Single Mom Struggle.

The first post I ever wrote on this blog was called Saturday.  I wrote it to try and articulate what an average day (weekend in that case) was like in my life.  I was trying to figure out how to be a single-mom and every day felt like an epic fail.

mom quotes

Five years later not a lot has changed…

It’s been a while since I’ve written about what it’s really like to be a single mom.  Mainly because like anything in my life I don’t want to complain about it because I know how to count my blessings and try as best I can to focus on those rather than the struggle.  But people always tell me “I don’t know how you do it” or “it must be tough.”  I just nod and say “yeah it’s a struggle some days, that’s for sure.”   Well today was a struggle so I thought I’d lay it out so anyone who ever wondered what it’s like to hustle as a single mom can try to put themselves in our shoes.

This is my daily hustle…

6:00 AM: Every morning at 5:55 AM my alarm goes off and I dial into a conference call with my sales team for my “day job.”  The one I work full-time from home, unless I’m traveling for client meetings.  It’s my dream job, but it’s not easy.  And 6:00 am calls every single morning are not fun, I can’t lie.

6:30-6:45 AM: After the call I have about 15 minutes to check emails, messages, texts and brew a pot of coffee before my morning ciaos begins in earnest.

I hate mornings. Let’s just establish that from the jump.

6:50 AM: I’m turning on every light in the house hoping to God that it will be an easier morning, relatively speaking. That this morning the girls will actually get up and get dressed before the 50th reminder, and before I’m actually yelling at them fifteen minutes later.

7:15 AM: It’s a full on crisis in my house. Breakfast is getting soggy, lunches are half made, I’m in my robe yelling at the girls to “please for the love of god, get dressed!” The bathroom facet is running because someone started to brush their teeth but didn’t finish. Mira is fixing her hair instead of finding her homework and eating breakfast, and Izzy is still pretending she can’t hear my repeated pleas to get her shoes on.

I’m trying to breath and not totally lose it, because I know that the morning sets the tone for your whole day, and I really, really don’t want to have a shitty day. AND I don’t want them to have a crappy day because I was on them all morning.

7:30 AM: And it’s basically hopeless at this point. There is no way we are going to get to school before the tardy bell rings. And now I’m threatening to walk out the door and head to the car whether they are ready or not. I secretly wonder if pulling out of the driveway one morning would do the trick, get them to understand that in the mornings I mean business. But I don’t have the balls for it.

7:45 AM: And we are finally in the car headed to school. The girls are either quiet because they know a lecture about how disrespectful it is to be late, is coming… or they are chatty Kathy asking me to turn up Taylor Swift.

8:03 AM: They are piling out of the car tripping over their backpacks, and I’m telling them like I do every morning to; “have a delicious day. Be delicious humans.” I roll down the window and yell after them, to “RUN” not stroll to the back entrance and remind them the bell has already rung.

That’s a good morning. One when I don’t have a work conference call at 7:00 AM (because it’s 10:00 on the east coast). If I don’t have an 8:30 meeting I can run through the drive through at Starbucks, because… umm I’d never actually leave the car in the physical condition I’m in.  Hair a total mess, no makeup, hopefully workout clothes and not actual PJ’s. I’m a train wreck.

single mom quotes

8:15-8:30 AM I’m making Kanen’s lunch trying to catch up with him on what’s going on in his world while I make him breakfast and get him ready to catch the bus.

8:30-11:30 AM I work. Book meetings or run them, finish client stuff, address the emails in my inbox and find new ways to generate business.

11:30-1:00 PM on a good day I try to get in a workout. Go to Barre3 class or run, but it’s hit or miss because I normally have meetings then too.

2:30 PM I pick up the girls from school. Rush home to finish work and get back on calls until roughly 4:30-5:00 when the kids are all screaming for dinner.

(I’m so glad Kanen’s football is over, because the next two hours would be spent running him across town to practice and back)

5:00 PM is dinner. If it’s a good day I’ll try to make it, but chances are I’ve not gotten around to prepping it in time and the kids can’t wait. So it’s something quick, pizza or Trader Joe’s frozen dinners, but at least we are all sitting down as a family to eat together. It’s our one moment of solace in the day so far.

This is the point in the day when I begin to feel like a total failure. I love to cook, but it’s probably 3 nights a week that I get all my shit together right and can make that happen. It’s loud and the house that was clean when the kids got home is now quickly turning upside down, and with it the walls are closing in on me.

6:00-7:00 PM we work on homework and clean the house, and I’m sounding like a broken record. Sometimes I think that’s 90% of my role as a mom to constantly be repeating myself, I wonder if there will ever come a day when I can say things, say 5-6 times and it gets done?

I’m tired.

I got back two days ago from a work trip that had me missing over 24 hours of sleep with time changes and red eyes.

I’m tired.

7:30 PM we finally all sit down and we snuggle on the couch to watch Curious George. This our favorite part of the day. It’s the time when we get a chance to breathe, and snuggle and the house is clean and quite.

8:00 PM The kids are in bed and I’ve sung “Hush Little Baby” to each of them, said prayers and tucked them in.

It’s quiet.

And now it’s time for me to work my “night job.”

