Category: Motivation & Inspiration

Why I LOVE Hip-Hop

Hip Hop baby! I know hip-hop has it’s haters. I’m not one. For several reasons. First it’s kinda like Prozac for me. It instantly puts me in a good mood, no matter what. I am not capable of listening to

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Pinch Me!

Pinch Me! I’m feeling pretty incredibly blessed at this moment in time. Sometimes it’s so hard to believe that when potentially devastating or negative things come our way, that anything good could possibly come from it. But at this point

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A Readers Personal Success Story

This is a success story from one of my readers…I love these stories, keep them coming ๐Ÿ™‚ LA, California ~Female “I married a man much older than me, 25 years older than me, and despite all odds we had 10

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Ask A Question

Please use the comment section at the bottom of this page to ask your question if you would prefer to not email me directly. If you do, be sure to check back as I will answer it here ๐Ÿ™‚ If

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Sarah’s Thoughts: Get The Job You Want!

Summary of Readers Question: Reader is a young black man living in the south and has had difficulty finding a job, based in large part he feels to open or subtle racism. How do I overcome this obstacle to get

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How Do I Reinvent My Life To Get What I Want?

Reader Question: “I’ve recently gone through a rough break-up and I guess everything happens for a reason, and I think the reason this happened is because I need to get my life back on track and find a rewarding long-term

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How to Make a Winning Vision Board

So those of you, who know me well, have watched the changes in my life materialize over the past two plus years. The life I had three years ago is unrecognizable to the one I have today, and I consider

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The Power to Change

Freedom… Itโ€™s crazy when you open yourself up, at the ripe old age of 34 (almost 35, but letโ€™s save that for a later, more wine induced blog entry!) to learning new things about yourself, what you will find. Also
