Yesterday marked the 10th week of my marathon training with Portland Fit for the Portland Marathon. My mission? To run 11 grueling miles. This time it wasn’t grueling because of the vast rolling hills, crazy flights of stairs or weaving in and out of traffic… it was painful because it was the opposite. Flat, boring and never-ending. My fifteen minute pit-stop three miles in at the park restroom proved two things: 1. I should never eat spicy Thai the night before a run, and 2. I was never going to catch up with my group again. So I trudged along the next 8 miles by myself, no pace-setter, no group to aspire to run with. And let me tell you there was more than one time when I considered turning around and going home to my cozy bed, since there was no one watching, but I’m proud to say I didn’t. I forged on alone for the entire 11.
To keep me occupied I took pictures of anything remotely interesting along the way…and tweeted my misery and epiphanies, and inner dialog into the unknown. Yes I take selfies while I run, and tweet, and sometimes send bitchy “FML” texts to my besties. Don’t judge me, when your out running 11 miles by yourself see if you don’t go a little crazy! So be sure to follow my progress, journey, thoughts and ramblings live on Twitter Saturday mornings from 6:00 am -God knows whenever I finish. I’m sure it will at least entertain you.
Here is my photo diary of yesterdays run….you’re welcome.

The dreaded “Spring water trail” not sure why I hate it so much, it follows the river with a view of the city, it’s only for runners and bikers and the entire thing is flat…. and it goes on FOREVER!

This is the most interesting thing along the trail… a bird shelter thing.. with paintings if giant birds…

Finally crossing my “home stretch” bridge, while being tweeted by Portland Fit, and nearly trampled by the “fast group” who’d started their run a good 40 minutes after me… (while taking a selfie, that turned out too horrid to post.. I blame the “fast group” for that unfortunate epic fail..they stressed me out)…

Highlight of my run… watching the fast group take a water brake after passing me (I had no idea they took breaks…why didn’t anyone ever tell me this was allowed!?)… oh yeah..the highlight was passing them… the low light was them sailing past me 30 seconds later…

lovely, encouraging tweet from Portland Fit, which totally derailed any hope I had of quitting, stopping at the Saturday market for breakfast, or running up the street to Starbucks and waiting till everyone was gone to return to my car…After all they were assuming I could finish this thing… dammit

well….it’s not pancakes but I couldn’t wait long enough to drive to a breakfast place, and there was no way I could wait for my order once I got there!
Sooooo…. This week marked another milestone. The first time I’ve put on, or taken a picture of myself in a 2 piece swimsuit. Yeah…not saying it’s a good look or anything, but I’m documenting my progress for this Marathon Life blog series and that was this weeks progress. The interesting thing (insane thing) about this picture is it’s probably the first time anyone but my kids have seen my stomach in years! I’ve hidden it at all costs sense having my twins (yet I just put it on the internet like a total lunatic..smh). When I was pregnant with my twins I could not reach my arms around my belly to touch each other, I could not fit behind a steering wheel to drive my car the last six weeks of my pregnancy. My abs are torn and separated by more than three inches, something only surgery can repair… so please understand that this picture is painful for me to post. But I want to inspire someone out there that anything really is possible. That if you set your mind to do something and apply Hustle.Believe.Receive. you really can live out any dream you have for yourself.
Two months ago AOL and about 1/2 million people on the internet thought it was pretty hilarious to call me a “fat disgusting pig”. To send me death threats and say things like “miss piggy should die, no wonder why she can’t get a date.” And on and on…. It’s intense when your thrown into something like that, especially when you did it from a good happy place, you don’t think people are capability of that type of animal cruelty. But they are, and the only choice I had, was to shake it off, and move forward towards my dream. I want to be clear that I registered for this marathon training and planned to run this marathon this year, for YEARS. It is absolutely NOT a result of those ignorant comments or the reaction to my weight from the Steve Harvey show. I am a size 12. I was a 12/14 when I did the show, I’ve not lost more than maybe 10 lbs during this training, and if I don’t lose any more I’m fine with that. I’ve learned to love the skin I’m in. To appreciate the health that God has blessed me with and to take care of my body in a healthy way. For all of you women (and men) out there who don’t think that you are beautiful, or good enough just as you are, please knock it off! Please look in the mirror and thank God for the health he has given you, and then if you want to change anything about yourself… go change it. If you want a different life… go get it.
Anything is possible. I am your proof.
Author Bio:
Sarah Centrella is a Life Coach for professional athletes, and anyone with a dream. She is also an author and motivational speaker. Follow her on Twitter for motivation and inspiration, be sure to Subscribe for my newsletter and info on free coaching classes.
You are so brave and have inspired me to start running too! When I wanted to quit on my run I just kept thinking “Sarah is running 11 miles!” Thank you!
see…? Anything is possible
Wow you have come a long way girl! Thanks for the inspiration! I love your tweets on Sat Mornings! Proud of u. Keep up the great work.
thanks Margret, I hope they are at least entertaining lol
I don’t know how u do it girl seriously. I can’t run to save my life, your doing great ignore the haters.
Much appreciated Martin, thank you
Love the pictures
I love the new social login so I can make comments using my favorite social network!!