You know that place, the one where you’ve been working your ass off forever and it feels like your not making any progress? You know you’re on the right path, and that a break has gotta be coming soon, but you feel stuck, like you are never going to break through that wall. That’s kinda how the last few months have felt. I worked and worked, day and night preparing for what I know is coming. Yet it felt like I was running in place. It’s the place where 98% of people quit, and 2% push through. Napoleon Hill says that the 2% who push through that last level, the one that seems like you’ve done all in your power and it’s just never gonna happen, he says those are the ones who reach their ultimate dream. That it’s right on the other side, waiting for them. But those other 98% just couldn’t see it any more, couldn’t believe anymore, and couldn’t keep on pushing. So they quit, not knowing that right on the other side of that wall, was the success they had been working towards all along.
When I read that, I knew what percentile I wanted to be in. I made a mental commitment to myself over a year ago after reading Think and Grow Rich, that no matter how tough it got I’d never quit. I’d keep pushing, because the thought of giving up at the finish line seemed, oh so tragic.
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I’ve proven his theory to be true to myself so many times. I will go through that phase of non-stop hustle and feel like it got me nowhere, then I’ll question what I’m doing, and then I’ll kill the doubt and walk right into that wall. Well today was one of those moments when I got through the wall and my dream was on the other side. I signed my first official contract to give the Motivational Key Note Address at a function in April in Los Angeles. My ultimate dream. Not only that but in the course of a little over 24 hours I was approached by three different organizations to give the Key Note Address at various events.
One of the events is a moment I’ve pictured in my head for almost two years. It’s giving the Key Note at the annual Washington Red Cross fundraiser. Since my home flooded I knew I wanted to give back to the Red Cross in some way, and have been approached about speaking at their events in the past but something had come up. This time all the stars aligned and as fate would have it, it will be my first ever speech of it’s kind. How fitting is that? Something that at the time seemed like the world had just fallen apart and that I’d never recover from it, turned into the gateway to my ultimate Big Picture Dream…. That’s the very definition of Hustle.Believe.Receive.
Push through the wall, your dream is waiting.
*The picture above is of my vision board at work (also on my Pinterest board) of a microphone, to represent my dream to be a motivational speaker. I put that up in 2010 long before anyone was reading my blog, and long before I really thought I could ever make it happen. Next to it is the Red Cross logo which went up after our home flooded, I put it next to the mic to remind me that one day I wanted to thank them in a speech, to give back. The picture below is my first ever speakers contract which I signed today. Three years after putting that goal/wish/dream/vision out into the world. Dreams come true. I’m living proof that anything is possible for anyone.
**If you want to learn how to manifest the life you’ve always wanted and how to make a #FutureBoard (vision board) that actually WORKS sign up for my #HBRBootcamp NOW!
Sarah Centrella is the author of the book Hustle Believe Receive which teaches you how to apply the #HBRMethod to change your life and live your dream.
Follow on social media: Instagram | Twitter | Snapchat | Pinterest | YouTube |Periscope @sarahcentrella
Great S!!!
I needed to read this right now
All morning i’ve been plagued by the feeling of self doubt, failure, before i read this post i was ready to give up
Id even said a prayer to God asking maybe i should accept my medicrity and that i would just be one of those people who despite the hardwork, the belief, things just won’t happen for me.
your blog always inspires me so i thought i’d come here not even knowing why and I read this
all i can say is thank you and thank God for bringing me here
I cant tell you how much this warms my heart… it’s the reason I have such a passion to share my story and the knowledge I have gained with the world… this makes it all worth it 🙂 thank you for inspiring me 🙂
I am not one for hard work. I’m more a sit in the background type person. But approaching my 40th birthday I want to wow people with a noticeable weigtloss and you have inspired me to push through my feelings of laziness and go.get that slim body hurried under layers of fat and insecurity. I keep you posted on my progress on fb and twitter x. DS.