Why is it so hard for us to believe? I mean, really. I was
talking to a friend about this the other day
when she asked me if I taught my kids to believe in Santa and other fairy-tales. I said no. But mostly because I wasn’t raised believing in them, so it was natural for me not to teach that to my children.
But then I got to thinking, it’s as if we are trained and
genetically coded NOT to believe. In anything!
Picture a little child, one or two years old. The parent is standing waist-deep in a swimming pool, and the child is standing on the ledge of the pool, crying. Their knees are shaking, their chubby arms wrapped around their trembling little bodies in a self-protective hug. They are being asked by the one person they love most in the world, who has in past experience, never dropped or hurt them; to jump. They are terrified. They instinctively believe that they could drown, and are skeptical that their parent will be able to catch and protect them.
But with enough reassurance from their mom or dad they eventually, act on faith and jump.
After that initial jump, because the parent caught them as promised, they slowly begin to trust and believe that they will be safe. And then one day they run for the pool, parent in a panic running after them, trying to explain that they can’t jump in the pool alone.
Over time and with experience they learn to trust and believe in something that seemed ridiculous and terrifying in the beginning. They have
taught themselves how to believe, and how to overcome fear.

I think the reverse is also true. When we convince our kids to believe in something that we know is not true (like Santa), that it strips them of the innocence and fragility of belief. These are the same things most of us have grown up with. The phrases “I’ll
believe it when I see it.” Or “If it’s too good to be true, it probably is.” That type of energy is all around us our entire life. People call it
being “realistic”, but the truth is, it’s just limiting your reality,
preventing you from creating a new and better one.
Much of it stems from doubt, fear, and intellectual analysis. Each of these get in the way of child-like belief, and that is universal across the world. Why is it so hard to believe in the possibility of possibility? Or in “magic”? Because we have no concrete data points? Because we believe (subconsciously or not) that….
disappointment is eminent? Who told us that? What data points have we built up over our lifetime that support that core belief?
If that is your belief, that will be your result. Every time.
Let me say that again, just in case you’re speed reading. If in your heart of hearts, that deep of deepest place in your core being, you BELIEVE that life will disappoint you. IT WILL. Period. In every area. If you’re afraid to jump off that cliff, into the obis of believing in something you cannot see, have no proof to back up, and no logical reason to trust, then that fear will prevent you from jumping. But what faith and belief do is provide a par-shoot, or a soft landing.
Regardless of upbringing, I truly believe that
anyone can teach themselves how to have faith and believe in their dream. Anyone can find their own place of unconditional faith. To get the results you want, and to watch your life begin to change, you need to just jump off the cliff. You may not understand everything about how
Hustle.Believe.Receive. works, or how your life will change, and that’s okay.
You just need to trust that it does, there are many, many examples proving this to be true. If you want a different life, if you want to change your thinking and have that change your life, then don’t let fear and doubt get in your way. Fear is there, it’s impossible to always avoid it, but if we train our minds to think beyond it, and to power through those thoughts then belief begins to be more powerful than fear.
And that’s when the magic begins…when you what??? …BELIEVE.
The faith of a child, the Bible says. It’s knowing without question that those experiences are on their way and that at some point in your life, probably when you least expect it, they will come to you. You will have attracted them through faith and actions. Belief is a learned behavior, like anything else. It’s something that comes to us over time with practice. What strengthens belief is celebrating every little win, embracing them with gratitude. When you do that, you start to live in a new awareness where you see signs of positive change all around you. You begin to see the little things you’re attracting into your life that are part of your dream, and your faith begins to grow. So don’t worry if it all sounds a little crazy right now, it will come to you as long as you don’t give up. And then one day you will realize that you absolutely believe that this works, it’s no longer something you tell yourself, it’s who you are.
You have a beautiful Blog! I love the positive affirmation in your post :))
Stop by my Blog @ http://quick-reads.blogspot.com
As always, Sarah, you are my inspiration and motivation. I think you are awesome and love reading your blogs and FB encouragement!
