Category: Motivation & Inspiration

Happy 4th!

Izzy last 4th of July I’m antsy. Like the way you get while standing in line waiting for your turn on the roller coaster at Six Flags.  Like you know the ride you’re about to get on is going to

Paris in December? I Think I MUST!

I have a dream. Well let’s face it I have like a billion dreams, but one that’s my favorite. To go to Italy and Paris.  I’ve had that dream since before I understood the concept of travel or that a passport was

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Addiction Gets A Bad Wrap.

Um yeah I was supposed to do this is class Not all addiction is evil. Well let me back track one tiny step and say, mild addiction. Because full-blown addiction is just plain annoying no matter the subject of obsession.

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What’s Your Word?

Chose a word. One word, and carry it with you like a shield through the rest of your life. Strap it on like armor. Let it defend your thoughts and, in itself be strong enough to ward off darkness. What

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Dreams Can Come True…

Put you goals out there. I’ve had this plan with me from the start So today is a big day for me… It’s one I’ve worked towards and visualized for a long time. As you’ve probably gathered I’ve been working

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Can Law of Attraction Help Me Lose Weight?

    I have readers write to me all the time asking me if the Law of Attraction can help them lose weight. They might have watched The Secret Movie, or Googled the term Law of Attraction and the idea

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Inspirational Mantras

I think mantras are such a major part of finding success using the Law of Attraction. They are what keep you on the path when your otherwise discouraged. They keep you motivated when you want to give up and they

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Life is Like Running

God I wish I looked like this running! I went for an amazing run this morning, on the first sunny day we’ve had in Seattle since I moved here and had a thought. The road I ran reminded me so
