Category: Your Life Coach

My tools and tips for success, your personal life coach.

The Easy Guide to Being Grateful

Someone asked me recently how you can find hope when you’re at the bottom. How do you start the process of changing your life when you are as low as you’ve ever been? What’s the one thing you can do to start making

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Why be Realistic?

“Being realistic is the most commonly traveled road to mediocrity. Why would you be realistic?”   –Will Smith I watched some of Will Smith’s videos on the Hustle.Believe.Receive. tonight and so many of the things he said moved me.  Inspired

Don’t Forget To Ask.

If there is one thing I’ve learned in life, it’s that you will NEVER get what you don’t ask for.  I think we are raised to believe that we get and accept what’s given to us.  We are taught this

The Secret: WOW I Manifested That!!

Bob Doyle and Lynn Rose OK so this blew me away yesterday! A total pinch me moment.  Manifestations are so awesome, because they come when you least expect them and from directions you would have never been able to guess

Light-Bulb Moment Anyone?

The power of realization. Light-bulb moment anyone? I have a little test for you. Have you tried to apply The Secret but it doesn’t seem to work? Or do you believe the whole Law of Attraction thing is a big

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Can Law of Attraction Help Me Lose Weight?

    I have readers write to me all the time asking me if the Law of Attraction can help them lose weight. They might have watched The Secret Movie, or Googled the term Law of Attraction and the idea

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A Love Letter to You.

I wanted to write a love letter to you my readers…. I’ve always written this blog pretty exclusively for my own personal therapy, the fact that anyone reads it let alone relates and is moved by it is some amazing blessing beyond

Greatest Life Lesson.

I watched one of Oprah’s Life Classes recently and was struck by what one of the guest said, and have been pondering it ever sense. But it wasn’t until yesterday that I believed it, and realized how true it really is.  To paraphrase:
