Category: Motivation & Inspiration

32,000 Feet…

I’m not the world’s most relaxed flier. That might in fact be a bit of an understatement come to think of it. But today I’m happy. The kind of happy when you want to pinch yourself to be sure your

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New Year’s Resolutions

Cheers! Ahhhh it’s that time of year again. The time when I sit down, with a glass of wine in one hand, a pen and paper in the other, and I begin the painful, slow dissection of my life. This

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My Mantra

I deserve success. I will not let anything or anyone distract me from my goals. I am here to win. I am here to prove myself. I am here to lead not follow. I am here to break barriers. To

My Bucket List

  Live in at least one other country (Italy for sure!) Travel the globe… Eat with my fingers on the floor in Morocco Do yoga Bali See a Kangaroo with my kids in Australia Eat pasta in Rome… Drink wine/eat

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