Today is a HUGE milestone in this amazing journey I’ve been on the past few years. My book Hustle Believe Receive. An 8 Step Plan to Changing Your Life and Living Your Dream is now available on Amazon for pre-order!

Pre-order Hustle Believe Receive NOW!
It’s official book store release will be Jan 1, 2016 but you can reserve your copy now and it will be shipped before it’s available in stores (around Christmas). PS we are still working on the cover, so that’s why no picture is shown on Amazon yet.

But I love this cover mock-up by Wylie West Creative
If you’ve been following my journey and believe in the #HBRMovement than I’d REALLY love and appreciate your help in ordering your copy and sharing the news! You really do make a difference in how this story unfolds; the bigger our pre-sale numbers the bigger the chance that this book could debut on the best seller lists! So your help is soooo appreciated!
I kinda can’t believe it! It was 2012 when I wrote my first book and started this process of getting a book published. Though that book is much different than this one, the core concept and idea is still the same, and #TheHustle is the same. It’s crazy to see my name on Amazon as an author, and not as a self-published (no shade, just not the route I was seeking) is just almost unbelievable.
It’s been a long, exhausting, sometimes unbearably frustrating three years in many respects, but once this book became THE BOOK, the pieces really did just fall into place. I’m so proud of this book and feel with all my heart that it will change the world. It will inspire a generation that hasn’t known they could change their future and become their dream. I know it. And not because anything I am or could do, but because I listen when this mission called me and I’ve believed in it will every fiber in my being and because of that it is far bigger than me, and far grater. I’m so grateful to be the carrier of this message, one of many. If you look around your own life at the people you know who are successful I can promise you they have been carrying this message too, just like everyone in my book.
If you want to learn how to apply and master the #HBRMethod 8 steps to changing your life and living your dream than sign up for my #HBRBootcamp!! I’m registering now for May 2nd class, and space is limited! If you message me to sign up I will give you $200 off registration.
Engage on social media using these tags. Follow HBR on Instagram @HustleBelieveReceiveand Twitter: @HustleBelieveR and @HBRMethod
#HustleBelieveReceive #HBRMethod #HBRStories #HBRLife
This is so exciting Sarah! I ordered mine today, can’t wait to get it!
I just ordered mine I am very excited to read it. I’ve followrd you for a long time. Happy for all your success.
Very proud of you for doing it. Just ordered my copy!