Category: Motivation & Inspiration

Keeping it 100

This photo: The moment you realize it’s the last day of promoting your biggest event of the year!! ? and you can FINALLY breathe! No more ticket sales pressure, expanding and compressing every waking moment of every day.  Shits been stressful,

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Teen uses #HustleBelieveReceive to Achieve his Football Dreams

I’ve been teaching my children how to apply my #HBRMethod for years. I think it’s sooo important that we give our kids the skillset and tools to handle; stress, anxiety, goals, dreams, depression, disappointment and all the other emotions they

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How I Manifested Paris!

how I manifested paris

#SeeIT It was 2009 the first time I put a photo of the Eiffel Tower on my very first vision board. Since then, every subsequent board has boasted a beautiful photo of the symbol of Paris, the city of lights.   #DreamIT But

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How I Created Lasting Happiness by Cutting the Drama

sarah centrella italy

I LOVE my life.  No, I’m not in love! No, a man did not give me this feeling. It’s taken me soooo many years to get here. Sooo many disappointments and heart-brakes. If you don’t believe me, read this blog from

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New Year’s Traditions: A Time for Goal Setting and Letting Go

message in a bottle

  New Year’s Eve traditions are a bit different in my home, it’s the perfect time for goal setting and letting go of negativity.  Yesterday I drove to the Oregon Coast with my lifelong best friend Lisa. We’ve known each

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Experiencing the Total Solar Eclipse of 2017 Profound Energy

Manifesting Energy in the Total Solar Eclipse of 2017

Did you feel that profound energy today, during the total solar eclipse? It was unlike anything I’ve ever experienced in my life. If you were not one of the lucky ones in the path of totality, here is what it felt

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How to Write Your Life Plan to Manifest Your Dreams

How to write your #LifePlan

The following is an example of how to write your Life Plan which is the homework for step 4 of my #HBRMethod the chapter titled #WriteIT. I believe strongly in the power of our words and thoughts to predict our future,

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How to Manifest with the Solar Eclipse

Manifesting with the solar eclipse

Incase you’ve been living under a rock, we are about to experience a pretty insane solar event on Monday! It will be the first time in 100 years that North America has seen a total solar eclipse combined with the

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