Someday Soon….

I can’t wait for the day when I no longer miss you.
When you’re not the first thing I think of when I hit the snooze button.
There will be a morning, when on my way to the office as I pass your old work, you won’t even cross my mind.
When I won’t glance at my phone to see if I missed your call.
One day I’ll walk into the gym, I won’t scan it looking for you.
When I won’t double-take every man with your stats.
Someday, soon I hope….
I’ll forget the sound of your voice.
Forget your laugh.
I’ll forget what it was that drew me to you.
One day I’ll let the dream go.
On nights when I can’t sleep, I won’t have to try and stop myself from calling you.
You are gone.
You did not choose me.
Someday soon….
I will forget you.

Author | Life Coach | Motivational Speaker and single mama. I'm a chick on a mission to prove anything is possible for ANYONE. My story featured in the New York Times, Steve Harvey Show and NBC.

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One comment on “Someday Soon….
  1. Anonymous says:

    It just hurts so much when the person you love doesn’t even care. Where once you meant everything to them and now you are nothing. I can feel these words. Everyday i have a fight inside me to stop thinking about him and not love him. But i Fail.
    I hope someday i forget him.

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