Category: Divorce

The aftermath of divorce…

My Personal Story

Me telling my personal story the night before my house flooded.   Sarah Centrella is the author of the book Hustle Believe Receive which teaches you how to apply the #HBRMethod to change your life and live your dream. Follow on social media: Instagram | Twitter | Snapchat | Pinterest | YouTube |Periscope

Single Mom, You are Enough.

Single parents..You are enough.

Tonight I watched the Oprah show on children of divorce and it ripped my heart out. The first time I saw these little kids I must of still been married and I know I cried then too. But as I

Second Chances

I have always considered myself a person who believes in second chances. Believes in forgiveness, and that people have the potential to change. Of course there are circumstances where this would not apply, but I’d say generally I like to

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Subsidize This!

Sometimes I think I might crack under the pressure. I don’t mean to complain here and I know there are so many women in shoes similar to mine or worse situations, but I don’t know any personally so all I


I’m crying and I don’t know why. I can’t stop and I don’t know why. It’s those ugly sobs. The kind you lie on the floor and curl into a ball for because it’s the only comfortable place to be.

Dating Sucks.

I’m not even gonna bother lying here, it plain sucks ass. I’m so freaking glad I never had to do it before now. I managed to get to the ripe old age of 33 having never dated, having married my

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Just You And Me

.. I want to be whole again. I can’t explain why I feel less then complete, but I do. Tonight I read stories to my three little monkeys, my baby girls head on my lap and as I ran my

12 Months…

One year ago today my face lay on the hardwood floor. My body lifeless. My mind numb. My life over. I lay there asking God, why? Why? How could this happen to me? What have I done to deserve this?
