Category: Motivation & Inspiration

World Champion Ravens: A Law of Attraction Lesson.

World Champions!!! So if you follow me at all you probably know that I’m a HUGE Baltimore Raven’s football fan.  My son and I have been following them the past few years and have gotten to know the players and

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Does Hustle Believe Receive Work? Yup.

Happiness…. This is gonna sound crazy.  But I think the number one reason I’ve not been blogging much lately is because….. I didn’t know quite how to say, I’m happy.  Crazy right?  But not only that, I feel really blessed

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Happy New Year! Make a Life Plan for 2013.

Happy 2013~!~~ Tonight is New Years Eve, it’s the perfect day of the year to map out what you want your life to look like. Instead of making resolutions (which often focus on what NOT to do), make a life

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How to Get Past the Guilt of Bad Decisions

This post is a response to a reader question, on how to get past the guilt of past bad decisions.  We can’t change the past. So the guilt that you are carrying, from the mistakes that you made in the

Ask. Hustle. Believe. Receive.

  Enjoy the gifts when they come! ASK: Well I have GREAT NEWS!!! As you may have noticed I’ve been struggling lately with living in Seattle. I’ve been here exactly a year, moved to take a great job, which was

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The Easy Guide to Being Grateful

Someone asked me recently how you can find hope when you’re at the bottom. How do you start the process of changing your life when you are as low as you’ve ever been? What’s the one thing you can do to start making

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Hurricane Sandy.. Go Support the Red Cross

Support your local Red Cross I don’t normally post this type of thing, but I’m sitting here watching the coverage of Hurricane Sandy in the north east of the US, and praying for my friends and family. I have so

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What Do You Believe?

What do you believe? I believe that anything is possible, for ANYONE. I believe in magic. In the power of the human spirit, and in the strength that we have to rise above adversity. I believe we have the power

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