Category: Motivation & Inspiration

Living My Dream.

Tomorrow will quite possibly be the biggest day of my life (aside from the day my babies came into the world of course), but epic non-the-less. And it’s impossible to try to do justice to the flood of emotions I’m

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4 Easy Steps to Get Out of a Funk.

Three months ago I was struggling.  I’d come off my most “successful” year ever, had manifested an entire vision board and a whole new tax bracket, yet felt so stuck and uninspired. Crazy I know, but true. I began to

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#HBRMethod Success Story.

A text message changed my life. On the evening of September 7, 2008, I opened my husband’s cell phone while he was in the shower, to read: I can’t wait ’till you’re finally free and all mine. No more sharing. Those

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Vision Board Coaching: Get Ready! #futureboards

For the past three years I’ve had people from around the world ask me when I’d be teaching an online class, sharing my keys to success manifesting a new life using my board. I’ve hesitated mainly because of the logistics

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Vision Board Magic #futureboards

Here’s yet another example of how powerful my version of “vision boards” are, aka #futureboards     Please share this video with your social networks… together we can inspire and motivate the world! Anything really is possible for anyone.  

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Fear of Falling.

I have an intense fear of heights, as manifest by my complete breakdown and total panic attack last week attempting to take a flying trapeze class with my girlfriends.  I knew the minute I got the group text from my

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Italy at Last!

I can’t wait! I have spent the past twenty plus years of my life, dreaming and wishing to go to Italy. When I was seventeen years old if you asked where in the world I wanted to go, I would

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Law of Attraction 2.0

If you’ve followed my journey the past few years and my posts on the Law of Attraction you will notice one major theme in how I’ve communicated it, verses other teachers, “focus on the experiences, not the money” has always
