Just DO IT. As you may know I’ve been writing my memoir for the past two years. I finished version one titled “Thoughts.Stories.Life.” Somewhat based on this blog, over a year ago. My agent pitched it to all the top…
My book reviews.
Just DO IT. As you may know I’ve been writing my memoir for the past two years. I finished version one titled “Thoughts.Stories.Life.” Somewhat based on this blog, over a year ago. My agent pitched it to all the top…
It seems like I always have the best epiphanies when I’m on cross-country flights. For some reason I find them so inspiring. I, like everyone else, need inspiration wherever I can find it. When you have a dream, you’ve defined it,…
The Alchemist: The answers I needed. I just finished reading The Alchemist. My mind is still spinning and trying to process all it has taught me. It’s the first book I’ve actually read cover to cover in over ten years!…
So excited today to come home and see the UPS box of my Adventures in Manifesting books, sitting at my doorstep. I’m so honored to be part of this book series. It’s such proof to me that the Law of…
I’m now a PUBLISHED AUTHOR!!! WHOOOHOOOO! I’m so excited and honored to be part of the international best selling series Adventures in Manifesting! This series has had contributing authors like Bob Doyle who contributed to The Secret movie, it’s a…
The last five months my head has been so deep inside my memoir, that every spare second was dedicated to striking while the writing iron was hot. I’d had such a hard time transitioning from blog, or short story writing…
If you think you are beaten you are, If you think you dare not, you don’t. If you like to win, but you think you can’t, It is almost certain you won’t. If you think you’ll lose, you’re lost for…
I was at a seminar tonight where a motivational speaker said two things that rocked me. They are not new concepts, they are not things that I don’t currently know and believe, nevertheless they were Ahha! moments for me. 1.…