8:00-1:00 or 2:00 AM I’m writing my book, or blog, or newsletter. Doing interviews for the book or updating the many social media accounts related to my true passion. This is the time of the day that I look forward to. It’s my time. It’s my happy place. I’m having a glass of wine and doing what fulfills me.


mom quote

I put this out there NOT to be all “poor me,” because I know that every parent out there is going through some version of this, and I’m hoping that their days feel as out of control as mine sometimes do.  But I do think that maybe if you have never been a single parent, and you know one, that maybe you’ll look at them a little different than before. Because though all parents have these crazy lives, single parents have no one to share days like this with. That’s the main difference.  There is no one to tell you that your not totally screwing up your children for yelling at them all through breakfast.  Or that it’s okay to have one of those days when you really just don’t want to talk to anyone and that doing that is better than being a mom-ster.

If you’re married (or have a partner) you have someone to yell at when your ceiling is raining (like mine was last week).  Someone to take over if it’s just one of those days that you’d be better off taking an hour time-out.  Someone to share the craziness and the joy of raising your children with. For most of us (me at least) you are on your own.  I thank god for my two best friends who check in on me daily and keep me sane from 3,000 miles away, without them I dare to think what a hot mess I would be.

And I share this because I am praying to god I am not the only one out there going through days like this.  Feeling like a complete failure.  Feeling overwhelmed and frustrated.  I am praying I am not the only one…

So there you have it. That is my Hustle.  It’s never ending.  Some days I feel like I’m winning, but many I feel like I’m barely keeping my head above water. On those days it takes every bit of training I’ve given myself the last few years to not sink into a place of being totally overwhelmed.

But I know there is a light at the end of the tunnel. I know the hustle and the struggle will pay off and I can almost taste it. I just hope that when that day comes I can hire and assistant!


Sarah Centrella is the author of the book Hustle Believe Receive which teaches you how to apply the #HBRMethod to change your life and live your dream.

Follow on social media: Instagram | Twitter | Snapchat | Pinterest | YouTube |Periscope @sarahcentrella

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Get Grateful


Gratitude is everything.  Seriously.  It’s the foundation to our happiness and that catalyst for our success.  If you haven’t learned to be honest-to-god grateful for your life exactly the way it is at this moment, than no matter what blessings come your way, they will never be fully appreciate or bring you happiness.  It was learning for the very first time in my life how to be honestly grateful after my husband left, that began to bring about dramatic changes in my life.  I guess when you have nothing it’s easier to be thankful for the really small and simple things.  I’ve always recognized that being grateful for where I am in my journey/life/finances/relationships etc. is what has brought about happiness, blessings and manifestations of my dream.  On the flip side I’ve also been aware enough to know that when I let my gratitude slide, my world starts to unravel quick.    #GetGrateful is the first step to my #HBRMethod because without understanding and embracing it deep down inside of you, nothing else matters.  You can read all the self-help books in the world, you can try a million ways to find happiness or success, but until you accept responsibility for your life as it is and find peace and a thankful heart in at your current state, nothing will ever work.

I have so much to be thankful for this year.  It’s been an amazing journey.  Some of the highest highs, and some pretty nerve wracking lows, but overall it’s been a year that has brought me closer to my destiny and my #BigPictureDream.  This year I saw my dream unfold in brand new and exciting ways.  Ways I’ve worked long and hard for, and finally was able to realize in 2014.  Like being on the Steve Harvey Show.  Yeah yeah, I know I might have been a little silly on the show, but for me it was an opportunity to live my dream.  It was the perfect example of how our #BigPictureDream might be “X” and take years to fully achieve, but along the way we got an opportunity to do our practice runs on many many “A-W’s”.   Successful people don’t just magically appear on Oprah or CNN, they have hustled behind the scenes for years on much smaller stages.  It’s all part of #TheHustle.

Sarah Centrella on Steve Harvey

In the green room about to go on the Steve Harvey Show

I’ve been able to work and provide for my family in a dream career job which enables me to travel (since I work from home and have my kids all but 4 nights a month, it’s kinda nice to get out once or twice a month).  I even have a beautiful office in LA when I’m there and one in New York when I’m there… what more could a girl ask for?

I’ve meet some of the most unbelievable people on the journey to write my book #HustleBelieveReceive who have motivated me as I’ve been following my dream and in the process become part of my crew.  Meeting Kimberley Hatchett is one of the things I’m most grateful for in 2014.  Her generous kind spirit has blown me away, I’m blessed to feature her in my book along with her close friend Victor Matthews and Janna Andrews.


On my 39th birthday with Kimberley Hatchett and Victor Matthews in New York 2014


And of course I  was able to manifest my biggest dream of them all… landing a traditional book deal.

Sarah Centrella book deal

My book #HustleBelieveReceive will be in stores Fall 2015!!!!!


