Why does it always feel like it’s one step forward and a mile back? Like regardless of how far you’ve come there is always something looking to knock you down?
I thank god for The Secret or the Law of Attraction because without it, at this very moment I might want to sit down bury my head in my hands and cry. And cry. And not get up for an extended period of time.
If you are a regular reader of this blog, than you know that I go through all the same struggles as each of you, that’s what makes being part of my journey real and raw and hopefully relate-able. Well I am yet again at one of those terrifying cross-roads in life. One of the “sink or swim moments” as I like to call them. And if it were not for the tools I have learned the past few years I would let the fear and doubt drive me crazy.
But I have tools thank god. Ones that make me KNOW in my heart of hearts, in my soul that “everything is gonna be alright”, as Bob Marley would say. I don’t know how. I now have no job, through no fault of my own. So that means no income. I’m back to square one after all the work I’ve done to climb the ladder.
But this is the time when magic, grit and hustle happen. This is when I swim.
God, one quick request…..make me Micheal Phelps.
Please and Thank you.
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Micheal Phelps |
Sarah Centrella is the author of the book Hustle Believe Receive which teaches you how to apply the #HBRMethod to change your life and live your dream.
Follow on social media: Instagram | Twitter | Snapchat | Pinterest | YouTube |Periscope @sarahcentrella
Hang in there…
You KNOW it will all work out SOMEHOW!
Just think about all the times it has already.
(That’s what I do…)
You have such a determined, resilient spirit about you. I stand in agreement with you that right now although you don’t know how, your tools that you’ve acquired will help you in your navigation to the next path of your life. I’ve also said a prayer for you and your beautiful babies tonight. Hoping you rest well and wake up with a renewed sense of hope, along with your grit, magic and hustle!
Xoxo and big hugs,
I haven’t been following long at all, so I don’t know your circumstance’s.. What I do Know is I was in a dark place when I came across you, your page I came across you and I met someone else on another page and they recommended your sight also to me:)Total Stranger to me also. So I know GOD was leading me to you. After reading some of your entries I became hopefull not hopeless. And for the first time I attempted to communicate with you. I have begun to reach out to have a better fullfilling future! I can relate to you,and all you have over came is inspiring me to believe. GOD must have something really special coming your way!!! You have opened door’s for me…. I am grateful to have made your aquaintance. You are helping me change to a better person for myself and my family:) Luanne
Thank you so much for the love and support everyone. Luanne, that made me cry… I cant begin to explain how grateful I am at this moment that my struggle has helped bring light to even one person. This is a scary place for me, I will be honest. But this reinforces what I KNOW to be true, and keeps me focused on my goals and dreams. Thank you so much 🙂 amazing things will come your way 🙂
I’m sorry to hear the sad news. I hope I can help you with some encouragement the way reading your Blog has encouraged me.
First, I’d like to thank you for sharing your story, all of it, the ups and downs. You laid your heart bare in a way that few do. I find that very refreshing.
Second, I appreciate your encouragement to everyone to make a vision board. My printer is broken, so in the meanwhile I made a drawing with my visions.(I’m no artist though)I filled it with drawings and set it on the counter next to my coffee pot to look at, at the start of every day.
You are an amazing woman and I’m sure you will find a new job soon. You’re not alone in your fight. I as well as many others will be pulling for you, waiting to hear how you do.
One door closes….so a better one can open. You got this. Bigger and better. NYC or bust. 😉
Brian thank you so much for that. And I LOVE your vision board!! How cleaver! now that is a man who knows what he wants AND WILL GET IT!!
Your right I do lay myself bare, and it is raw…but it’s the only way that I know how to be my authentic self and though it’s terrifying every time, I have to trust that I’m not alone and that someone out there will be feeling those same things and that by me verbalizing them it will encourage and uplift them too. So thank you for that support it means the world to me 🙂
Yes, NYC and NOT seen the last of me baby!! OOOOHHH no! 🙂
You’re incredible. I hope you really do know that.
I feel so lucky in being able to hear your wise and articulate words. It gives me the strength to believe. Your unwavering faith is so inspirational.
So if I can say anything that can give you some support then its that you are full of the most AMAZING spirt ever!!! And with that, in a way, you’ve already achieved the life of your dreams because its gonna be IMPOSSIBLE for you not to achieve it!!!!
This post really reminded me of this song called swim good: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BHSbZSfJfCc
(The guy is kinda hot too!)
I can’t wait to comment on your post telling me about your fantastic new job! 😀
Wide out the wave babe and swim GURRRDDD ! :’)
Much Love,
Love you for that Anna, thank you so much 🙂 I learned form the very best!
You are truly amazing and very brave, tonight I will pray for you. And I don’t have a doubt in my heart that you won’t be evrything you want to be and do in life.
Awe 🙂 thank you so much! thank you.
I’m a huge follower of the LOA as well!! And you inspire me,TOTALLY!!! 🙂 Thank you so much for that!!!:)