Category: Motivation & Inspiration

Sarah’s Video Tips: Believe. But How??

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Tips for Creating a Winning Vision Board


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Sink or Swim.

Why does it always feel like it’s one step forward and a mile back? Like regardless of how far you’ve come there is always something looking to knock you down? I thank god for The Secret or the Law of

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Second Chances

I have always considered myself a person who believes in second chances. Believes in forgiveness, and that people have the potential to change. Of course there are circumstances where this would not apply, but I’d say generally I like to

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Stop Eating Cake!

Reader response from her question after reading my answer.  this reader question, Asking for a little more clarity: “I do understand what you are saying, but how can I get happy if this makes me feel so bad like i

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Change The Voices In Your Head

Beauty is in your perception. “Change the voices in your head, make them like you instead” as PINK would say. I’ve talked a lot about how to believe lately on my blog and I think it’s a critical step. But

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Belief 101

Believe Teach yourself to really truly BELIEVE. Belief 101: Put up your Vision Board (representing the EXPERIENCES you want to have, and how those will make you feel, NOT the material objects). Read my blog “Your Challenge, Yes I mean

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Believe. But HOW???

Why is it so hard for us to believe? I mean, really. I was talking to a friend about this the other day when she asked me if I taught my kids to believe in Santa and other fairy-tales. I said no.

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