Category: Parenting

Traditions. The Joy Of Parenting

I think one of the best things about being a mama/parent is getting to see your children delight in the traditions that you pass on to them. For some reason I have always, since I can remember been one of

A Gift for My Boy

Kenjon Barner (OR RB); Ed Dickson (Ravens TE) I have a great son. I know, I know all mothers say that (or at least should!) but it’s true I really do. He’s kind; he has a gentle spirit, a good

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Subsidize This!

Sometimes I think I might crack under the pressure. I don’t mean to complain here and I know there are so many women in shoes similar to mine or worse situations, but I don’t know any personally so all I

County Fair

AHHH what could possibly spell the thick of summer as well as those words? Growing up, you might say I lived what could be described as a sheltered life (now if there is such a thing as a COLOSSAL understatement

Life’s A Beach!

I love those days when you have an epiphany. Or maybe it’s just one of those rare moments when you are TRULY in the moment. Whatever it was, today was one of those times. A year ago I took my

I’m Proud Of You

I’m proud of you. I see your efforts, I see your struggles and I’m proud of you. Baby girl… I watch you stand when your legs are weak. I watch you play, under a pile of giggling monkeys. I hear

Just You And Me

.. I want to be whole again. I can’t explain why I feel less then complete, but I do. Tonight I read stories to my three little monkeys, my baby girls head on my lap and as I ran my


It’s Saturday. 6:40 am I’m awakened from a much needed, deep sleep by the sound of my two year old twins laughing like little hyenas. I’m not awake by any stretch of the imagination, but even so, I know this