But though the year has held so many amazing mile stones and brought so much joy, there are still those hard days.  The ones when it’s hard to remember to be grateful, or it’s just easier to bitch about what’s not going right than it is to be thankful for what is.  I’m as guilty as the next person believe me! Through those hard times I’ve leaned on my sisters, my support team, my two best friends Lisa and Courtney.   I have no idea where I’d be without their unwavering support, love, faith and ability to listen to every little up and down in my road.  They are saints for real.  I am so utterly grateful to have people around me who I know love me no matter what, and who remind me of my own words to stay positive when I sometimes forget or wanna feel sorry for myself.  I can’t overstate how important it is to surround yourself with people who lift you higher instead of being deadweight.  If you look around and don’t see many of these people and a lot of deadweight, I’m giving you permission to cut the cord with anyone who’s not supportive of your journey and who you are working to become.  And trust me when you do the right people will be drawn to you and naturally fill that void, only so much better.  You’ve gotta #ChangeYourCrew if you wanna achieve your dream.


In New York with my girl Lisa… sisters since we were two years old.  2014


My ride-or-die sister from another.. Courtney, DC 2014

I am grateful for my three beautiful babies who are the very best part of me and my greatest achievement.  They are my closest companions and my source of daily humor, reality and my biggest challenge, but greatest joy.  On a day like today, I’m so thankful that we can cook together, that we’ve been able to establish strong traditions that the four of us look forward to and cherish.


Izzy making her favorite cranberry sauce

I am very thankful for my health.  At 39 I know shit starts going downhill pretty fast, so to have been able to run a full marathon and half marathon this year, I consider that a huge reason to be grateful.

sarah centrella Portland Marathon

Not my best picture but I had just ran 26.2 miles so I guess I’ll let it slide hahah

And I am soooooooo grateful to each and every one of you, who take the time to read my blog and support my story and my dream.  You will never know how much it has lifted me when I was low and wanting to give up.  Your messages, emails, comments, tweets, and posts give me reason to keep going and fills me with humble gratitude.  If you’ve received anything from my journey, believe me when I say I receive just as much when I hear from you.

So on this night before Thanksgiving… what are you grateful for?

be thankful



Sarah Centrella is the author of the book Hustle Believe Receive which teaches you how to apply the #HBRMethod to change your life and live your dream.

Follow on social media: Instagram | Twitter | Snapchat | Pinterest | YouTube |Periscope @sarahcentrella

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How I Landed a Book Deal!

*The hashtags in this post are the 15 Steps of the #HBRMethod to successfully changing your life and living your dream as defined in my book #HustleBelieveReceive



For the past four years I have been writing, and writing, and rewriting some more. Three complete books to be precise, in hopes of landing a book deal.  Today I got my negotiated contract from Skyhorse Publishing.  Believe me when I tell you, there are no words adequate enough to give this moment justice! Unless you’ve worked tirelessly –literally without sleep, staying up until the wee hours of the morning for weeks, months and years on end– cried, bleed, started over and talked yourself out of giving up more times than you can recall…. you wouldn’t know what this feels like.  But if you, like me have been out there puttin’ in #TheHustle for your dream even when it seemed pointless, just to one day realize it; then you get it.  You know this is what we dreamers/doers live for.  Our vindication.  The only thing that can satisfy our desire to succeed, is success itself.  Nothing else will do.

This is how I applied my #HBRMethod to manifest my dream.


The evolution of my dream to become a traditionally published author:

In 2010 I began writing my first book; Thoughts.Stories.Life.

I was NOT a writer.  To this day it’s still difficult for me to say “I am a writer” because I feel so inadequate as such.  But nun-the-less I began trying to write my story, mixed with my attempts at sharing what I’d learned.  The book consisted of song lyrics, my story, tips on how to find success and other musings.  It was so green, dear god was it terrible!  Hindsight is 20/20 right?  And when your dream doesn’t come true on your timeline and by your terms, remember this: it’s a huge blessing disguised as a slap in the face (#SurvingEarthquakeMoments).  You will, like me, be grateful later.

I knew the book wasn’t all it could be, yet you have to start somewhere when you have such an audacious dream.  So I did my research. I found out if I wanted to get my book published the traditional way, I’d need a literary agent.  Publisher don’t read unsolicited manuscripts, especially from unpublished “authors”. So I began the process of sending my query letter to every agent I could find (#TheHustle) who worked with self-help and memoir authors.  And every agent eventually responded…. “Thanks, but I’ll pass.”  Then I got my first little break.  One of those top agents, Beth Davey responded with the kindest note.  She said she obviously had to pass, but told me to keep writing.  Told me my “voice” didn’t suck and to keep working on flushing out my ideas.  I clung to her and those words.  They were what kept me going when I was like; ok I get it. I suck, and I really need to quit.

I was ultimately completely unwilling to quit (#RelentlessPursuit).  My dream from day one was to have my story traditionally published, period (#BigPictureDream).  So when the offers came in from internet and self-publishing/distributing companies, I politely said no thank you.  I have always said that I wanted to one day walk into Barnes & Noble or an airport and buy my book (#SpeakIt).   That was the image I kept in my head, and it was the one I went to every time I thought of quitting or settling for less (#CreateAMovieInYourHead).

Then in 2012 I was able to find a young agent, new to the business who was willing to take on my book and submit it to publishers (#GetGrateful). I was so ecstatic, until slowly but surely every single editor in the business turned it down. This is the point when rational people quit.

I’ve never been very rational.