Wow …I love what u said about making your vision board about the experiences you want and not the material thing itself…that makes sense to me although Im still putting a picture of my dream house on my board and I will imagine what it feels like to stick my key in the door and unlock it and enter it everyday knowingits ALL mine. Peace, from Christie
Thank you Sarah for sharing such fantastic article,
Superb, each and every word came from your heart impressive and motivating,word that comes from heart touches everyone,
I also have similar feelings and thoughts, at present they are stored in my laptop, hope they will come to the public notice soon, andit may be the first step,
Once again thank you, such topics will motivate and encourage many, keep on going,
Hi Sarah, the LOA bring me here, first by the secret website, then FB. I need some help, please. I learned too believe in positive afirmations and in general believing since early age but because the mind and believes of people that surround me it has not always been easy. Now that i’m an adult married with thw love of my life and the job that i atracted, i’m having some dificults to get pregnant. I want so much a ealthy baby and i always believe that would be easy but now i even am taking prescrition medicins (progesteron) to get pregnant. Please, help me, what should i focus in so it be easy and rapid? Thank you very much for single word on your blog, you inspire lots of people. Peace and light, Marta from Portugal
I admire you, Sarah! You are so smart and so clever with words. Who cares if the grammar and spelling isn’t always perfect? Nobody is perfect! You are doing a good thing! I’m glad you are living your dream!
To BELIEVE or not to believe? Your story is inspiring – thank you. Believing in your life & future is a wonderful thing, but sometimes it goes beyond that. I believe in God and that He will take care of me, but I don’t always have the FAITH that I should. In my heart I don’t believe life is out to disappoint me, but sometimes it feels that way. Thanks again for sharing – keep up the good writing!
@Christine, yes I have pictures of my dream home too..I think the key is less about focusing on the thing on your board and more about the experience that comes with it. Just like you are doing! So for example I have a diamond engagement on my board, it’s not the big rock i’m focusing on (though it is pretty nice!) It’s the marriage I want…so the ring is just a reminder of the marriage. Make sense? you go girl you’ll bring it all 🙂
@Marta: first it’s awesome that you have lived your life knowing about the LOA and what a positive mind-set can bring into your life and it sounds like it’s already been working for you, so that’s amazing! Sooo….you should already know that it IS going to solve this problem for you. BUT and this is where I loose a lot of people, you must be open minded about HOW. So if you dream has always been to have a great husband and beautiful children, you WILL get that dream. You just need to be open to all possibilities of how that may come into your life. You must BELIEVE that what is RIGHT for you is what will come to you. This is the hard part because it might not be the answer you want. But you must trust that, if you BIG PICTURE Dream is to have a family you will. Focus on that big dream and keep your mind open to what little miracles the universe is at work trying to bring you.
Remember what you focus or stress about is what you get more of. so if your worried your not going to get pregnant you might not…put your energy on the bigger picture. Good luck! under the tag “Sarah’s Thoughts” there are several posts that you might be able to relate to.
Not only are you so right, you are so WISE. And so insightful. Your perspective is unbelievably mature, and I thank you for reminding me to BELIEVE.
I think the first time we see our parents beckoning us into the water, we DO jump. But maybe that first mouthful of water scares us away from jumping wholeheartedly in there again. Maybe it’s nature’s way of ensuring we learn how to swim. I wish we were encoded with the knowledge that all it requires is a little bit of kicking. Oxo
Sarah, what a powerful post. holding my dreams with intention and belief has brought such goodness and joy to my life. thanks for sharing your love!
Much Love,
What is LOA?
@Tiffany….you were always MY inspiration girl..this is the way you always thought even back in collage, with a positive up-beat attitude. You were my first role model 🙂 love ya girl!
LOA is The Law of Attraction
read the secret or the power by the author rhonda byrne!
THANKS SO MUCH Sarah. I will do it. Lots of positive energy to you. Peace, Marta
@Birdie…awe my love 🙂 you are the one I learn from 🙂 oxxoxo
I try to be positive day by day… I watch your video about “Fake it ’till you get it!”, it’s awesome. Sometime I get many critics from people around me that it’s crazy what I am doing. But, I don’t give a ####! I am doing my life, I know what is my happiness, I have my faith, and I believe what I am doing is worth!
Thanks Sarah 🙂
yeah, there are people in my life who have not been supportive as well. It’s hard, but sometimes you need to move on from negative people who dont respect and support your decisions to be a positive minded person..
Thanx alot sarah you r amazing n am always reading your blog, i love the idea of jumping off the cliff n believing u will land in the manifestation of your dreams.bless u u have helped me alot.
Hi Sarah, your story is very inspiring. I have had a similar experience when I was a teen. I had suffered from severe self-esteem issues, acne and excess weight. At that time, I wasn’t aware of the Secret, but something told me to keep dreaming and believing that I was immensely beautiful. Until now, I have no idea how it happened, but day by day I was becoming more and more beautiful. My acne practically dissolved away and I was getting slimmer. I had breathtaking experiences where people driving by used to stop and compliment me. Everyone around me didn’t stop telling me how beautiful I was. However, I started to fall back into my old belief system and now no one compliments me and I feel ugly all the time. My appearance changed and I gained weight. I am trying my best to believe and soon I will update you on my dream life coming true! Stay blessed and continue inspiring others 🙂