten years, and realized that everything I worried about, feared and stressed about, had become my reality. That was a huge revelation for me. I saw it plain as day: I’d created all those “misfortunes.” I’d created that life. That was all the proof I needed of the tremendous power of my thoughts, even if it had only worked in a negative way up to that point. I knew I had nothing to lose, and the possibility of possibility brought hope in a way I’d never known before.

My book Hustle Believe Receive  is how I went from a newly single mom with nothing, relying on state aid to survive, to an executive of a software company in just eighteen months. It’s the story of how I manifested four future boards in six years, and completely changed not only my life but my children’s. It’s how I went from living in a “poor me” world, to being a take-charge-of-my-future badass. It’s the tale of how I learned to dream HUGE and what it felt like to live out those dreams quicker, and bigger than I’d ever imagined, often without spending a dime of my own money! It’s how I learned to work smarter and not harder.  It’s how I Changed my Crew. And it’s the story of how, for the first time in my life I learned to truly be grateful, live a “pinch-me moment” kinda life, and how I found my joy. 

“Anything is possible child, anything can
–Shel Silverstein


*You can read all my posts about these events and all the others as I went through them in  real-time. Look on the left side of my blog and click the “archive” to read what I wrote as I faced these  challenges and celebrated these victories in 2009-and beyond


Ready to work with me? Learn more about my coaching and schedule a free consultation to learn how you can live your dreams!

Sarah Centrella is the best-selling author of Hustle Believe Receive and #futureboards




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Fear: The Enemy of Success.

Fear is the enemy of success. You can know that in theory, but in practice, silencing our fear is easier said than done.  Every time I’ve been faced with a chance, or the opportunity to follow my passion I have tried to always step-up and take that leap of faith. I don’t know how my dream is going to come true, but I know in my very bones that it will one day, so I act on faith and continue in the direction of that dream.

But fear is a tricky little bastard. It has the ability to create self-doubt which can quickly spiral into questioning your decision and even questioning your dream. It tries to convince you that you’re not ready, you’re not good enough, that no one will support your path, and that you’re being ridiculous.  Fear has the power (if you enable it) to talk you out of success.

Don’t let fear get you thinkin’

There has always been a point for me as I’ve been on this rebuilding my life journey the past few years, where fear has caused me to pause. And as I’ve taken steps to peruse my passion, it’s been more and more aggressive. I can honestly tell you, that every single time I’ve posted something where I pushed my own boundaries way beyond what was comfortable, I took a moment to pause, to let fear; get a word in edge wise.  Whether it was something deeply personal, or sharing my story the first time it went public, each of those things might seem easy, but they made me physically sick to my stomach.  Many times it feels like I’m standing naked in the middle of Times Square. Maybe bearing your insides the way I’ve done is even worse than showing your ass, I’m not sure…but I can assure you it feels equally terrifying and drafty!

But whenever I get that feeling, the one that says; “You are out of your mind! Your boss could read this! Your future husband could read this! Your kids will someday read this!” …I push “publish”.  Because that intense terror, I’ve come to recognize as my swift-kick-in-the-ass. And every time, without fail that decision has been one which has broken down the wall between me and success. It’s opened doors, connected to people in a deep and meaningful way, and made me more willing to trust my instincts. Breaking through that fear of failure, fear of rejection, fear that you’re not good enough, brings new opportunities which expedite your manifestations. It’s responding to you acting on faith. Believing that even though it’s uncomfortable because it’s scarey, that your end result is waiting for you, so you have no choice but to break down those road blocks and get to your dream.

Here’s the perfect example of what I’m talking about….

Last week while snowed in and suffering from severe cabin fever with the kids, I started playing with an new app on my phone and in a few minutes made the “Vision Board Magic” video.  That alone wasn’t really too scary as I’ve published my story a lot by now, but this time I decided to do something I’ve never really done before. I asked everyone on my Facebook to watch and share it with their network, even creating an “Event” which I’ve always stayed away from doing. It’s one thing to write about your story and know that your friends may or may not read it, (since I don’t talk about it with my friends I honestly never know). But when you’ve sent it directly to them it takes away that comfort zone. But I feel passionately that it’s a story many people need to hear and be inspired by so I did it anyway.  Then last night I sent out my first, ever news letter, again to every person I know (it’s more like standing naked in a room with every person you know), and I immediately wanted to throw-up.

But these are all steps I have to learn to be comfortable with taking. These are necessary to get me to the next level. I have to claim my story, and then get it out there… I gotta put in the “The Hustle”. And as is always the case, the Universe responded. With emails and messages from people around the world. With an Oprah programing director from OWN tweeting my story.  Joe Vitale following me on Twitter after seeing the video, along with multiple radio interviews and other opportunities in the works.

I’d say that’s pretty clear proof that having a dream, defining it on a Future Board, believing in it completely, and hustling towards it… is a pretty definitive way to get the Hustle.Believe.Receive.to quickly respond putting the pieces of your dream together one manifestation at a time.

So face your fear, don’t give it the power to talk you out of success. If you believe in something and are passionate about it then don’t ever give up.

The universe will reward you.

Sorry these quotes were just too good..I couldn’t stop!


Sarah Centrella is the author of the book Hustle Believe Receive which teaches you how to apply the #HBRMethod to change your life and live your dream.

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