I believe in going after your dreams, and I believe (“believe”) that if you work hard enough (“Hustle”) you will LIVE YOUR DREAM (“Receive”).  However, I’m not a total moron.  I knew that every experienced agent and every publisher in the game must have had a point.  Here and there a few of them added helpful comments and feedback in their rejection letters, and I took them to heart.  I asked my friends to read the book and give me honest feedback.  I recognized that I had NO IDEA how to write a book, and was open to all feedback from any source.  The overwhelming response was “tell your full story.  Write your complete memoir.”  This was the obvious direction that even I knew I should be pursuing.  That was the book I had always believed I would eventually write from the time I was in my early twenties (long before I even thought of becoming a “writer”).  My full life story is…. how shall I put this…INSANE.  But it was a hard story to tell and I felt even more inadequate and terrified to scrap my first book and start all over with just my memoir.  But I listened to the feedback and began a year long, emotionally draining journey of writing my full memoir.  Yet deep down I had always wanted my “short story (post-divorce) and tips to success” book to come out before my memoir.  It was just more relevant to my life and my passion, but I went to work anyway.

In 2013 I wrote my childhood memoir, titled “From the Outside” (one of many titles I struggled with).  Again I knew it wasn’t where it needed to be, but I needed some feedback and direction and the best way I knew how to get it was to submit it. So again I queried agents (#TheHustle).  And again I was rejected. When I saw the reply from Beth Davey, I was almost too scared to open it.  She’d written a long response.  She loved my story, and my voice, and begged me to keep writing.  But of course she was going to pass. I was crushed. I’d done everything everyone told me to do and still, failure.  And failing at telling your personal story is much harder to digest than any other failure I’ve faced in my life.  There is something about baring your soul, and telling all your secrets, just to be told, you kinda suck at it.

But Beth’s words stayed in my mind.  I wrote her back and asked for more direction, thanked her for her guidance and thoughtful reading of my work.  I was determined to build a sticky relationship with her, one where she’d remember when it was time for me to send her my next project (#ChangeYourCrew).  I wanted her in my circle somehow, even if she wasn’t ready to give me a chance just yet.

For six months I refused to write, accept on my blog (#ChillOut).  I wasn’t ready to quit, because I never doubted deep down that one day I’d realize my dream (#BelieveItToLiveIt), but I needed a break.  I needed to clear my head and try to go back to what I really wanted in the first place.

In early 2014 I knew I needed to get back to my Hustle, but I still wasn’t fully motivated or inspired.  I felt lost.  Both directions I had tried led nowhere, and though my #BigPictureDream remained as clear as ever, I didn’t know what avenue to pursue to make it happen.

There was one last book that I’d always had in my mind to write.  I’d even started a blog with the same name back in 2012 that I’d hoped to turn into more of a teaching blog (but realized keeping two blogs was too much work!), the title was #HustleBelieveReceive, and it was the self-help version of my post-divorce story.  The 15 steps I used to change my life and live my dream, woven with my personal story as an example. That was the book that made the most sense by far.  It’s what people have been reading my blog for these past few years.  But again I didn’t know how to do it, and how do I write my story in a book, when all of you have been watching it happen live this whole time?  But I started writing anyway (#TheHustle).

In May of 2014 I quit my corporate job to pursue my dream full time.  I decided it was now or never. I was going to write this book come hell or high water and transition my career into my passion. But the writing was tough.  I still didn’t feel inspired; I lacked that spark that I knew was critical to making it work.  And then I had an idea.  I wanted to interview my football player friends and see if they had achieved their success using the same steps I had used.  I knew they had because most of what I’d applied to change my life I had actually learned from talking to, and watching them.  But I had never interviewed anyone before in my life, and had no idea what I was going to say or if they would even do the interview.  I was equally afraid that if they did it, I wouldn’t be able to get them to really open-up and make it a good interview.

But I did it anyway (#TheHustle), and to my amazement the interviews where awesome!  The guys opened up and shared things we’d never even talked about in our years of friendship.  I was blow away and TOTALLY INSPIRED.  I named the five-part blog series “Inside the Mind of an Athlete.”  And it showed how each of them used the same tools, beliefs and actions that I was using to get success.  They proved that it worked in pursuing an athletic dream, and I was proving it could work in “regular life” and pursuing any dream.  I was so excited by those interviews that I again put book #3 on the back burner.

One night in June of 2014, I took my kids to see the movie Million Dollar Arm.  During the whole movie my kids kept looking at me and saying “mama! That’s #HustleBelieveReceive! That’s what you tell us!”  That night I went on twitter and landed an interview with the real life inspiration behind the film.  It was the first real and “random” interview (meaning I did not know him) I’d ever done.   I was beyond terrified.  I knew I wasn’t really a qualified “interviewer” and I wasn’t sure that Ash’s responses would support what I believed, but I had a feeling they might.  Since I wasn’t sure what questions to ask, I simply said; will you tell me your story?  And to my delight his story reinforced what what I’d been discovering.  That self-made successful people had all used the same basic method to achieve their success. 

As soon as that interview was finished I knew what my new book was lacking.  It needed stories of other people doing the same thing I had done!  I wanted more proof.  More examples from every possible walk of life, living out every dream I could think of.  I was so excited and inspired; it was an entirely new world that opened up that day.  It was like the wall that I’d been beating my head against for the last four years cracked from top to bottom.  It didn’t crumble, but the crack was good enough for me.

