Category: Parenting

Teen uses #HustleBelieveReceive to Achieve his Football Dreams

I’ve been teaching my children how to apply my #HBRMethod for years. I think it’s sooo important that we give our kids the skillset and tools to handle; stress, anxiety, goals, dreams, depression, disappointment and all the other emotions they

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How I Created Lasting Happiness by Cutting the Drama

sarah centrella italy

I LOVE my life.  No, I’m not in love! No, a man did not give me this feeling. It’s taken me soooo many years to get here. Sooo many disappointments and heart-brakes. If you don’t believe me, read this blog from

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Ideal Schedule for the Mompreneur Who Works from Home


  I’ve worked from home for over five years. Most of that time for an employer, and it’s always been a challenge. It’s hard to stay focused. Hard to juggle your “mom life” with your work responsibilities. Now, as a

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The Dark Side to Being a Woman in Corporate Sales #MeToo

This is a difficult post to write. I’ve never considered myself a victim and don’t want to start now. I’ve weighed the pros and cons of this. The list of cons is a mile long, topped with the fact that

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Travel Journal: On My Way to Italy

Travel Journal On My Way to Italy

*Here’s an entry from my actual travel journal on my way to Italy, dated Oct 3rd 2016 “Dear Journal, I’m on a plane high above the ocean. Its dark and we’ve just had dinner; little petite trays with mini servings

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How I Manifested My Dream Vacation to Italy! #futureboards

This is the formula with which I manifested my dream vacation to Italy, the same one I’ve used for years to manifest an entirely new life for myself and my family usung my #futureboards and #HBRMethod If you’re a regular

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Why My Kids Are Planning Our Italy Adventure

5 Reasons why my three young kids are planning our Italy adventure this fall.  Going to Italy is not just a vacation for me, it’s the realization of a life-long dream, and what some might call a near obsession. Since

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Single Mom Globe Trotter


I’ve had a life long dream to travel the globe. But more specifically… to go to Italy. If you’re a longtime reader of this blog, or a personal friend of mine, then you already know this. It’s been my obsession

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