How to Get a Literary Agent.

One of the most amazing manifestations of my life.. I’d waited for an envisioned this moment for four years, I had no choice but to whip out my trusty phone and do an on the spot video in Grand Central Station last week in New York.


This is how I used the steps I teach here on this blog and in my new book #HustleBelieveReceive to manifest signing a contract with my dream literary agent. Below is a simple example of how I applied each step that led to manifesting my dream.


I’ve gently stalked my literary agent for the last four years, she’s amazing and she is the one I’ve wanted to work with since day one. I even refereed to her as my agent long before I had actually acquired her (#OwnItBeIt).  For the past four years I’ve sent her all three books I’ve written (#TheHustle) and each time she provided useful constructive feedback that enabled me to go back to the drawing board and start over, producing a better product, and I’m so grateful that I didn’t give up (#RelentlessPursuit) and I trusted the process to know that somehow each of those rejections where all part of my #BigPictureDream, using the steps #ChillOut (step 8) and #SurvivingEarthquakeMoments in dealing with the rejection. I knew deep down she saw something in me or my story, or my voice that she believed in to keep her engaged and responding and so I fostered that and promised myself that if anyone was going to represent me and make money from my work I wanted it to be her. I wanted to pay her back for that belief in me, this was all part of building a relationship with her using #ChangeYourCrew.   I just knew it would happen (#MottoForLife), and when she read Hustle.Believe.Receive. it was the magic project that got her excited and ready to sign me. A dream come true (#ManifestThat!) Never give up, no matter what anyone tells you. If it’s your passion and you believe in it with all your heart and work your ass off, you will live a moment just like this.

Author | Life Coach | Motivational Speaker and single mama. I'm a chick on a mission to prove anything is possible for ANYONE. My story featured in the New York Times, Steve Harvey Show and NBC.

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5 comments on “How to Get a Literary Agent.
  1. Jennifer Wisan says:

    So exciting Sarah congratulations!

  2. This news is fabulous! Congratulations! Theresa H Hall/BlogCatalog

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