Overnight everything changed.  I began interviewing successful people in all walks of life with these AMAZING stories.  I would just listen as they told me (many times these were total strangers) their life story.  I was humbled and honored that these successful people would tell me their story when most had never told it before.  Every time I’d get Goosebumps and want to cry with excitement and gratitude.

June of 2014  –And THAT is how #HustleBelieveReceive The Urban Guide to Changing Your Life and Living Your Dream was officially born.

I knew right away that this idea was the one.  Something felt different… it was pure joy.  Everything about writing this book and working on the stories filled up parts of my soul that had never even been touched before.   So I told myself, and everyone I came in contact with, a new story (#MottoForLife), that this book WAS getting published.  It was just a matter of time.  And what’s amazing, is everyone believed me.  I was so totally convinced that not one person I asked to interview for the book, responded with “well do you have a book deal?” And thank god ‘cuz hell no I didn’t!  But I worked my ass off as if I did.  And this time I believed it without a shred of doubt, and I didn’t care if I was a “great writer” or not.  This time none of that mattered.   I had a story to tell that the world needed to hear; it had to! And it wasn’t about me, though my story is a big part of it, the project was no longer about me and so my inspiration has been on cloud 10 throughout this process.

When I’d compiled about thirty stories, and four chapters for the book I knew it was time to make an official book proposal and try once again to get an agent.  This time I didn’t send my proposal or query to all the agents in the game.  I sent it to just one.  And instead of a formal query I sent Beth an email, thanking her for all the guidance she had provided me throughout the years, and asking her to give me one more shot.  I made a promise to her in that first email that if she would take a chance on me I would get US a book deal and turn it into something amazing.  I thanked her for always believing in me and said that if anyone was going to ever make money on this book as my agent, it had to be her.

I waited.

Two weeks later I saw her reply come across my phone and my heart raced, as I opened it.  She simply said “Sarah can you give me a call?”   That was the first time in all those years that I’d ever been offered a call with her or any other real agent.  I knew what that shit meant!!!!

In July of 2014 (just a month after I’d started working on the new #HBR) Beth and I were sitting in Grand Central Station in New York, and I was breathlessly pitching her.  I was a total hotmess, jumping from one idea to the next in the book, but it was just falling out of me, I couldn’t stop it! I was so excited to be in that moment, I knew I just needed a chance, and this was it.  She needed to see the real me; faults, hotmess and all.  We talked for almost two hours, and then got up to leave.  I hugged her goodbye and thanked her again for always believing in me and I turned to go.  She reached out and grabbed my arm and said “Sarah I think we need to have you sign a contract.”

I’m not kidding when I say I SCREEMED in the middle of Grand Central! Signing with a top agent is the dream of every writer, and harder to do then winning the lottery it feels like!  But I had done it.  My #RelentlessPursuit had paid off just like I knew it eventually would.

On that trip I was actually in New York because I’d been offered an amazing “day job” which was a TOTAL manifestation of everything I’d ever wanted from my corporate life.  And at the end of the day I needed to eat and feed my kids while I pursued my dream, and the best part was my new job was fully supportive of my dream. Things were finally clicking, all the proof I needed that I was on the right path.

All of August and September Beth and I worked on the official proposal to send to editors.  It had to be perfect and represent the book in a way they could fall in love with it too.  All the while Beth (sweet soul that she is) remained me that “publishing is cruel, and difficult, and few people make it” even with her help.  But I wasn’t worried.  I told her every time that #HustleBelieveReceive would be the exception to that rule.  We’d get an offer I kept promising her (#BelieveItToLiveIt).

Our first test was to have a retired editor critically read my proposal and provide feedback.  I wasn’t prepared for how “frank” that conversation was going to be, and after I got off that call I had, for the first time with this book, those familiar feelings of self-doubt.  I struggled that night to not let it derail my passion, but it was tough I can’t lie.  But that feedback turned out to be the pivotal point in getting the whole concept of the book to click and flow and when I was done with my rewrite, it fuckin’ kicked ass!  And I was so glad I’d pushed through, listened and then made it that much better.

When October rolled around our date to submit to editors had come.  This time I just knew someone would see #HBR’s potential. I knew we’d get an offer, maybe two or three.  We had to, it was THAT good! Responses came in almost immediately, which Beth said is unheard of.  Editors were dropping whatever they were doing to read our proposal.  They were excited about it.  They loved the concept; the title, the steps to success, the featured stories and my story… yet still they were taking a “pass.”  Twelve proposals went out, and by the end of our second week six had responded “no thanks.”

That’s “Ok” I kept telling Beth, “we will get one” (#MottoForLife).   But I was starting to sweat just a little.  What if we didn’t? What if the third time wasn’t really a charm for me?  I refused to let those thoughts take over (#ChangeTheVoicesInYourHead) because I KNEW completely with everything in me that we would get one.

I had just landed in LAX and turned my phone back on waiting for my turn to exit the plane when Beth called.  I knew this must be it, and when she told me we had a top publisher who wanted a meeting I screamed out loud on the plane!

In all we spoke to four editors out of the twelve we submitted.  Again Beth reminded me that this type of response just does not happen with a new author, she was shocked and overjoyed.  Editors  at some of the biggest publishing houses in the world.  All four editors pitched my book to their editorial board (sadly an editor alone does not have the ability to decide on buying a book or not, it needs to pass the approval of the board).  And from those 4  we got 2  written offers.  Beth tells me this is unheard of, that these things “don’t happen.”  I laugh and remind her that this isn’t just any book it’s #HustleBelieveReceive and it, and the steps have the power to work magic.

November 21, 2014 is the day I finished negotiating my contract with Skyhorse Publishing.  It’s a day I’ve worked my ASS OFF for (#TheHustle), believed (#BelieveItToLiveIt) would come, and today was the day I received (#ManifestThat!). 

I tell this story because sometimes when you are watching someone else live out their dream, it looks easy.  Even if you’ve seen them struggle a little, you’re not privy to those bad days, and I wanted to show you that on the path to success you WILL have heartbreak. You will be tested and tried, and as cliché as it sounds it’s absolutely necessary to get you to the next level.  If my first book had been published I would be mortified today.  It wasn’t ready; it wasn’t something I could be proud of for the rest of my life.  I had to go through this entire journey to get here.  So when you’re in the journey try to trust it.  Know that it’s always looking out for you and has your best interest at heart.  When the timing is right, when you’ve done the necessary work and preparation, it will happen.  Not it might happen I’m telling you for a fact it WILL.  You just gotta want it more than you want to give up. Giving up cannot even be an option if you plan to be successful.  Period.

I provided a detailed timeline because I wanted you to see that in the pursuit of your dream the particulars might change along the way.  I had started this process with one book in mind, and finished four years later with my third book attempt.  But my #BigPictureDream had always stayed the same, and that was the dream I believed in.  You have to be open to accepting the fact that your dream might not manifest how or when you want it to, and that is out of your control.  But it’s also always in your best interest, which is a key point.  That is why you simply can not give up if you really believe and are passionate about your end goal/dream.  It takes time, patience, work, blood, sweat and a lot of tears… but stick it out because it also brings the type of joy you’ve never known before.

Timing is everything, and when the project was right and my energy was ready and receptive to letting it come to me, and I was open to listening and then willing to work and believe, that’s when it happened.  And it happened so damn fast! If you look at the timeline it was under five months from the time I had the idea for this  specific book to the time I signed my book deal.

Now I just need to write it!! My deadline is June of 2015 so expect to hear more fun stories about this process as the months go by.  And next Christmas (2015) is our projected release date.  I can’t wait!!! To think that this time next year I can walk into a book store and buy my book, well it’s almost unbelievable.  Almost.


“Anything is possible child, anything can be.”  -Shell Silverstein.



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Kicking Cancer.

Lately I’ve been thinking about cancer. I’m not exactly sure why, other than it seems to be popping up everywhere, it being Breast Cancer Awareness month and all. Or maybe because I know I’m overdue for my annual exam and biopsy. Five years ago doctors found a lump in my thyroid the size of a small egg. As you might imagine it struck fear in me on a level I’ve never faced before. I was one of the lucky ones, each year when I get my annual biopsy and ultra sound, I send up a prayer thanking God that it’s NOT the C word.

Maybe that’s why I was so moved by the stories I heard last Thursday night at the charity event for Kicked It In Heels. I listened to the stories of survivors, and heard the doctors share astounding statistics. I remembered five years ago, when my girlfriend lost her short battle with breast cancer, leaving two babies behind. And I’ve been thinking… I should probably go get a mammogram. As I listened to the guest of honor Bershan Shaw (star of Love In The City, a reality show on OWN, and bestselling author) share her story of how she’d defied the odds and beat a death diagnosis, I was moved to near tears. This woman’s story proved yet again that everything I believe in and teach in #HustleBelieveReceive changes lives. She proved that you can be faced with something as devastating as hearing from a doctor that you have Stage 4 terminal cancer, and yet be standing in that room five years later telling us her empowering story. After her speech I introduced myself, and told her about my book project. She immediately said “I’d love to be in it!” and handed me her card. I was blown away!

Bershan Shaw, two time cancer survivor.

Bershan Shaw, two time cancer survivor.

As I made my way around a room with some of the most beautiful people I’d ever seen on one place at one time, I heard story after story of survival. Of beating the odds. And then I walked up to Daniel Jacobs. He’d raised his hand during introductions indicating that he was the “boxer who fought cancer” and I immediately thought he’d be a great story for my book. I had no idea who he was, and only caught his first name, but when I told him what I was working on for the book, he immediately said he’d love to be a part of it. In the few minutes we talked he told me how the doctors had found a massive tumor in his spine, how he’d been given just a few months to live, but yet here he was looking healthy as could be, radiant actually. I couldn’t help but give him a giant hug.

And then I went home and Googled him….. so yeah he’s kinda the shit. And his story had me in tears as I read through articles from USA Today and ESPN on what he’s accomplished and overcome. I remember being so emotional when learning about those mesothelioma treatment cases only. I’m so honored to be able to share his story in my book #HustleBelieveReceive.

Daniel Jacobs, boxing's miracle man.

Daniel Jacobs, boxing’s miracle man.

It’s impossible not to be humbled and overwhelmed by these amazing individuals and the others I’ve interviewed over the past few months. I get those happy chills all over when I mention this project and EVERYONE who I’ve spoken to about being featured says they would love to be part of it.

Kicked It In Heels was an amazing event, full of positive energy, hope and the reality that cancer does not have to be a death sentence, but something to fight with and prevent even, being aware of potential causes (read more at The event was to benefit the foundation started by Dr. Janna Andrews, a close friend of Kimberley Hatchett’s (also featured in the book, and a great friend of mine). The next morning when the three of us went to brunch with my lifelong bestie Lisa Marchant (also a featured story), I couldn’t help but ask Janna if she would be open to sharing her story as well. I’m delighted to report that her inspiring story will also be coming soon in the book.

My first ever red carpet event in NYC to support Breast Cancer survivors

My first red carpet event in NYC, to support cancer survivors.

You know how they say surround yourself with people who inspire you, push you to be better and lift you higher? I’ve realized that in the past several years I’ve done just that, and look at who’s in that circle? It’s truly astonishing to be in company that I feel will always be a source of inspiration and motivation for me. #ChangeYourCrew is one of the first steps in the book, because it’s one of the fundamentals to success. You cannot be successful unless you are surrounded by successful people. I am so grateful for this experience and for the amazing people I’ve met along the way, and I can’t wait to share all of this with you all as it daily unfolds.

Anything is possible. I am living proof.

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Portland Marathon: Impossible is Nothing.


My 2006 vision board with 26.2 in the upper right corner.

I DID IT!!! I actually ran the Portland Marathon after eight years of having the 26.2 sticker on my #FutureBoard I finally realized that dream.  Starting on March 22nd of this year, I made a commitment, a promise to myself that this time I would not only train for the marathon, but I’d actually run it.  That decision was an absolute one, it left no room for me to back out, chicken out or change my mind.  It was simply fact; some how, some way I’d cross the finish line.  So today, after more than seven hours (no one said I was fast people!) of non-stop running/jogging and finally walking… I crossed that finish line in front of my children and two of my girlfriends.  Seeing my kids out there holding those signs for me and cheering me on, made me instantly cry.

 sarah centrella marathon

My motivation to run a marathon came a few years ago, just to get the bragging rights that came with the bumpers sticker, and run the race before I turn 40.  Since I’m six months away from turning 40 I figured my time was running out. .  And then when I failed to run after training for several months in 2010, the motivation became silencing my  son, who never let me live it down that I’d given up.  But my REAL motivation this time was two-fold.  1. To follow my own #HustleBelieveReceive steps to “living your dream” (#HBRMethod) thereby proving that anything is possible for anyone who is willing to work for their goal.  And 2. To prove to my kids that there is NOTHING they can not achieve if they put their mind to it.  They know this first hand because since March I’ve had to get them out of their warm beds at 6:00 am and drop them off at the sitters before my long runs on Saturday mornings.  They have done #TheHustle with me, seeing me work my butt off to make this “impossible dream” a reality.

And I did it for YOU. Because there is a dream you have, or a goal that you felt was just not a possibility for you.  It’s nagged at you, but you’ve silenced that voice inside that says; “maybe you should just try,” because you believed you couldn’t do it.  So I did it to prove to you that NO MATTER WHAT your dream is, or who you are, if you want it bad enough, (and I’m talkin’ in an ABSOLUTE kinda way), and you’re willing to do the work and follow the steps, you will live your dream! Simple as that.   Don’t let anyone tell you that something is impossible for you, and more importantly don let YOU tell yourself that bullshit.  If you believe it, than anything is possible.  Running this marathon was just a tangible way for me to prove that to you, but trust me it will work with anything in your life.

If you have a dream… LET NOTHING STAND IN YOUR WAY.



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Vision Board Success: Jet Set Life.

Yesterday I lived one of those moments from my vision board (#FutureBoard) that seemed so unrealistically enormous that I never even really thought about it.  It was one that I’d put on my board as a “dream big” moment from my #BucketList that I thought “someday I’ll live that one out but probably not any time soon.” So when it came to me from out of the blue, I instantly recognized it as my manifestation and was totally stoked and surprised!


The key to all the manifesting I’ve done the past five years has been using my manifesting method #HustleBelieveReceive (also known as the #HBRMethod).  It’s a method that over and over I’ve proven works, with small things and larger than life moments like this one. The most beautiful thing about #HBR is that it’s not about money. It doesn’t take money to manifest your dream, it takes work, belief and the determination to never quit. You have to keep the #BigPictureDream in sight at all times, that’s why it’s so important to have a physical #FutureBoard because it’s always there, in front of you, even when your not trying to focus on it, it’s around you. I’ve had a picture of a women flying on a privet jet on my first board in 2009, and again on my updated board in 2014 and even though it was a dream I never put much thought into it has still been on my board for six years and it’s always been around me. So when my best friend asked me if I’d like to take a privet flight with her to DC yesterday I jumped at the chance knowing it was that moment when I’d be living out that dream.

And let me tell you it was amazing! Just the two of us and her two daughters flying from Portland to DC on a privet jet. And all I kept thinking is, one day this will be how I’ll travel with my kids one day. I’ll work until one day that will be moments I can give to my children and have that freedom and flexibility in my life. That’s how all my manifestations have come, shown up in my life and then one day I’m doing it on my own. And that’s an amazing feeling.

So here’s what it felt like to live out this dream…

vision board success

Lower left side of my first vision board in 2009 is a women working on a privet jet…


My new vision board in 2014 privet jet pics…


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How to Get a Literary Agent.

One of the most amazing manifestations of my life.. I’d waited for an envisioned this moment for four years, I had no choice but to whip out my trusty phone and do an on the spot video in Grand Central Station last week in New York.


This is how I used the steps I teach here on this blog and in my new book #HustleBelieveReceive to manifest signing a contract with my dream literary agent. Below is a simple example of how I applied each step that led to manifesting my dream.


I’ve gently stalked my literary agent for the last four years, she’s amazing and she is the one I’ve wanted to work with since day one. I even refereed to her as my agent long before I had actually acquired her (#OwnItBeIt).  For the past four years I’ve sent her all three books I’ve written (#TheHustle) and each time she provided useful constructive feedback that enabled me to go back to the drawing board and start over, producing a better product, and I’m so grateful that I didn’t give up (#RelentlessPursuit) and I trusted the process to know that somehow each of those rejections where all part of my #BigPictureDream, using the steps #ChillOut (step 8) and #SurvivingEarthquakeMoments in dealing with the rejection. I knew deep down she saw something in me or my story, or my voice that she believed in to keep her engaged and responding and so I fostered that and promised myself that if anyone was going to represent me and make money from my work I wanted it to be her. I wanted to pay her back for that belief in me, this was all part of building a relationship with her using #ChangeYourCrew.   I just knew it would happen (#MottoForLife), and when she read Hustle.Believe.Receive. it was the magic project that got her excited and ready to sign me. A dream come true (#ManifestThat!) Never give up, no matter what anyone tells you. If it’s your passion and you believe in it with all your heart and work your ass off, you will live a moment just like this.

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Beach Life… Enjoy the Moment.

I’m exhausted, crawling into bed before my big Marathon Life 15 mile training run tomorrow morning.  And although I’m tired from spending the past two days at the beach with the kids on our little mini vacation, I am also so grateful.  It brought back all the memories of when I used to pack the kids up those first two years after my husband left, back when the kids and I were still trying to adjust to our new like with just me at the helm.  I’d pack bottles, lunches, clothes, toys and in like thirty minutes I’d just throw it in the car before the girls nap time.  I’d hop in the car and drive the two hours to the Oregon Coast while they everyone passed out and I got some much needed quiet time (read my post from then about our fist solo beach trip Saturday).  It was so much work back then, oh man! I’d only have enough money for gas to get out there and back, so we never had the luxury of getting a hotel to relax and spend the night.  Or the luxury of eating out when we were there, it was good enough for us that we got to go.


Our first night at the beach

This was our first little trip in a while, about a year I guess and it was one of those moments where I really took in how fast the kids are growing up.  Kanen was big enough to help pack and unpack the car, take his sisters downstairs in the morning for the continental breakfast, and even walk back the block to our hotel from the beach.  And the girls could last all day without getting cranky like they used to when they were smaller.  They all pitched in, pulled their weight and for the first time I got to kinda kick back… but yes I’m still exhausted! But it felt good, to be able to take them to the beach and get a hotel and be able to do the fun tourist things we never could do before, and eat out and all of that. It was a great reminder of how far we’ve come, and a reminder to never lose sight of were we started. That’s always been my Hustle; my kids, and to be able to provide this kinda life for them. But sometimes when you’re in the middle of living life, and hustelin’ you forget to stop and appreciate how far you’ve come.



I never want to lose sight of where we started and what brought about my Hustle, but I also want to learn to find a new Hustle and be ok with letting that survival one go. It sounds crazy but that’s been a struggle for me. I’ve always known struggle my entire life. It’s what I’m comfortable with, it’s made me scrappy and a survivor, but now I want to keep thriving and let that survival instant begin to fade because I think as long as I cling to it I’ll always create an environment where I will need to survive, and I don’t want that. This is the reason I refer to our Life Plan as a life long journey. It’s not a destination, it’s about always being present enough in our lives that we recognize when it’s time to move to the next level, and expand our Plan.

Sometimes it’s good to take a moment like I did these past few days and let it all sink in. I was reading some of my older posts from when the kids were small like my first Life’s a Beach post and man all I can say is… time flies.  And no mater where you are in your journey or even your struggle, take the time to enjoy your life.  Take time to spend with your kids and create memories with them, even if it is exhausting.  It’s so worth it.  And that attitude brings more things to be grateful for and more moments to enjoy. It goes by so fast, let me tell you, and I’ll never regret the time I took to spend with my kids even if it’s a struggle to make it happen.  Cheers to all you moms and dads out there makin’ the effort to spend time with your kids and cherish the moments.


Read Life’s a Beach! from a few years ago.

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